Cherry tomatoes for the winter - a little sharp little joy! Recipes unmatched preparations with cherry tomatoes for the winter

Cherry tomatoes for the winter - a little sharp little joy! Recipes unmatched preparations with cherry tomatoes for the winter

Cherry tomatoes do not differ much from ordinary tomatoes in taste, but they have a miniature size, for which they have become so popular.

It is convenient to use them on sandwiches, put in various snacks and salads, and, of course, canned.

The small size allows the fruits to marinate faster, save space in the jar and just look beautiful.

And, of course, the main advantage of miniature fruits is the possibility of using small containers.

Cherry tomatoes for the winter - the general principles of cooking

Conservation of miniature cherry is not much different from the harvesting of ordinary tomatoes, but still there are some features. If large tomatoes can be poured with boiling water several times so that they are steamed, then the cherry tomatoes from such procedures can simply deteriorate, burst and lose a beautiful look. For preservation, dense, moderately ripe vegetables are used. Various spices and spices are also added: salt, pepper, sugar, cloves, mustard. And vegetables: Bulgarian pepper, carrots, garlic, cucumbers. All ingredients need to be washed and dried.

General cooking principle:

1. Preparing the container. Banks are washed, sterilized. Covers handle boiling water.

2. Preparation of ingredients. Tomatoes and herbs need to be washed, garlic, pepper and onions clean, if necessary, cut.

3. Bookmark the jar. We lay everything tight, trying to fill the space to the maximum. After steaming it will be much more.

4. Steaming. A can of vegetables is filled with boiling water, infused for 10-20 minutes and the water is poured into the pan.

5. Cooking brine / marinade. Add more liquid to the drained water to an even volume, then put the spices. Everything boils for 2-3 minutes after boiling.

6. Finishing fill. The banks are filled with boiling brine, vinegar is added and everything is immediately covered with lids. 7. Rolling. Close the lid with a key, screw twist.

Next, the workpiece must be turned on the neck, cover with something warm (a blanket, an old coat) and leave to cool completely. We remove the banks in the basement and after two or three months, you can take the first sample.

Recipe 1: Spicy Cherry Tomatoes for the Winter with Onions and Plums

Very beautiful harvest of cherry tomatoes for the winter. In addition to tomatoes, plums and a small onion, the size of a quail egg, are added, giving it a savory taste and an unmatched aroma. We will preserve in small jars that need to be sterilized beforehand. From this amount of products should get 3 jars of 0.5 liters.


• 0.5 kg of cherry;

• 0.3 kg drain;

• 0.2 kg of small onions;

• 1 tbsp. l Italian herbs;

• garlic, cloves, dill umbrellas, bell pepper.

For marinade:

• 3 spoons of sugar;

• 1 liter of water;

• 1 spoon of salt;

• 1 spoon of vinegar.


1. At the bottom of the prepared jars, lay out the umbrellas of dill, throw one clove, a little peppercorns with peas and pour on a pinch of Italian herbs.

2. Tomatoes are released from the stalks, washed. Clean the onions, divide the plums in half and remove the bones.

3. We put all the ingredients in jars, alternating with each other.

4. Fill with boiling water, cover with lids and let it brew for a quarter of an hour.

5. Drain the water into the pan, bring to the amount of 1 liter, put on the stove. Pour salt and sugar, boil for 3 minutes.

6. Pour in the vinegar, mix and pour the tomatoes with brine under the neck, roll with the key.

Recipe 2: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in their own juice with aspirin

More precisely, in the juice of ordinary tomatoes. For this preparation, you can use freshly squeezed juice or preserved earlier, it does not matter much. We will preserve in half-liter jars, instead of vinegar in each add a tablet of aspirin.

Ingredients • 800-900 grams of cherry;

• liter of juice;

• Spoon of salt;

• 3 aspirin tablets.


1. We drop cherry tomatoes for a minute in boiling water, then pour cold water from the tap. Remove the skin. You can preserve it with it, but in this way the harvesting is more tender and tasty.

2. Spread the cherry in jars.

3. Fill with boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes, then drain the water and throw aspirin into each container.

4. If fresh tomatoes are used for the juice, they need to be twisted and boiled for 15 minutes. If ready juice is taken, then just pour it into the pan and boil for 5-10 minutes, do not forget to add salt. If the juice is sour or tasteless, you can add a little sugar or citric acid.

5. Fill the prepared cherry fruits with tomato paste and roll them up.

Recipe 3: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in apple fill

For the preparation of such cherry tomatoes for the winter you need natural apple juice or purchased, but in cans, the packaged product will not work. Calculation of products per liter jar.


