Apricots in their own juice for the winter

Apricots in their own juice for the winter

Sweet and juicy apricots are valued not only for their inexpressible taste. They contain many vitamins, micro-and macro-elements necessary for the human body. When closing these fruits for the winter, the hostesses strive to preserve not only their organoleptic qualities, but also useful properties. One of the most successful procurement options are apricots in its own juice. They are prepared according to a special technology that does not involve boiling fruits and adding large amounts of sugar, making such desserts much more useful than traditional fruit drinks and preserves.

Cooking Features

Even a beginning hostess can cope with cooking apricots in her own juice if she knows a few subtleties.

  • Apricots for preserving them in their own juice choose ripe, but not overripe. Green fruits give bad juice, overripe quickly lose their neat shape.
  • Apricots for making sweet preparations from them can be peeled, then the dessert will be more appetizing and tender. Peel the fruit will be easy to remove, if you lower them for a couple of minutes in boiling water or at least pour over boiling water.
  • Apricots are closed for winter in sterilized jars, otherwise the canned food will quickly deteriorate. Covers use only metal, providing tightness, plastic will not cope with this task. The lids, like the jars, are not clean enough to be cleaned, they need to be sterilized. Usually they are subjected to this for 5 minutes to boil in pure water.
  • After closing, jars with apricots closed in their own juice are turned over and wrapped. Cooling down in a steam bath, canned foods are subject to additional preservation.
  • Apricots in their own juice can be made without adding sugar or with a meager amount, which makes it possible to use dessert, albeit in small quantities, by those who are diagnosed with diabetes. The less sugar was added to the billet, the more demanding it is to storage conditions.
  • Citric acid improves the taste of the dessert and contributes to its better preservation.

Apricots, preserved in their own juice, are usually stored in a cool room at a temperature slightly below room temperature, but there are recipes prepared according to which canned food can only be in the refrigerator.

Apricots in their own juice with a small amount of sugar

Composition (for 2, 25-2, 5 l):

  • apricots - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash the apricots. Drain them with a kitchen towel.
  • Cut the fruit in half, remove the bones from it.
  • Wash with soda and sterilize 0, 5-0, 75 l cans. It is important that they be the same volume.
  • Boil the lids with which you plan to close the canned food.
  • Slice the apricots in jars, sprinkling them with a small amount of sugar.
  • Cover the jars with lids and leave for 2 hours at room temperature to let the fruit run.
  • Put a towel in the pot, put apricot tins on it.
  • Pour water into the pan so that its level reaches the hangers of the cans.
  • Put the pan on a slow fire. Sterilize apricot jars for 60-90 minutes depending on the volume of cans used. Time zapsya after boiling water in a saucepan. During sterilization apricots produce a lot of juice, and it will cover them completely or almost completely.
  • Carefully, in order not to burn yourself and do not move the lids, remove the jars of fruit from the pan. Roll them up.
  • Turn over, cover with a blanket, leave to cool in this form.

After the jars of apricots have cooled, they must be placed in the refrigerator.

The classic recipe of apricots in its own juice (with sugar and citric acid)

The composition (1, 5 l):

  • apricots - 1, 5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 3-4 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Sterilize the jars, add citric acid and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to the bottom.
  • Wash fruits, remove bones from them.
  • Fold the halves of apricots in jars, pouring sugar.
  • Cover with lids, leave for 1-2 hours indoors.
  • Put in a saucepan and sterilize in boiling water for 25-30 minutes. Juice during this time, fruit will allocate even more.
  • Remove the jars from the pan, cork. Put on the covers, cover with a blanket.

After cooling, the banks can be moved to a pantry or other cool room. The billet is well worth it even at room temperature.

Apricots in its own juice on fructose with spices

The composition (1, 5 l):

  • pitted apricots - 1, 5 kg;
  • fructose - 60 g;
  • anise - 2-3 pcs .;
  • cardamom - 3-4 pcs .;
  • carnation - 3-4 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash apricots. Snip the skin of them.
  • Boil water, dip fruit in it, blanch for 2-3 minutes.
  • Drop it in a colander and place it under a tap with cold water.
  • Peel the cooled apricots, cut them in half, remove the bones from them.
  • Sterilize the jars. At the bottom of each place spices, add half of the fructose indicated in the recipe.
  • Spread the fruit over the jars, sprinkle with the remaining fructose.
  • Cover the jars with the prepared lids.
  • Put a towel in the pan, put the jars on it. Type in the pan water.
  • Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and sterilize the jars of apricots for 15-25 minutes, depending on their size.
  • Remove the jars, tighten them tightly with metal lids.
  • Leave to cool upside down under a warm blanket.

This exquisite dessert can only be stored in the refrigerator and not longer than 6 months.

Apricots in their own juice look appetizing, turn out tasty and healthy. They can be closed for the winter according to various recipes, some of which do not involve the use of sugar or require the addition of this sweet product in small quantities. The less sugar was put in canned food, the lower should be the temperature of their storage.

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