Buns with jam: recipes, secrets and subtleties of cooking. How to make buns with jam from yeast, shortbread, puff pastry

Buns with jam: recipes, secrets and subtleties of cooking. How to make buns with jam from yeast, shortbread, puff pastry

What could be more fragrant and tastier than freshly baked homemade buns? And if they are also with their favorite jam ...

Jam Scones - General Principles

Cooking buns with jam can be from yeast, puff, pastry and even shortbread dough. In any case, the products for the test must be prepared in advance. It is recommended to sift the flour through a sieve, margarine or sweet butter melt in a water bath or in a microwave and cool, use fresh yeast.

Jam for such buns fits any: strawberry, currant, apricot, apple and others. The main thing is that it is not very liquid, otherwise when frying or baking there is the likelihood that the jam will leak, which is why the buns can burn.

For taste, you can also add a little crushed nuts, sugar, if the jam is sour, fresh berries or fruits.

Ready made buns can be served hot and cooled with milk, tea, cocoa, coffee.

1. Buns with yeast dough jam


• flour - a little less than a kilogram;

• milk - 300 ml;

• pressed yeast - a small piece;

• sugar - 170 g;

• 1 egg;

• butter - 50 g;

• vegetable oil - 40 ml;

• a glass of thick jam.

Cooking Method:

1. Put yeast in a cup with slightly warmed milk, add sugar, mix well.

2. Separate the egg white from the yolk (leave the yolk to lubricate the buns), whip the protein with a fork and pour into the milk with yeast.

3. Pour the flour, knead well, so that there is not a lump.

4. Add sunflower and melted butter, knead everything to a uniform, plastic state.

5. Cover the dough with a clean cloth and allow to rise.

6. After a few hours, dough a little knead hands on the table and divided into several parts.

7. All the parts in turn roll out into a not very thin rectangular cake. 8. In the middle of each tortilla put jam, about 1 tablespoon.

9. Tighten edges firmly.

10. Collapse in the form of "snail".

11. Put the resulting buns on the prepared sheet, brush with yolk, place in a hot oven for 25 minutes at a moderate temperature.

12. Cool baked buns under a towel right on the baking sheet.

13. Put in a deep dish, serve with tea.

2. Muffins with jam on margarine


• 2 eggs;

• high fat milk - half a glass;

• sugar - 120 g;

• half a pack of cream margarine;

• half a pack of pressed yeast;

• flour - 2 glasses;

• strawberry jam - 150 g;

• vegetable oil - to lubricate the sheet.

Cooking Method:

1. In a cup, mix the yeast well with a small amount of sugar.

2. Pour warm milk into the yeast.

3. Add a little flour, stir, give a little brew.

4. In another bowl, rub the eggs with the remaining sugar, add the lightly melted margarine, stir everything.

5. Eggs with margarine enter into the yeast mixture, add flour residues, knead the dough to an elastic state.

6. Transfer the dough to a greased bowl with oil and leave for 60 minutes to lift under the lid.

7. Dough mash hands on the table and divided into two halves.

8. Roll each half into a cake, cut it into equal parts of a triangular shape.

9. On each triangle with the edge put a little strawberry jam.

10. Firmly roll the edges and form a croissant bun.

11. Put the resulting croissants on a greased deep pan, leave for 10 minutes to distance.

12. Place in a hot oven for 25 minutes.

13. Serve to the table in the cooled form.

3. Buns with jam tube


• 8 glasses of flour;

• dry yeast - half a pack;

• egg -3 pcs .;

• butter - 50 g;

• milk - 15 tbsp. spoons;

• sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;

• 15 g of salt.


• jam - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking Method:

1. Dissolve the yeast in slightly warmed water with a small amount of sugar, mix well and let stand under a towel. 2. Put a soft butter in a separate bowl, add sugar, salt and whisk.

3. Break eggs into butter, pour in milk, whisk thoroughly.

4. Pour the dissolved yeast into the egg-oil mixture, stir, add flour and knead to a uniform, elastic state.

5. Close the dough with a towel and leave to raise.

6. Dough knead hands on the table and cut into two halves.

7. Roll into a layer, cut into 16 even parts in the form of wedges.

8. On the big side of the wedge put the jam, roll in the form of a tube.

9. Arrange the buns on the prepared sheet, allow to stand for 10 minutes.

10. Place in a hot oven and bake until light brown at a moderate temperature.

11. Serve cooled buns to tea or compote.

4. Buns with puff pastry jam

Ingredients for puff pastry:

• flour - half a kilogram;

• butter - 300 g;

• purified water - 300 ml;

• salt - half a teaspoon;

• 1 egg;

• acetic acid - 10 ml.