• how many cherry will go into the jar;

• 0.5 liters of apple juice;

• 1 teaspoon vinegar;

• A spoonful of salt without a slide;

• 1.5 spoons of sugar;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• one pepper;

• Greens and dill optional.


1. Cut the bell pepper vertically into strips. Garlic clean and throw at the bottom of a sterile jar.

2. Fall asleep washed and peeled from the stem of the cherry, on the edges of the insert strips of pepper.

3. Fill with boiling water, cover with a lid and set aside while preparing the fill.

4. Pour apples juice into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, boil for 2-3 minutes.

5. Drain the water from the tomatoes, pour boiling juice, add vinegar and roll.

Recipe 4: Cherry tomatoes for the winter “Sugar”

The recipe for delicious cherry tomatoes for the winter. Like their big brothers, small tomatoes also like sugar and the more marinated it is, the better. Ingredients

• 2 kg of cherry;

• 300 grams of sugar;

• 8 cloves of garlic;

• 6 peppercorns;

• 2 tbsp. l salts;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar;

• dill umbrellas, currant leaves.


1. We wash and dry the cherry tomatoes; we pierce each tomato with a toothpick near the stem, so that the skin does not burst and the fruit remains whole.

2. We clean the garlic, pour currant leaves with boiling water and put everything on the bottom of sterile jars.

3. Fold the tomatoes and pour boiling water. Insist 10 minutes under the lid.

4. Drain the water, bring the amount to two liters and ship to the stove. Add salt, sugar and boil for 3 minutes, add vinegar and mix.

5. In cans we throw pepper in peas, pour tomatoes with boiling brine and immediately close with a key.

6. Turn it upside down, cover with a warm blanket and hold until it cools completely.

Recipe 5: Honey cherry tomatoes for the winter with garlic without vinegar

Honey tomatoes have an unusual taste and matchless aroma, and the pickle flies out of the jar the very first. The recipe requires sterilization. From this amount of products should get two liter jars of billet.


• 1.5 kg of cherry;

• Spoon of salt;

• 6-8 garlic cloves;

• 3 spoons of honey;

• bay leaf;

• 4 peppercorns;

• Dill umbrellas.


1. First of all we remove the stalks from the tomatoes and wash them, let them dry.

2. Dill scalded with boiling water and put in jars, add laurel leaves, pepper and peas there.

3. Clean the garlic cloves and cut into long and slices.

4. We pierce each tomato with a piece of garlic and throw in the jar. It is necessary to fill the container to the top.

5. Boil a liter of water, add salt, honey and pour tomatoes. Cover with lids.

6. Put in a saucepan on the cloth, pour hot water and sterilize the jars for 15 minutes.

7. Take out and roll, cool it upside down.

Recipe 6: Pickled Cherry Tomatoes for the Winter “Mustard”

In the preparation of hearty cherry tomatoes for the winter will need dry mustard, spices and quite a bit of free time. Simple recipe, without heat treatment. Water needs clean, filtered or spring water. The number of products is calculated on a three-liter jar; tomatoes may take slightly less or more, depending on their size and packing density.


• 2 kg of cherry;

• 20 grams of dry mustard;

• spoon of sugar;

• 2 tablespoons of salt;

• hot peppers;

• how much garlic leaves;

• horseradish leaves, dill umbrella, laurel, greens at will.

You will also need a small piece of cotton cloth, which must be steamed in advance or ironed.


1. Garlic peeled, cut into long pieces.

2. We pierce the tomatoes with chopsticks of garlic, it is desirable to do this near the stem.

3. At the bottom of the sterile container distribute greens and spices, we put the hot pepper cut into thin strips.

4. Lay the cherry with garlic, if desired, you can pave them with greens, leaves of horseradish. We impose tomatoes above the coat hanger, to the top it’s not necessary to fill the jar.

5. Dissolve sugar with salt in a glass of purified water, pour it into a jar.

6. Fill the filtered water, pour the mustard powder on top, put the prepared fabric and also lightly dust with mustard.

7. Leave the jar in a warm place for a week, then close with a tight lid and remove for two weeks to the basement.

Recipe 7: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in vinegar in English

An unusual recipe for harvesting mini-tomatoes in vinegar. The British like these “pickles” with a pronounced sour taste and a peculiar aroma. And, in general, it turns out a great snack under strong drinks. It is better to store such a billet in the refrigerator, there the cherry will stand for sure until spring and nothing will happen to them. Cooking in small jars, preferably with a screw cap. Ingredients

• 0.25 kg of cherry;

• 0.5 liters of vinegar 6%;

• peppercorns;

• Spoon of salt;

• a small bunch of rosemary.


