Lemon glaze: decorate the baked appetite! Variants of lemon glaze: with water, on proteins, on cream, on milk

Lemon glaze: decorate the baked appetite! Variants of lemon glaze: with water, on proteins, on cream, on milk

Lemon glaze is a mixture of sugar and lemon juice. Optionally, citrus peels are added to its composition, and not necessarily lemons. The appearance of the glaze will sparkle with new colors, if you add to it a multi-colored mush from the peel of different fruits. You can take tangerine, orange, and zest of lime or kumquat.

Lemon Icing - General Cooking Principles

Lemon glaze to take fresh, without obscuring. The recipes use lemon rind and lemon juice. In some cases, lime or orange juice can be added to the lemon.

Sugar is also added to the lemon to make a glaze. But for instant cooking it is better to use powdered sugar, not sugar. It rather dissolves and gives the desired homogeneous consistency.

Lemon icing itself does not have a pronounced characteristic color, so color shades are added to it. It can be shredded peel of one or several types of citrus fruits. To make the zest more fresh and fragrant, scald the fruit and cool it in cold water before removing it.

It is easy to use lemon icing, apply it with a pastry brush or just a usual spoon on the baked product - a cake, a cake, a cookie, a cupcake, a cake or a cake. If desired, confectionery dressing, coconut, poppy, chocolate or multicolored chips can be poured over the glaze. Next, let it freeze a little. In 4-5 minutes you will have an elegantly decorated product!

Lemon Icing - a classic recipe


· 50 g of powdered sugar;

· One small lemon.

Cooking Method:

1. Rinse the lemon and place in a deep dish. Pour boiling water over. Put the fruit under ice water to cool. Then wipe with a towel and remove the zest using a special vegetable peeler. It does not need much. 2-3 years is enough

2. Grind the zest into a mush using a blender, cut the lemon in half. Squeeze the juice. It needs 50 ml of fresh juice. 3. In a separate bowl, mix the icing sugar, lemon juice and zest. The latter is added exclusively for flavor and more interesting appearance of the glaze (the use of zest is not necessary).

4. Beat the mass with a blender or mixer until tender consistency for a few seconds.

5. Spread the icing on your favorite pastries, sprinkle with colored crumbs and serve.

Lemon Cake Frosting


· 100 g of sugar;

· 50 ml of lemon juice.

Cooking Method:

1. Combine sugar and lemon juice in an enamelled cup. Stir and let stand a little, so that the sugar is sold.

2. Put the cup on a slow fire. Be sure to stir with a whisk. When the mixture begins to boil, remove from heat.

3. Leave to cool the mass a little. Use for its intended purpose - to decorate it with a cake. This amount of boiled lemon glaze is enough to decorate the surface of one cake in 2-3 kg.

Lemon glaze with water


· A glass of sugar;

· 40 ml of lemon juice (or 1 tsp. Table vinegar 6%);

· 40 ml of hot water.

Cooking Method:

1. Mix sugar, freshly squeezed lemon juice and hot water.

2. Beat with a mixer at first speed until the mass is homogeneous in structure with a shiny surface.

3. It is better not to store the icing, but to use it immediately after preparation for product design, or it may lose its previous appearance.

Lemon icing on egg whites


· A pair of eggs;

· a pinch of salt;

· 300 g sugar or powder;

· 30 ml of lemon juice.

Cooking Method:

1. Separate the egg whites from the yolks in any convenient way. Remove yolks for cooking another dish.

2. Mix egg whites with salt. Start beating at first speed mixer. Then gradually increase the speed. It should make a thick mass seven times larger than the original. Tablespoon in this mass should stand.

3. Reduce the speed of the mixer to the first and fill the sugar. It is better to do it in several visits. Now pour in a lot of lemon juice. From it the glaze will get a rich white color. 4. Beat until a smooth velvety mass is obtained. If desired, you can add food coloring. For example, a pinch of turmeric or natural saffron. This will emphasize the content in the glaze of a portion of citrus fruit.

Lemon cream icing


· 200 g of powdered sugar;

· 60 ml of cream (any fat content is possible);

· 30 ml of fresh lemon juice;

· 5 g lemon peel.

Cooking Method:

1. Grind the zest into a puree using a blender.

2. In a bowl, pour the icing sugar. Add to it cream, lemon juice and milled zest. The fatter the cream will be, the thicker the frosting will be.

