Pie with egg and onion "like a grandmother" - lush and very tasty!

Pie with egg and onion

If you don't like messing with dough, but you like delicious pastries, then this recipe is for you!

Pies with egg and onion on kefir dough turns out incredibly lush and appetizing, and the efficiency of cooking this dish will amaze even experienced chefs.

You will not need to wait for the yeast dough, you will not roll out puff a hundred times - it is enough to cook the dough on kefir once and bake the patties on it right away! And the products for the filling probably will be found in any home - eggs and green onions.

For 8 patties, you need:

- 3 chicken eggs;

- 180 ml of kefir;

- 3 tbsp. flour;

- 0.5 tsp. soda, extinguished with vinegar;

- 2 pinches of salt in the dough and filling;

- 30 ml of vegetable oil;

- 1 yolk for lubrication;

- 1 tsp. mayonnaise;

- poppy for sprinkling.

Pie with egg and onion

Do not start with cooking the dough - boil 2 chicken eggs for 12 minutes until steep.

In the tank, break the remaining chicken egg, add salt and whisk with a fork or whisk - as you prefer.

Pie with egg and onion

Pour kefir with any fat content. Instead, you can use ryazhenka or yogurt.

Pie with egg and onion

Then pour in the vegetable oil - it will give the baking a juicy flavor.

Pie with egg and onion

Do not forget to extinguish the soda with vinegar or lemon juice. If there is no soda, then use baking powder.

Pie with egg and onion

Pour wheat flour in small portions, lightly sifting it through a sieve, and knead the dough. Leave half a cup of flour for rolling.

Pie with egg and onion

The dough should not be tight and stick together in one lump. Put it in the fridge while you are preparing the filling for the pies.

Pie with egg and onion

Peel the boiled eggs and chop them either with a knife or on a coarse grater. Rinse the chives and chop them finely with a knife.

Pie with egg and onion

Add the chopped products to the container, add salt to it and add 1 tsp. mayonnaise. Mix everything together.

Pie with egg and onion

Take out the dough and give it roll-shaped hands on the table, covered with flour. Then cut the roll into small pieces, each of which with a rolling pin roll out, giving it a rounded shape.

Pie with egg and onion

Then on the workpiece lay out 1-2 tsp. stuffing.

Pie with egg and onion

Be sure to moisten the edges of the workpiece with water and glue it together to make a pie. The seam does not need to be made too high, as it will be at the bottom - the pies will be baked in the oven.

Pie with egg and onion

In this way, make the other patties together using dough and stuffing.

Pie with egg and onion

Place them on parchment paper smeared with vegetable oil and coat the surface of each patty with yolk, then sprinkle with poppy seeds.

Pie with egg and onion

Bake patties at 180-200 for about 20-25 minutes in the oven. Keep an eye on the baking surface - it should remain rosy and appetizing.

Pie with egg and onion

As soon as the baking is ready, remove it and spray it with cold water from a spray bottle. Pies will be incredibly juicy and soft. Serve them with tea! Enjoy your meal!

Pie with egg and onion

Such baked pies can be cooked with completely different fillings: berries, fruits, meat, fish, etc. They are always excellent! And even at cost, they go much cheaper than the store - we count:

- 3 chicken eggs - 15 rubles;

- 180 ml of kefir - 7 rubles;

- 3 tbsp. flour - 15 rubles;

- 30 ml of vegetable oil - 5 rubles;

- 1 yolk for lubrication - 2 rubles;

- Poppy for sprinkling - 2-3 rubles.

Total: the output of 8 pies costs about 46 rubles, and one pie - about 6 rubles! This is an excellent option not only for breakfast, but also for a snack for budget-conscious chefs who not only know how to cook tasty food, but also can save their money! Well, our site - will tell and show which recipes are the most popular of all, but with the same - more budget than many!

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