Khinkali with meat - modern and traditional recipes. Chicken, pork and beef steamed: Georgian khinkali with meat

Khinkali with meat - modern and traditional recipes. Chicken, pork and beef steamed: Georgian khinkali with meat

Khinkali is the Georgian version of the well-known and beloved Russian dumplings, or Ukrainian dumplings, although each national dish has its own peculiarities.

So, dumplings, unlike other dishes, can be fried, dumplings come in almost any shape. But khinkali are always unchanged in shape and traditionally prepared - steamed or in boiling water.

Fillings, yes, can vary, although in this today's dish is far from dumplings.

Khinkali with meat - general principles of cooking

• The dough is kneaded only on water, with the addition of salt, sometimes eggs are laid. Properly cooked dough should be quite dense and at the same time remain elastic. The secret of good dough for khinkali in cooking technology. This is a long process that requires patience, often taking place in two stages.

• For stuffing, minced or finely chopped meat is used. You can choose it to your taste. Traditionally, the dish is prepared with lamb, beef or pork. Often mixed several types of meat - oily pork pulp with leaner beef. Chicken can be used. It is customary to add a lot of greens and spices to the filling, but this is a matter of taste. Mince can be slightly seasoned with ground pepper. Water must be added to the filling, due to which a broth is formed inside the dough.

• In addition to traditional variations with meat, there are many recipes in which meat stuffing is supplemented with cheese or vegetables, potatoes.

• Difficult, but perhaps the most interesting process - modeling. It is necessary to properly form a “bag” of dough with filling, so that it does not burst in the future and does not lose the juice. Before you start sculpting, prepare the surface of the desktop and what will be laid out already formed “bags”. For these purposes, you can use a wide tray or a large chopping board. To prevent sticking, the surface of the board or tray is plentifully sprinkled with flour. • Khinkali are formed from dough circles, with a circumference of up to 10 and a thickness of about 0.3 cm. It is advisable to roll them out, forming edges that are thinner. The filling is laid out in the center, not more than a tablespoon on one circle (the proportions of meat and dough - 1: 1). Then they lift the edges and, making small wrinkles on them, narrow them, and then fix them, twisting the “tail” counterclockwise. The excess of the serving test cut.

• Khinkali can be cooked immediately after modeling or put into long storage in the freezer. To freeze semi-finished products they are first placed in a freezer on a tray or board. When the top hardens well, it is laid in a bag and tightly tied.

• How to cook khinkali with meat. This requires a large pan, with a capacity of 4.5 liters or more. Fill it with water, put the salt and put on a strong fire. When it boils, they slightly reduce the fire so that the water does not boil intensely and immerse no more than eight products. There is one more way - boiling water is vigorously stirred with a spoon in order to form a funnel and lower the khinkali into it.

• To prevent freshly-molded khinkali from breaking through, they are lifted by the tail and kept for a little weight so that the filling has settled and only after that is dipped in boiling water. Cook at least a quarter of an hour from boiling, not allowing the water to boil intensely.

• Prepare khinkali and steamed. For these purposes, suitable multicooker or steamer. Semi-finished products spread on a well-oiled mesh or container for steaming, at a distance of the thickness of a finger from each other. If they cook in a slow cooker, the container is placed on the bowl immediately after hot water is poured into it and, covered with a lid, they start the steaming program. The timer is set to 15 minutes. Steamers install a grid with semi-finished products on the pan only after water boils in it, and cook, covered with a lid for up to 20 minutes.

• Served hot, with pepper or spicy sauces, to taste reminiscent of adjika. Khinkali do not prick on a fork, they are lifted by the “tails” with their hands. First, bite off a little dough and drink all the juice.

Georgian khinkali with meat: a recipe for mixed mince (pork and beef)


For test:

• a pound of high-quality flour;

• teaspoon finely ground salt;

• drinking water - 200 ml;

• one egg;

• three spoons of refined oil.

For minced meat:

• pork neck - 250 gr .;

• 250 gr. lamb;

• a small bunch of cilantro greens;

• two large onions;

• half a glass of water;

• pepper;

• Zira - 1 tsp. (you can not add).


