Apple cake - we know how to surprise! Very complex and very simple recipes for apple cakes

Apple cake - we know how to surprise! Very complex and very simple recipes for apple cakes

Apple cake - how easy it sounds, and how difficult it can be cooking. Paying tribute to the wonderful taste of one of the best fruits, pastry chefs poured from the heart. Apple cakes contain cognac and spiced cinnamon, honey and pistachios, in a word - the company got a decent one. Well and, of course, the main will be apples, of any varieties and sizes.

Apple Cakes - General Cooking Principles

• Apples are used in the preparation of shortcakes, cream or as a filling. Fruits are pre-peeled with a core, then crushed and fed according to the recipe. If apples are added to the dough, they are not subjected to additional processing. For cream or filling, they are necessarily extinguished to soften.

• Apple cakes are prepared with or without creams. Fruits are perfectly combined with cream masses prepared on dairy products. Apple cakes soaked well with any butter creams.

• Apple dough for cakes are often supplemented with nuts, pistachios or carrots. Its density depends on the type of cake. For the biscuit type of blanks prepare a rare, reminiscent of homemade sour cream, dough. Sand or puff cakes rolled out of the steep, but quite soft and elastic.

• For baking, any kind of dough is placed only in a hot, temperature-adjusted oven. The readiness of biscuit cakes is checked by puncturing with a wooden skewer; when baking puff or sand blanks, they are more oriented on their color and time indicated in the recipe.

• Finely chopped nuts, soft fruit pieces such as kiwi or banana, grated chocolate are best suited to decorate the apple dessert. Often these cakes are decorated with dried apple slices. They are rolled up in the form of roses and set on the surface of the cake.

Puff apple cake made from homemade dough with semolina

Ingredients: • wheat flour - 500-530 gr .;

• three large spoons of sour cream;

• high-quality margarine - 200-gram standard pack;

• 180 gr. sugar;

• a spoon of soda (without a slide);

• three raw yolks.


• kilogram of sweet apples;

• 100 ml of dry white wine.

For cream:

• 300 gr. natural butter:

• three spoons of semolina;

• sugar - incomplete glass;

• half a liter of milk;

• Gram of vanilla powder.

Cooking Method:

1. Butter and margarine are used in a softened form. In advance, at least an hour, remove the food from the refrigerator and leave it on the table.

2. Put the margarine out of the package in a bowl, add sugar to it and carefully rub it.

3. Add the yolks to the margarine, put the sour cream in here and mix everything well.

4. First pour no more than a cup of flour. Add apple vinegar baking soda and, without delay, start kneading the dough. When well interfere with the first portion of flour, start, slowly, pour the rest. It may need a little more or less, it all depends on the gluten content.

5. Well-kneaded dough turns out very soft and well behind hands and dishes.

6. Divide it into seven pieces, roll each ball and place in a bowl, the bottom of which must be sprinkled with flour. Cover with a lid, or rather a film, and put in the fridge for an hour.

7. While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. Peel the washed apples and peel them into very thin slices. Then put them in a thick-walled saucepan, pour wine and put on a medium-low fire. After boiling begins, quickly reduce the heat to a minimum, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for at least half an hour. Pieces of apples should be soft, but do not have time to fall apart. Put them in a bowl and let them cool.

8. Cook the savory semolina. Continuously and intensively stirring boiling milk, pouring out a thin stream, enter into it semolina. On medium heat, boil the porridge for about a minute, then leave to cool. Still warm porridge try at least three times to mix. 9. Place a sheet of parchment on the baking sheet. On a dry, slightly powdered paper, put one ball of dough, lightly press it with your palm. Cover with another sheet of paper and a rolling pin, right through the parchment, roll it out with a not very thin, 25-centimeter circle. Remove the top sheet of parchment and immediately send the pan to the hot oven.

10. After about a quarter of an hour, the first cake will be ready. Do not wait for the top to redden, otherwise dry it. The surface of the cake should remain white, and the bottom only slightly browned.

11. Drag the parchment with the blank onto the table and immediately trim the edges: the cooled cakes are very fragile, and if this is not done now, then it will not work. Do not throw away the trim, put them in a bowl.

12. In this way, bake all the cakes, and crush the resulting trimmings into crumb.

13. Prepare the cream. At the very minimum speed of the mixer, begin to beat the butter, gradually pour it into its sugar, and then, also in parts, enter the cooled semolina. If while cooling the surface of the porridge becomes crusted, be sure to remove it.

