Watermelon jam for the winter - is dedicated to all the sweet tooth! We harvest tasty and fragrant jam from the pulp of watermelon and crusts

Watermelon jam for the winter - is dedicated to all the sweet tooth! We harvest tasty and fragrant jam from the pulp of watermelon and crusts

Watermelons can be eaten not only in summer! Wonderful berries can be harvested for the future. Very tasty salted and pickled watermelons. If you want something sweet, you can make jam.

Indifferent sweet teeth will not remain!

Watermelon jam for the winter - general principles of cooking

Jam can be prepared from the pure pulp of watermelon or from the crusts. Both options are very tasty and interesting, and if illiquid parts are used, it is also very cheap. According to the standard scheme, sugar is added at the rate of 1: 1, but since watermelons are sweet, sometimes the amount of sand is reduced.

Cooking methods:

• Single. The product is filled with sugar, infused to highlight the juice, then boiled down to the desired consistency.

• Triple. Watermelons are boiled in syrup for several minutes, then completely cooled several times.

• With boiling syrup. This method allows you to get a thick jam, reminiscent of honey.

In addition to the main ingredients, lemon juice or acid can be added to the jam. They do not allow delicacy to be candied, and also give taste. Often put zest, cloves, cinnamon, sometimes watermelon combined with other fruits or berries.

Ready-made jam can be simply decomposed into dry jars, closed with tight lids, put into the fridge. If the harvesting is done for the winter, then it is better to use sterile jars and hermetic lids, so the treat will stand reliably not only until next season, if, of course, something remains of it.

Ordinary watermelon pulp jam

The recipe is simple, but very tasty and fragrant jam from the pulp of watermelon. In addition to sugar and the main ingredient, you will additionally need lemon juice. You can instead dilute 0.3 tsp. acid.


• 1 kg of watermelon pulp;

• 900 g of sugar;

• 0.3 lemon.


1. It is advisable not to use over-ripe watermelons for jam. We choose an elastic pulp, cut it into cubes, put it in a pan or in a basin, before it was used to make jam in them. 2. Fall asleep sugar. Watermelons are very juicy, so we cover and leave for only two hours. But if you wish, you can leave it in the fridge all night.

3. Juice stood out? Gently stir the remaining sugar, put the pan on the stove. We bring to a boil, we mark exactly ten minutes and turn off. The foam that will appear during the cooking process should be removed immediately.

4. Once the jam is completely cool, turn on the stove again and cook the watermelons for another 10 minutes. Cool to room temperature.

5. Before the last cooking, add lemon juice. You can pour the diluted acid, but in a dry form can not fall asleep. Dilute with hot water, so it dissolves in a small amount of liquid.

6. Now you need to boil the treat again for 10-15 minutes, then pour it into sterile jars, roll it up.

Watermelon jam for winter (from crusts)

There is a very interesting recipe for jam from watermelons for the winter, which is prepared from waste in the truest sense of the word. White crusts are used, which are between the pulp and the green crust. The weight of the pure product, that is, the cut. If it is a layer of red flesh, then do not worry.


• 2 kg of watermelon peels;

• 6 Art. water;

• 2 kg of granulated sugar;

• lemon.


1. Peeled white crusts need to be cut. So that they are well soaked in syrup, large pieces do not need. You can cut into cubes, cubes, triangles or in any other way.

2. Fold the crusts into a saucepan, add 6 cups of cold water, bring to a boil, boil for ten minutes.

3. Drain the water, add sugar syrup to it, put it on the stove again and bring to the boil.

4. Return the crusts to the pan, boil for ten minutes, cool.

5. Grind the zest with lemon, squeeze the juice.

6. Once the jam is completely cool, pour in the juice, put the zest and boil again ten minutes after boiling.

7. Re-cool.

8. Put the watermelon delicacy again on the stove, cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes, pour it into jars, remove for storage.

Thick watermelon pulp jam

The method of making jam from the pulp of watermelon for the winter, which turns out to be very thick, is even something like honey in its consistency. The method of cooking is a one-time, but it will take about four hours along with insisting.


• 2 kg of watermelon pulp;

• 1.6 kg of granulated sugar;

• 0.3 tsp. citric acid.


1. Cut the flesh of the watermelon into slices, but not shallow, for this method you can make quite large cubes up to 2-3 centimeters.

2. Pour a little sugar on the bottom of the pan, put the watermelon blanks, fill it with sugar on top.

3. Cover, leave for a couple of hours to highlight the juice.

4. Put on the stove, gently stir, boil the watermelon pieces for about ten minutes. As the appearance of the foam, carefully remove.