1. We re-flour. Measure out half and pour in a deep bowl. In the center of the hand do the “funnel”, pour the egg into it, put salt and oil. Stir everything with a spoon, gradually adding water. The result is a rare “slush”. Cover the bowl with a linen towel and set aside for half an hour.

2. In the meantime, you can prepare the filling. Thoroughly wash both pieces of pulp and, coarsely chopped, twist with a meat grinder. It is advisable to use the largest grid.

3. Cut melenko onion, chop cilantro and shift everything to the stuffing. Add salt, season with ground pepper and, topping up the water, thoroughly knead the mince with your hands. The crushed components evenly disperse in the mass of meat, and the liquid is completely absorbed. Leave the bowl under the lid on the table.

4. In the rested dough, pour the remaining flour and immediately begin to knead it with your hands. Mix it in and out of the bowl on a floured table and continue to knead until the dough is smooth and seemingly homogeneous. Shift it back into the bowl and, covered with a towel, leave aside for another half an hour. After that, again lay on the powdered table and thoroughly crush for ten minutes.

5. Next, proceed to the formation of khinkali. Thoroughly sprinkle the table with flour, and roll out the dough into the layer, up to half a centimeter thick. Using the most ordinary glass, we squeeze the circles out of the dough. Trimming collect, crush, roll out again and cut circles.

6. Prepare a large flat dish, on which we will lay out the fashioned khinkali - sprinkle it with flour. 7. Mugs roll out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 0.2 mm. We spread on the center of the filling, about a tablespoon, and, collecting the edges of the accordion, form the bags. Shift khinkali on the prepared dish.

Khinkali with meat from dough without eggs


In the dough:

• white baking flour - 500 gr .;

• salt “Extra” - 1 tsp;

• 250 ml of drinking water.

For filling:

• pound of beef;

• two onions;

• ground pepper of two types - red and black;

• Zira - 1/2 tsp;

• Fresh parsley and cilantro.


1. Measure out the right amount of flour, reseed on the table with a mound. In the center we make a small funnel and pour salt into it, pour in cold water (from the refrigerator). Gently slide the flour from the edges into the water with a fork and carefully mix. When all the water is gone, and the mass begins to thicken - we continue to knead with our hands. We knead dough thoroughly and for a long time. Periodically we cut the test room and turn it inside out so that the drier upper layer is inside. Knead, gradually adding flour.

2. Having received a steep, but quite elastic dough, stop the kneading. We form it with a ball, put it in a bag and leave it to “rest”. It is advisable to rest for at least two hours.

3. Beef with onions scroll in a meat grinder, passing through the largest grid. Add greens, salt, ground with the help of a knife, finely chopped with a knife, season with peppers and stir. Then, without ceasing to mix, we begin to add cold water in portions. The result should be a rare stuffing, the spoon placed in it will not stand, but will immediately “fill up”. Cooked minced clean in the cold for an hour.

4. Get the dough out of the bag. Reclining, it became plastic, reminiscent of clay, prepared for modeling. We form a thick sausage out of it and cut it into small pieces, weighing about 45 grams. Roll out of them the circles of the desired diameter and, slightly pouring flour, put in a pile. According to all the rules, we form khinkali from minced meat and dough. For convenience, you can take a small bowl, then rare stuffing just does not "run away".

Khinkali with minced meat



• three glasses of flour;

• glass of water;

• A spoonful of salt.

In the filling:

• young lamb - 300 gr. (can be replaced by beef);

• fresh lard or fat from fat - 120 g;

• a teaspoon without a hill of zira;

• garlic - 2 teeth;

• one third of a spoonful of crushed hot peppers;

• bunch of cilantro.


1. We cut all the flour into a wide and deep bowl. Add salt and mix well. Pour water and begin to knead the dough. At first, we mix everything well with a fork, and then we switch to manual mixing. When the dough becomes noticeably dense, lay it on the table and crush well. Gradually add flour, knead until it becomes tight. We wrap it with a film and let it rest for about an hour.

2. Prepare the stuffing. Thoroughly wash the meat, wipe dry with a piece of disposable towel. On the cutting board, cut into thin slices, which are then cut into narrow strips. The resulting “ribbons” cut across as thin as possible.