14. Put one of the cake layers on a serving dish with the topped side up. Put a spoonful of cream on it, spread it well over the whole surface and turn it over.

15. Top the crown with two spoons of cream and, using a fork, lay a sixth of the apple slices. Cover the next cake and in the same way, collect the whole apple cake. Be sure to cover the sides and top of the dessert with a thin layer of cream and sprinkle with crumb.

16. Allow the cake to stand on the table for two hours, then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Recipe for apple cake with caramel mousse - “Bavarian”


For sponge cake:

• high-grade wheat flour - 150 gr .;

• 60 grams of high-fat butter;

• six large eggs;

• 200 gr. sugar sand.

For sand cakes:

• peeled pistachios - 40 gr .;

• three boiled yolks;

• 50 gr. powdered sugar;

• spoon of rum or brandy; • a quarter spoon ripper;

• two teaspoons cinnamon powder;

• a pack of butter;

• high-quality baking flour - 280 gr.

For mousse:

• six tablespoons of sugar;

• a glass of milk;

• cinnamon sticks;

• four yolks;

• two dessert spoons of powdered sugar;

• a glass of very heavy cream;

• granulated gelatin - 2.5 tsp;

• 50 ml of water.

In the filling:

• three large apples;

• cinnamon powder - 3/4 tsp;

• a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• butter or frozen homemade cream - 1 tbsp. l .;

• three spoons of brown granulated sugar;

• white sugar - 3 tbsp. l

Cooking Method:

1. Slice the butter into slices, melt with a little heat and let cool.

2. Pour the eggs into a clean bowl, add sugar and place to warm in a water bath. Beat with a mixer, achieving the dissolution of sugar and foaming mass.

3. Set aside the heat and continue beating for another eight minutes until the volume triples.

4. Pour in a portion of the melted butter, then, adding in small portions, gently mix in all the flour. Now enter the remaining butter, mix it thoroughly and pour the dough into the pan. It is desirable to use a detachable container of approximately 23 cm diameter. Watch out and pre-rub the bottom with butter or lay out the parchment. For reliability, the oil layer can be powdered with flour or powdered with small breading from white crackers.

5. Place the form with biscuit dough in the oven and for 25 minutes, with 180-degree heating, bake the cake. Cool the biscuit without removing it from the mold, then cut into two cakes.

6. Prepare shortbread. Beat the sugar and eggs until lightness, pour the pistachio, ground cinnamon, crushed in a blender into crumb. Mint yolks on the sieve, pour in alcohol. Mix everything thoroughly, then enter the oversized, mixed with ripper, flour and knead quickly. Roll the dough into a bowl, put it in a bag and put it in the cold for an hour. 7. Split the dough in two parts, place separately between sheets of parchment and roll out in circles, put the pieces in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then gently, together with the parchment, put it on a baking sheet and bake sand cakes for a quarter of an hour each. Trim the edges of hot blanks with a biscuit baking mold.

8. Cut peeled apples into thin slices. Moisten with lemon juice, sprinkle with cinnamon mixed with sugar and mix well.

9. At the minimum of the fire, melt the butter, put apple slices into it and put them under the lid for 10 minutes, then cool.

10. While the apples are cooling down, prepare the mousse. Whip the cream together with powdered sugar and place the resulting air mass in the refrigerator. Pour gelatin with water.

11. Put four spoons of sugar in a thick-walled saucepan, add the cinnamon stick, broken in half and put on a slow heat. Once the sugar has dissolved and become caramel, pour in the milk. Caramel will begin to seethe and partially harden. Bring to a boil, stirring vigorously so that the pieces dissolve. Remove the cinnamon and let cool.

12. With the remaining sugar in the foam, whisk the yolks. Connect the cooled caramel mass with yolks and put on a slow heat. Warm up, not boiling and stirring constantly, until the mass thickens.

13. Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a water bath. Mix it with caramel mass, cool and enter the cream.

14. At the bottom of the form, place one of the biscuit cakes, and evenly distribute the apple filling over it. Pour the caramel mousse on top, then quickly and gently place the second sponge on it. Fill the cake until the mousse is completely frozen.

15. After that, put the shortbread on the serving dish, place the cooled cake on it and cover it with the second short sandwich.