5. We take a skimmer, take out the pieces of watermelon from the syrup. Or simply merge into a colander. Pieces need to be covered with something to prevent accidental litter or dust from getting into them.

6. Return the syrup to the stove, set to cook.

7. To prevent sugaring. In a tablespoon of water dissolve citric acid, add to saucepan.

8. Prepare the syrup until it becomes thicker. But remember that after cooling it will thicken again. Usually boiled on a third.

9. Return the watermelon pieces to the syrup, boil for about ten minutes all together and you're done! Cool and remove the jam in the fridge. Either spill the hot mass in sterile jars, remove for storage.

Watermelon jam for winter with soda (from crusts)

Another way to cook the watermelon crust for winter. It is distinguished by the use of baking soda. The product softens the fibers, the crusts become softer, after cooking, they somehow resemble pineapple slices.


• 1 kg of peeled watermelon peels;

• 1 tsp. regular soda;

• 1.2 kg of sugar;

• 1 cup of boiling water;

• 1 g vanilla.


1. Peeled white crusts cut into small cubes or slices. Unlike pulp, it is better to chop them finely. Fall asleep in the pot. 2. A teaspoon of soda pour a glass of boiling water, stir, add five more glasses of cold water. Pour all this to watermelon crusts, stir.

3. Leave the blank for five hours.

4. Drain the water with soda, rinse the pieces, pour clean cold water for 30 minutes. Then we drain it too.

5. We pour out half the sugar, it turns out 600 g, add three glasses of water to it, put it on the stove and prepare the syrup, it is enough to bring to a boil.

6. Put the prepared watermelon crusts in the syrup, pour in the remaining sugar, carefully stir and slowly bring to a boil. Do not rush to all the sand dissolved.

7. Boil 15 minutes, turn off. Leave the crust for impregnation for 10-12 hours.

8. Re-put the watermelon jam on the stove. Add vanilla to it, but not necessarily.

9. Boil for a quarter of an hour, pour in jars, remove the watermelon miracle for storage.

Spiced watermelon pulp

If some types of spices do not like, then they can be safely excluded or add something of their own. Here cinnamon and vanilla pods are used, but if desired, you can simply add powders from sachets to the watermelon mass.


• 2 kg of watermelon pulp;

• 2 kg of granulated sugar;

• 1 sticks of cinnamon;

• 1 vanilla pod;

• 3 cloves;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 1 slice of ginger 3-5 g.


1. Cut fresh watermelon flesh, pour sugar sand, leave for selection of juices for several hours.

2. Put on the stove, stir well.

3. Tear off a piece of gauze or a wide bandage, put all the spices on it. Ginger is better to cut the plates, so that the spine gives all the flavor. Tie a knot.

4. When boiling with watermelon jam, remove the foam and only then add the spice box. If you throw it earlier, then foam will form on the fabric.

5. Boil the jam for 10-15 minutes. Cooling down. Repeat the cooking one more time and cool again.

6. Before the third cooking, squeeze out lemon juice. We put on the stove, boil for 5-7 minutes, squeeze a bag of spices with two spoons. 7. Boil another minute, pour spicy watermelon jam in jars.

Watermelon jam for the winter “Citrus Flavor”

Option of a wonderful and unusually fragrant watermelon jam for the winter. It uses lemon with orange. But at will, you can take one thing or add another citrus, for example, tangerine, lime.


• 1.5 kg of watermelon;

• 1 orange;

• 1 lemon;

• 1.5 kg of sugar.


1. Rinse lemons and oranges thoroughly, cut into small cubes with the peel. Pour into a pot. Bones and white films in the course of cutting it is desirable to clean.

2. Add diced watermelon and recipe sugar. Leave en three hours.

3. Boil for 15 minutes, leave for 10 hours. Again, boil a quarter of an hour and leave to cool.

4. Boil the jam again. Rate the state of orange peels. If they are suddenly harsh, then let the jam soak in the syrup again.

5. If the crusts are soft, soaked, then pour the watermelon mass into jars, roll it up.

Watermelon jam for the winter - useful tips and tricks

• If watermelon jam turns out to be too liquid, then you can add a special thickener, it is sold in sachets in the spice sections.

• Foam in jam - it is not only ugly, but also dangerous for harvesting. In it accumulate specks that accidentally hit. To extend the safety of watermelon delicacies, you need to carefully clean everything.

• Open watermelon jam will not mold and will last for several months, if you sprinkle it with powdered sugar on top.

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