1. Cherry washed, dried. Rinse the rosemary.

2. Fold the tomatoes in the jar with greens, add peppercorns.

3. Vinegar with salt boil, cool.

4. Fill the tomatoes, spin the cap.

5. Remove to the refrigerator for storage, you can take a sample in a month.

Recipe 8: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in oil “Mediterranean”

Similar recipes are in Italian cuisine, and they are prepared on the basis of dried tomatoes. This appetizer is made with fresh cherry tomatoes. Use better olive oil, preferably direct extraction. You also need to stock up on dried oregano spice, without it, the harvesting will not turn out that way.


• 0.3 kg of cherry tomatoes;

• 1 onion;

• a pinch of salt;

• 1h. spoon oregano;

• 5 basil leaves;

• 1 spoon of wine or apple vinegar;

• olive oil.


1. Fold the dried and dried basil leaves into the jar, send the onion and the onion processed into it.

2. Pour out oregano.

3. Mix the salt with vinegar, send it to the jar.

4. Fill all the oil to the brim. Cover with a lid and refrigerate for at least two months.

5. Then we get and use it with Italian mozzarella or just like that.

Recipe 9: Cherry Tomatoes for the winter with gherkins

What could be more charming than a vegetable platter of miniature tomatoes and small cucumbers? Such a blank looks beautiful not only in the bank, but also on the table. Miniature vegetables can be decorated with cold cuts, sandwiches, salads. We take the quantity of vegetables to your taste, you can equally, take more cherry or gherkin. Banks can also be used any, but better to one liter.


• Cherry;

• gherkins;

• pepper yellow and red;

• garlic; • carrot;

• for a jar: parsley, horseradish leaf, garlic, dill umbrella, bell pepper.


• Spoon of salt;

• 2 spoons of sugar;

• litere of water.

We put vinegar at the rate of 1 teaspoon of essence per liter jar.


1. Free from cherry stems, wash and dry on a towel.

2. Gherkins are also washed, cut off the tails with a knife on both sides and sent to dry. If cucumbers are stale, then you need to pre-soak them for 3-4 hours. Water for this time a couple of times to change.

3. Horseradish and other greens rinsed, put the banks in the bottom. To taste, add garlic, pepper peas.

4. Peppers peeled, cut into rings or strips. Carrots thin circles.

5. Fold in cherry jars with gherkins, arrange the multicolored pieces of peppers and carrot circles. It is advisable to do this on the walls of the can, it will be more beautiful.

6. Fill the filled containers with boiling water and, as usual, leave for 10-15 minutes.

7. Drain the water, boil again and add the spices, boil for a moment.

8. Fill the workpiece, add vinegar under the lid and roll it up. Cool, turning on the neck.

Recipe 10: Spicy cherry tomatoes for the winter with carrot tops

For the conservation of sharp cherry tomatoes for the winter you will need chilli, red or green. Red is sharper, so you can take it a little less. Also, fresh carrot tops are placed in the jar, which gives a special taste to the blank. If desired, you can add thin rings of the carrot itself.


• 2 kg of cherry;

• 4 spoons of sugar;

• 2 tablespoons of salt;

• bunch of carrot tops;

• 2 sharp pods;

• 6 cloves of garlic.

Vinegar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter jar.


1. Cherry and tops are washed, leave to dry.

2. Sharp pods are cut into thin rings, it is better to work with pepper in gloves.

3. Clean the garlic, and cut each clove in half.

4. We put tomatoes in banks, lay layers of carrot tops, sprinkle with pepper rings and garlic. 5. We fill in with boiling water, in 10 minutes we merge.

6. Cook the brine from the drained water, brought to two liters. Add salt with sugar.

7. Fill the spicy cherry, add the essence and roll the jars.

Cherry tomatoes for the winter - tips and tricks

• To prevent tomatoes from cracking when pouring hot pickle, they can be pierced in several places in advance. Also, this method will allow the fruits to marinate faster and shorten the salting period many times.

• If you need to insert pieces of garlic in the cherry, it is better to make a hole with a sharp knife directly in the stem, and then insert a piece there. This will not only facilitate the process of forcing, but also allow preserving the beautiful appearance of tomatoes, preserving the juice inside.

• A large amount of spices and herbs overshadows the aroma of tomatoes, so do not put everything that is in the house. If in some recipe does not suit the spice, then it can always be deleted or changed to your favorite.

• If there are no fresh leaves of horseradish, then in a jar of tomatoes, you can add peeled pieces of the root.

• Peppercorns, bay leaves and asterisks fully reveal their aroma only during storage. Therefore, it is not necessary to abuse these spices, otherwise the brine will become too obsessive and may even taste bitter.

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