16. For decoration, you can use apple slices slightly dried in the oven, rolled into a flower.

Recipe for jelly apple cake on sponge cake with butter cream


• sunflower, highly purified oil - 30 ml;

• 290 gr. fine sugar;

• 400 gr. sour cream, 20% fat;

• white baking flour - 140 gr .;

• 2 bags of vanilla sugar;

• bag thickener for cream;

• powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. l .;

• three eggs;

• 150 gr. high-quality butter, preferably homemade, butter;

• three tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• 160 ml of pure water;

• 7 grams of instant gelatin;

• package of vanilla pudding;

• purchased baking powder - 5 gr .;

• kilogram of fragrant apples.

Cooking Method:

1. About half of the measure of sugar and one packet of vanilla crystals, beat with eggs until a light thick mass. Continuing to beat, pour in two spoons of boiling water, then gradually enter the vegetable oil.

2. Stir over the flour with baking powder, add to the egg mass and combine, gently interfering from the edges to the center.

3. Cover the detachable form with a piece of parchment, fill it with dough and place in the oven for half an hour. Cool the biscuit cake, not freeing from the form.

4. Grate apples, peeled and coreless, with large chips. Moisten with lemon juice and mix. Dissolve vanilla pudding with water, separately pour two tablespoons of water into gelatin.

5. Transfer the chopped fruits to a thick-walled stew-pan, add sugar refined sugar and chopped butter. Put on low heat and, stirring regularly to eliminate burning, bring to a boil.

6. Pour in the diluted pudding, stir and continue cooking with a slight boil until the apples are ready. When using sourish apples, it is advisable to add some sugar. Put the finished apple filling in a bowl and leave to cool.

7. Put the swollen gelatin to warm up using a water bath and continue stirring until it is dissolved. Then remove it from the top, pour it into slightly cooled apples and mix everything thoroughly. 8. Take the form with a biscuit, evenly apply the cooled apple filling on the cake and place it in the cold.

9. When the apple layer hardens well, gently remove the cake from the mold onto the dish.

10. Beat the sour cream, gradually pouring icing sugar to it. At the end, add a thickener for cream, vanilla sugar and once again go at high speed with a mixer.

11. Decorate the apple cake with sour cream, spreading it on the surface and sides of the dessert. Additionally, you can sprinkle the top of the cocoa or, drawing the cream out of the pastry bag, apply patterns.

Delicious apple cake with sour cream - “Tenderness”


• four eggs;

• six spoons of mayonnaise;

• half a kilo of butter, 72%, oils;

• a glass of sugar;

• six tablespoons of low-fat sour cream;

• table or apple vinegar;

• Two teaspoons of baking soda.

In cream:

• one and a half kilograms of sweet apples;

• 300 gr. sweet cream butter;

• fine granulated sugar.

Cooking Method:

1. Combine the watery sour cream with mayonnaise, add sugar, pour in the eggs and whisk well.

2. Pour soda into a small cup or glass. Pour to her a half spoonful of vinegar and mix well. When the mixture stops foaming and rises with a cap, pour it to the egg mass and mix thoroughly.

3. In a separate bowl with your hands, well knead the softened butter with flour. Pour in the egg mass, knead the dough and divide it into eight parts.

4. Spread one piece over an oiled round shape. Carefully level it all over its bottom and bake the cake for exactly 10 minutes. Do this with all blanks. They must be light, otherwise the cream will be poorly absorbed.

5. Grind apples through a large grater. Add sour cream, add sugar to a glass and put on the most minimal fire. Regularly stirring, boil the cream for about an hour, then cool and, whipping with a mixer, mix with soft oil.

6. Slicing biscuit cakes with apple-sour cream, collect the cake and leave it to soak in a cool place for a day. 7. Decorate dessert at your discretion. You can sprinkle with chocolate or coconut chips, crumbly cookies, fresh berries or soft fruits - slices of banana or kiwi.

Delicate nut-apple quiche cake


• 150 gr. beet sugar;

• non-aromatic sunflower oil - 100 ml;

• one third of a spoonful of burnt soda;

• 100 gr. peeled nuts;

• teaspoon ripper;

• two eggs;

• 200 gr. coarsely grated fresh apples;

• cinnamon, crushed in a mortar - 1 tsp;

• 190 gr. white first-class flour.