3. Beat until a homogeneous fluffy mass. First, you should interfere at a lower speed, then it is desirable to gradually increase it. Apply to baked products immediately after beating. You can use a pastry brush, table knife or a regular spoon for this.

Petithur in lemon glaze


· 180 g of butter;

· 600 g of granulated sugar;

· Four chicken eggs;

· A glass of wheat flour (v / s);

· 1 tbsp. l poppy;

· One lemon;

· 20 ml of sunflower oil.

Cooking Method:

1. To start cook ptyfury. To do this, separate the egg whites from the yolks.

2. Mix yolks with soft butter and sugar (300 g). Beat the mixture with a mixer until creamy consistency.

3. Take a lemon and put it in any deep plate. Pour boiling water, cool under running cold water. Remove the zest and chop it with a blender or knife.

4. Sift the wheat flour through any sieve.

5. In the cream add lemon zest, flour and poppy. The latter, if desired, can be pre-ceased in a mortar to gruel, but this is not necessary. To mix everything.

6. Protein in a separate bowl whip into a thick foam. Put on the dough. Knead with a spatula upwards so that the dough is airy.

7. Prepare molds for petfurs. You can take small silicone molds for cupcakes. Then lubricate them with sunflower oil. But you can do without it if you have special capsules for baking muffins (small cupcakes). 8. Spread the liquid dough into molds. Send bake at 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes. Baking time depends on the size of the forms with the dough. But the finished products must be fully baked and have a ruddy crust on the surface.

9. And at this time you can do lemon icing. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice. Strain it through a sieve.

10. Build a water bath. Pour into a saucepan on 2/3 of the volume of water and put on the fire. Place a smaller pot in the water. In it and transfer products for glaze - mix the remaining sugar with lemon juice. Heat and stir with a whisk. Sugar grains should completely disperse and dissolve.

11. Next, remove the glaze from the stove and set to cool.

12. Ready cooks to get out of the oven. After a few minutes, pull them out of shape.

13. Culinary brush to cover the surface of baked products prepared glaze. When the patterns are cool, and the icing on top hardens, you can eat them.

Easter cake in lemon glaze


· 200 ml of milk (+ 1 more tablespoons for the glaze);

· 10 g of dry high-speed yeast;

· Two chicken eggs;

· 100 g margarine;

· 1 tsp. salts;

· 120 g of sugar;

· 800 g of wheat flour (i / s);

· A handful of candied fruits;

· A pinch of citric acid.

Cooking Method:

1. Pour the milk into the pan. Add margarine, sugar (20 g) and salt. Put to heat on slow fire. Stir the hand. When it is hot, remove from heat.

2. Add eggs and yeast to the pan. Cover also the pieces of candied fruit. If the bass has big pieces, cut them first.

3. Stir the mass and fill the flour with parts. Knead the dough. First in the pan, then on the table. Yeast dough will be uniform, soft and elastic.

4. Put it in a clean bowl and cover with a towel. Put in heat without drafts.

5. After half an hour, knead the dough. Leave to re-lift. Such punching done 2-3 times.

6. When the alcoholic odor characteristic of the yeast dough that has been baked appears, begin to mold it. From such a number can come out several small cakes or one large one. 7. Baking paper can be covered in a baking dish or smeared with liquid oil. Put the dough into the form. Keep warm for proofing. It is very important that at the same time there is no active movement of air - drafts.

8. When the dough rises, put it to bake in a hot oven for 50-60 minutes depending on the volume of the forms at 180-200 ° C.

9. For the glaze in the pan, combine 100 g of sugar, 30 ml of milk and citric acid. Milk is better to take fat. Stir and beat until smooth.

10. Baked Easter cake immediately covered with icing. Let it freeze.

Lemon Icing - Tips and Tips

· If granulated sugar is used to make the glaze, then it must first be allowed to completely dissolve.

· Choux glaze is best prepared using a water bath. In this case, the sugar in the process of caramelization does not exactly burn.

· For the preparation of such a finishing glaze use fresh lemon juice, but instead you can take citric acid or table vinegar (essence is allowed).

· It is not necessary to leave the glaze in a natural color. You can add food coloring: cocoa, ground coffee, spices with bright color. Or take a set of multi-colored dyes and choose something from it.

· It is better to immediately put the finished lemon glaze on the finished baking, otherwise it may dry out or become watery, which will complicate the application process.

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