3. Similarly, grind lard and combine it with meat, laid out on a large chopping board. Everything is well chopped with a special hatchet or a sharp, heavy knife. Then we shift the meat mass into a bowl, add finely chopped garlic, cilantro greens and spices. Stir, gradually pouring water.

4. Put the dough in the form of dough into a sausage, cut and roll. There should be at least 14 blanks (circles). We take a saucer, sprinkle with flour, put a circle of dough on it, in the center - a tablespoon of minced meat filling. By all the rules we fasten the edges, forming a plump “bag”, and do not forget to shorten the “tail” a little.

Khinkali with meat and Suluguni cheese


For the test:

• kilogram of high-quality flour;

• two eggs;

• drinking water 350-400 ml;

• one and a half spoonful of salt.

In stuffing:

• kilogram of Suluguni cheese;

• fresh beef - 1 kg;

• five medium-sized onions;

• half a pack of butter;

• parsley and cilantro - in a small bundle.


1. On the water from the flour flour with eggs and adding salt in two steps, knead the stiff dough. The cooking process is described in detail in the first recipe. 2. Coarsely chop a carefully washed piece of beef and twist in a meat grinder twice. Add onion, finely chopped greens and ground pepper - about a third of a spoon. Lightly add some salt and mix everything thoroughly.

3. Shred the Suluguni medium grater, mix it with soft oil, transfer it to the minced meat and stir it thoroughly, pouring water (250 ml) in portions.

4. Roll out the dough with a layer thickness of 0.3 cm, cut circles. As a stencil, you can use a saucer. In the middle of each place a spoonful of meat filling with cheese, put them together, sews edges together. Holding the edge, scroll through the “bag” with mince counterclockwise and cut off the excess from the “tail”.

Delicious Khinkali with Meat and Potato


• portion of dough cooked without eggs.

In the filling:

• potatoes - 300 gr .;

• onions - two medium heads;

• 100 gr. fat of fat tail or unsalted fat;

• 350 gr. fatty pork;

• beef, pulp - 300 gr .;

• spices - to taste.


1. Knead the dough without eggs. The proportions of flour and water and the technology of preparation can be viewed above in the recipe “Khinkali with minced meat”.

2. Prepare the stuffing. Chop finely meat and lard, combine in a bowl and mix. Spread the stuffing evenly on a chopping board and grind even more, chopping with a knife. Then we shift it back into the container, add spices, add some salt.

3. Chop finely onions, cut potatoes into cubes. The smaller they are, the better, large pieces can remain raw and break through the dough.

4. We shift the vegetables to the stuffing. Stirring and pouring cold water, bring it to the desired consistency.

5. Cutting with scissors, grind the washed and well-dried herbs. Pour it into the stuffing and stir it thoroughly again. Under the lid, let stand for about an hour.

6. From dough and minced meat, observing all the rules, we make khinkali. Steam cooking.

Khinkali with meat: chicken recipe


• dough mixed from half a kilo of flour with or without eggs. For filling:

• chicken breast (fillet) - 400 gr .;

• two bulbs;

• 100 gr. real cheese;

• cilantro, parsley, dill - optional.


1. Prepare a portion of any test. The proportions of flour and water, and the method of proper preparation can be found in the recipes above.

2. Prepare the meat filling. We twist in a meat grinder chicken fillet with onions. On a large grater we rub cheese into the mince, season it with spices and lightly salt. Dilute the meat with water. Pour it in small portions, and stir well each time so that the liquid is completely absorbed into the stuffing. At the end, enter the chopped greens, but you can not add.

3. Roll out dough thin cakes, the size of a saucer. We spread the stuffing and pinch the edges with folds, forming a “bag”. Reduce the “tail” and shift the khinkali to the floured surface of a wide tray.

Khinkali with meat - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Semi-finished products that have been frozen are cooked a little longer, up to 20 minutes, as they require additional time for thawing.

• If after the khinkali float up, lightly pour on ice-cold water each, they are guaranteed not to stick together.

• Tomato-garlic sauce can be a great addition to the dish. Peel three large tomatoes from the peel, and grind their flesh on a medium grater. Boil, add crushed garlic, season with pepper. Salt to your liking, cool. Can be supplemented with hop-suneli sauce.

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