Compote from apples - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty compote made from apples.

Compote from apples - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty compote made from apples.

Compote from apples - general principles of preparation

For the first time the word “compote” began to be used in France, however, they knew how to make this wonderful drink even in Russia. It was then called “brew”. True, this term more refers to the compote of dried fruit. Compote from apples is a very simple recipe, the main ingredient of which, of course, fresh summer apples. You can cook a drink from apples alone - such compote is given even to babies. To vary the taste, you can add any other fruits and berries to apples: pears, apricots, peaches, cherries, strawberries, oranges, lemons, etc. Very tasty and useful is the compote of apples with broth hips, rhubarb, cranberries or sea buckthorn. You can often find compotes from apples with the addition of dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins and dried pears. As a sweetener, you can use sugar (it is sometimes replaced with fructose) or honey. Cinnamon, cloves, anise, vanilla, ginger, lemon balm, mint, cardamom, nutmeg and other spices are added to the seasonings.

The technique of cooking apple compote is not difficult. Prepared fruit can be thrown into the already boiling water or pour them with cold water and bring to a boil. Cooking time in all recipes is different: some boil apples for only a few minutes (this helps to preserve vitamins and nutrients), in other recipes (more often in multi-component) apples brews longer - about 20 minutes or more. Ready to drink leave to cool and infuse. Compote before serving can be filtered. The drink is best served chilled, especially in hot summer weather. Home-brewed apple compote is rich in pectin and much more useful than store juices. Too sweet apple compote is sometimes diluted with boiled water and served with biscuit, cookies, strudel, etc. When serving, the fruit can be put in separate vases or directly in the glass itself.

Compote from apples - preparing food and dishes

A large pan, a knife, a cutting board and clean ironed gauze will be required from the dishes (if you need to drain the compote). They serve the drink chilled in ordinary glasses or wine glasses, which can be decorated with a slice of any fruit.

Preparation of products is as follows: select the best apples (not overripe, but not hard), thoroughly washed and cut into slices of medium size. Too small slices can boil soft and turn into porridge. Some pre-peel the apples and cut out the core. Some recipes skip this step. All other ingredients are also washed and cut. If dried fruits are used, too dried can be pre-steamed for 10 minutes in boiling water. Prepare in advance the right amount of sugar (or fructose) and honey. You also need to decide in advance on the composition of seasonings and also prepare them.

Apple Compote Recipes:

Recipe 1: Compote from apples

Summer is the most suitable time of year in order to make up for the lack of vitamins in the body. Try to cook a delicious apple compote and treat them to friends and relatives. Drink from fresh apples is perfect for those who follow a diet.

Ingredients Required:

  • About 700 g of fresh apples;
  • One and a half liters of water;
  • Sugar - half a cup or more (to taste).

Preparation Method:

We wash the apples, cut them in half and cut the hearts. Each half cut into 4 slices. Fill the apples with cold water and put on the stove. Pour half the sugar into the pan. After boiling, reduce the heat and add the remaining sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and remove the pan from the heat. If the fruit is boiled for too long, all the vitamins and nutrients are destroyed. Leave compote to infuse for 20 minutes. Serve the drink chilled.

Recipe 2: Compote from apples and rhubarb

Great drink for a hot summer day. Such compote is boiled from fresh apples, cloves and rhubarb. Serve compote should be chilled. Ingredients Required:

  • 3 fresh apples;
  • 400 g rhubarb stalks;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • Cloves - to taste;
  • A liter (or a little more) of water.

Preparation Method:

Apples are washed and cut into large segments. Rhubarb stalks washed and cut into pieces. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and add cloves. Put the stove on the fire. Put the apples and rhubarb into boiling water. Cook compote of apples and rhubarb for 25 minutes over low heat. Ready drink served chilled.

Recipe 3: Compote from apples with oranges

Very simple and tasty recipe for a light summer drink. Preparing a compote of apples, oranges and plums. As a sweetener, you can use sugar, honey or fructose.