For cream:

• a large spoonful of flour;

• two spoons of sugar refined sugar;

• large egg;

• 300 ml of fat, preferably homemade, milk.

Cooking Method:

1. Pour the kernels of nuts into a thick-walled frying pan and lightly dry on low heat. When cool, separate the brownish skin as much as possible, put the kernels in the grinder and chop.

2. Thoroughly transfer the flour to a bowl, add the nut crumb, baking powder for dough, soda, a quarter of a spoonful of salt and mix.

3. Beat the eggs until the foam is white. Without stopping the beating, gradually add sugar to them, pour in the oil at the end and continue the process for another minute. Vegetable fat should be well stirred.

4. Into the egg mass, add half of the flour mixture and gently stir it in. Then add the chopped apples and just as gently combine them with the batter. After that, mix in the remaining loose mass.

5. Put parchment on the bottom of a round, 20 cm form and fill it with apple dough. At 160 degrees, bake the cake, check its readiness by puncturing a sliver or a match after 40 minutes. The remaining dry, it will tell you the degree of readiness. Free the apple cake from the mold and place it to cool on the wire rack.

6. In egg whipped with sugar, add flour with vanilla and beat again. Then, stirring continuously, pour in boiling milk and bring the cream to a thickening by placing the bowl on a small fire. Cool it down. To prevent the cream mass from burning, constantly stir it in the cooking process. 7. Divide the cooled apple-nut biscuit into three shortcakes, add the cream well and place on the dish in a stack. Top and sides of the cake, just promera cream, then sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Apple-carrot cake with soft curd cream - “Magnificent”


• two apples;

• a pair of small carrots;

• 4 fresh eggs;

• 100 gr. Hercules flakes;

• bag of vanilla crystals;

• 230 ml of vegetable oil;

• small spoon of soda;

• 100 gr. cores of dried nuts;

• unrefined sugar, beet - 150 g;

• one and a half spoonfuls of a ripper;

• one and a half glasses of flour;

• cinnamon powder - 1 tsp.

In cream:

• light raisins - 200 gr .;

• 100 ml fatty 30% cream;

• elastic non-dry cottage cheese - 400 gr .;

• 120 gr. any liquid flavored honey;

• small package of vanilla sugar.

In impregnation:

• two large spoons of honey;

• lemon, freshly squeezed juice - 1 tsp;

• drinking boiled water.

Cooking Method:

1. Beating eggs with sugar, gradually pour in all the vegetable oil to them.

2. In a separate bowl, mix all the loose ingredients and, gradually pouring the mixture into a liquid base, prepare the dough.

3. Blender chop nuts. Then in the same way peeled apples and carrots.

4. Mix apple and carrot puree with nuts and oatmeal. Add the mixture to the dough, mix thoroughly and divide into two parts.

5. Alternately at 180 degrees, bake two cakes. Use a round 22 centimeter shape. To prevent the cakes from sticking, cover the bottom with parchment and thinly oil the walls and sprinkle it with flour.

6. Scald raisins with boiling water. Drain the berries on the towel, then chop with a blender.

7. Mix the crushed raisins with cottage cheese ground on a sieve. Pour in the cream, add liquid honey, add vanilla and stir, then whisk and place in the cold for an hour.

8. Put the honey in a small bowl, add a little water and dissolve over low heat. Pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice, bring to a boil and, removing from the stove, cool. 9. Put on a small tray or dish one cake. Saturate it, pouring honey syrup from a spoon, and brush it with chilled cream.

10. Put the second biscuit piece on top. Also pour it with syrup and coat with cream mass, level the sides.

11. Decorate the apple cake with finely chopped nuts from above, you can add chocolate chips to the nut powder.

Apple Cake - cooking tricks and helpful tips

• For the cakes described above, it is better to take sweet apples. If you plan to use fruit in slices, pay attention to the flesh, it must be dense, otherwise loose apples will immediately fall apart when extinguishing.

• Adding sugar to the cream, focus on the taste of apples. When using sour fruits, put more, and sweet, it may not be required.

• Grind fruits with a grater before mixing with cream or dough, it is advisable to slightly squeeze, so that the juice does not thin them.

• Grind nuts in a blender or on a coffee grinder only after drying them in a frying pan, otherwise the baby will become clotted, which will be difficult to stir in the cream or dough.

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