Green borsch with sorrel and egg

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

Doctors do not get tired to repeat that the first dishes must be included in the diet in order to prevent problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Summer is the time to pamper your household with oxalic soup, or, as it is often called, green borschik. Today's master class will be devoted specifically to the preparation of this tasty and healthy soup.

To prepare you will need:

  • meat (beef and / or pork) - 800 grams (it is advisable to take not only the pulp, but also a few bones) to make borscht rich,
  • potatoes - 4-5 pieces,
  • bulb onion - 1 pc.,
  • carrots - 1 pc. small (optional),
  • sorrel - 2 bundles,
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • salt - to taste,
  • water - in fact,
  • sour cream - to serve.


Green borsch with sorrel and egg

1. Prepare all the necessary products for cooking green borscht.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

2. My meat and put it in the pan. Fill with water and set on fire. As soon as the water boils, salt the broth. During cooking do not forget to remove the foam, otherwise the broth will not work transparent.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

3. Potatoes, pre-peeled, cut into medium-sized sticks.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

4. Peel the onions, wash. Finely cut.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

5. If you decide to put carrots in a soup, then you need to clean it and grate it on a fine grater.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

6. Mine sorrel. We dry a little. We cut.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

7. Boil one hard-boiled egg.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

8. Half an hour after the broth boils, put the prepared potatoes in the broth.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

9. While the potatoes are boiling, let's do the cooking zazharki. Heat vegetable oil in a pan. Fry onions.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

10. If you chose to use carrots for cooking soup, then you need to fry it with onions.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

11. Add tomato paste to the zazharochka. Mix well. Fry a little more.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

12. Put the cooked fry in the broth.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

13. Add crushed sorrel. Stir. Cook borscht until cooked potatoes.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

14. At the very end in the soup you need to put eggs. Raw egg, beat with a fork. Pour it into a thin stream of borschik, constantly stirring.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

15. Boiled egg clean. Finely chopped. Sent in broth. Stir.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

16. The green borsch should boil a little more, then remove it from the heat and let it brew for 10-15 minutes without removing the lid from the pan.

Green borsch with sorrel and egg

17. Pour soup into plates. Serve to the table. An excellent addition to this yummy will be a spoon of sour cream.

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