Ingredients Required:

  • Apples;
  • Plums;
  • Oranges (you can take any proportions of fruit);
  • Sweetener - sugar, fructose or honey (to taste).

Preparation Method:

Compote from apples with oranges is very simple. We wash the apples, cut them in half and remove the hearts. Then cut each of the halves into 3-4 slices. My oranges and cut into several slices. Pre-peel does not need to be removed. Wash plums, cut them in half and remove bones. Put the prepared fruit in the pan and pour it with water. Put the saucepan on the stove, bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat and cook compote for several minutes. At the end add sugar (fructose) or honey and mix thoroughly until complete dissolution. Leave apple compote with oranges cool. Serve chilled.

Recipe 4: Compote from apples with cranberries

Delicious recipe compote of apples. This also includes cranberries, which give the drink a slightly sour taste, and prunes. The drink retains all the vitamins and nutrients of the ingredients and helps improve digestion.

Ingredients Required:

  • A pound of fresh apples;
  • Half a cup of cranberries;
  • One and a half liters of water;
  • A glass of sugar (can be replaced with honey);
  • 100 g of prunes.

Preparation Method:

Cranberry berries are sorted, washed and squeezed out of them juice. Prunes are also washed. If the dried fruits are too dry, they can be steamed for 10 minutes in boiling water. Cranberry cake pour water and bring to a boil. Berries boil a little. Filter broth. Add a glass of sugar and prunes, boil for about 15 minutes. My apples, cut the hearts, cut the apples into slices. Putting apples in the broth. Cook compote from apples until ready for 10-15 minutes. Pour cranberry juice into compote, mix and leave to cool. Compote of apples, prunes and cranberries ready!

Recipe 5: Compote from apples with strawberries

In the summer you always want something cold, tasty and light. Compote of apples with strawberries - the perfect solution. Also included in the drink is a lemon, which gives the compote a pleasant, refreshing touch.

Ingredients Required:

  • 300 g strawberries;
  • 2 apples;
  • 0.5-1 lemon;
  • Half a cup of sugar (to taste, who loves more, can take a smaller amount);
  • One and a half to two liters of water.


Apples are washed and cut into small slices. We will not clean the peel and cut the core - leave it as it is. We sort out the strawberries, remove the tails and rinse thoroughly in water from dirt. Cut strawberries into slices. Lemon wash and cut into thin rings. Put all the fruits in the pan and add sugar. Fill all with boiling water and put on the stove. We bring the compote to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for about 20-25 minutes. Remove the compote from apples and strawberries from the heat and leave to cool. Drink can be filtered. Serve chilled.

Compote from apples - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

At first glance, cooking apple compote may seem like a very simple process, and this is true. However, there are several subtleties that will help to cook not just a delicious, but a very tasty drink: - Compote of apples is best cooked from sweet and sour varieties. Such a compote will get the most delicious;

- compote is best to choose ripe and strong fruit, but not green or overripe. Soft apples turn into porridge, and unripe have not yet gained enough flavor and aroma;

- the finished apple compote can be served with a slice of lemon, an orange slice or mandarin;

- the taste of apple compote with the addition of spices will be even richer and brighter if you leave the drink to infuse overnight;

- for children, you can make a compote of apples with pulp, if you drive the contents of a blender. The vitamins will then become liquid;

- it is better to boil too hard apples for about 20 minutes, however, you should always focus on their readiness and softness;

- for the preparation of compote from apples, it is best to use high-quality water: filtered or spring water;

- instead of the usual white sugar, you can choose brown or cane - the taste of the drink will be different each time. If honey is used instead of sugar, it is not recommended to add it to boiling water - it is better to dissolve it in hot, but slightly cooled compote;

- You should add spices only at the end of cooking, as they can lose their taste and aroma in the process of boiling;

- the less boil compote, the more useful it will turn out. If you bring it to a low boil, and then turn off the heat and leave the drink to infuse, vitamins and other beneficial substances will remain almost completely;

- vitamins will also be preserved if you put the sliced ​​fruit in boiling water with the addition of citric acid.

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