For filling:

• any jam.

For lubrication:

• 1 yolk for buns;

• some vegetable oil for baking sheet.

Cooking Method:

1. Sift flour on a flat tray, put soft butter in the center. Finely chop the butter with a knife, mix with flour.

2. In a glass of water dissolve the salt, egg, a little acetic acid.

3. In a flour with butter, make a small hole and pour in a mixture of water and egg, knead everything thoroughly.

4. Roll the dough into plastic wrap and cool for several hours in the refrigerator.

5. Cut dough into pieces, form balls.

6. From the test balls to form hands with lozenges, cut into circles.

7. Place all the circles on the prepared sheet, put jam (1 teaspoon) in the middle, pinch the edges, and make a pattern of dough in the form of the number “eight” on top.

8. Grease the buns with egg yolk.

9. Place the pan in the oven heated to 250 degrees for half an hour.

10. Cool the finished puff buns and serve them to the table.

5. Simple buns with jam in the form of roll

Ingredients for the dough:

• yeast - 2 tea spoons;

• sugar - 170 g;

• butter - 70 g;

• milk - 12 tbsp. spoons;

• salt - 15 g;

• flour - 12 tbsp. spoons;

• any jam - 125 g;

• egg yolk - for lubricating buns;

• vegetable oil - to lubricate the sheet.

Cooking Method:

1. Pour yeast and 70 g of sugar into a deep bowl, mix.

2. Put the melted butter in the yeast, pour in the warmed milk, add salt, add the remaining sugar and flour, knead well, leave to rise.

3. Crush the dough on the table with your hands, cut into two halves.

4. All parts take turns rolling into cakes, put on a prepared sheet, allow to stand.

5. After a few minutes, put jam in the middle of each layer.

6. Connect the edges and close well, smear with yolk and place in a hot oven for 25 minutes.

7. Cool baked rolls, cut into small portions and serve with tea.

6. Economical jam buns


• sugar - a little more than a glass;

• vegetable oil - 1 cup;

• 20 g of salt;

• water - 2 glasses;

• yeast - 1 pack;

• 700 g of flour.

• any jam;

• egg yolk for smearing buns.

Cooking Method:

1. Pour oil into a bowl and add 200 g of sugar, a little salt and pour a glass of water, stir well and heat over moderate heat until bubbling bubbles appear, remove from heat and cool.

2. In a large mug pour the yeast and the remaining sugar, pour a glass of water, stir until dissolved.

3. Add the yeast to the cooled mixture of butter, sugar and salt, pour in the flour and knead the dough well, leave to rise for 30 minutes.

4. Cut the dough into pieces, roll it into a large flat cake, cut it into small squares.

5. Put jam in the center of the squares (1 teaspoon each), close the edges firmly.

6. Put the prepared buns with jam on a baking tray lined with parchment, leave to stand and put in a hot oven, bake until light brown in color.

7. Serve cool to tea or milk.

7. Buns with crumbly shortcrust jam


• a pound of flour;

• packaging butter;

• 150 grams of sugar and the same sour cream;

• half a teaspoon of soda and baking powder;

• a pinch of salt;

• jam;

• a few drops of citric acid;

• two egg yolks.

Cooking Method:

1. Sift the flour into a deep bowl, add sugar, hydrated soda and baking powder.

2. Add softened butter, egg yolks and sour cream to the bulk.

3. Knead the dough with your hands.

4. Wrap the tests in the film, put it in the fridge for a few hours.

5. Transfer the “rested” dough to a floured table, knead.

6. Divide the dough into small circles, each roll in flour.

7. Each ball to level hands, giving them the shape of cakes. Put a teaspoon of thick jam in the center, pinch the edges.

8. Put the buns on the oiled sheet, send in the oven for half an hour at a moderate temperature.

9. Cool ready-made buns directly on the sheet, serve with tea.

Jam Scones - Tricks and Tips

• To give the buns a beautiful golden color, grease the surface before baking with a mixture of egg yolk and water.

• You can sprinkle the product before baking sugar.

• To avoid lumps in the dough, knead best with his hands.

• Buns will not burn and will not stick together if you spread the blanks on a well-oiled baking tray at a distance from each other.

• If the dough is not finished on the top and the bottom starts to burn, put a container of water down the oven.

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