Aromatic melon in syrup for the winter - a piece of summer in the can! The best recipes for cooking melon in syrup for the winter

Aromatic melon in syrup for the winter - a piece of summer in the can! The best recipes for cooking melon in syrup for the winter

So why surprise households and guests?

Traditional blanks are fed up. I want something new. And let's prepare a tender, and most importantly, healthy melon in syrup for the winter.

Let's start?

Melon in syrup for the winter: general principles of cooking

In order to enjoy winter harvesting with perfection, we adhere to the general principles of preparation:

• buy a slightly underripe melon;

• thoroughly wash the fruit and dry it with paper towels;

• we clear a melon of a peel and seeds;

• cut the sweet flesh into small squares;

• tightly place the melon slices in sterilized jars;

• we fill in a container boiling water;

• after 5-10 minutes, pour the liquid into the pan;

• prepare syrup and pour melon;

• roll up the cans and wrap them in blankets or towels;

• take the container to the basement or storeroom when the treat has cooled.

Voila! Unusually delicious melon in syrup for the winter is ready.

Melon in the syrup for the winter: recipes pleasing simplicity!

Winter harvesting indulges with versatility, since the pieces are ideal for making homemade muffin - cakes, pancakes, cakes, tartlets and cakes, and the syrup is perfect for making compotes and jelly. In addition, the melon in the syrup for the winter is often used to prepare meat dishes with savory notes.

Melon in syrup for the winter: a classic recipe


For the preparation of fragrant treats we need:

• unripe melon - 1 pc. (about 2 kg);

• granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. with a hill;

• citric acid - 1 tsp .;

• purified water - 2 liters.


The technology for making goodies is simple, but the result is amazing!

1. We wash the container, dry it, sterilize it (how exactly is the personal matter of each hostess).

2. Wash the melon and dry it with paper towels or napkins.

3. Remove the peel from the fragrant fruit and remove the seeds.

4. Cut the melon into neat cubes.

5. Put the pieces of juicy pulp in jars.

6. Fill boiling water in the container with melon for 10 minutes.

7. Put a special lid with holes on the jar and pour the water into the pan. Some housewives do not reuse this liquid, but in vain, because it is ideal for preparing syrup. 8. Add sugar and citric acid to the pan with warm water with melon aroma, mix well and bring to a boil.

9. Fill the melon pulp with syrup.

10. We roll up the container and cover with blankets, turning it upside down. When the delicacy has cooled, we bring it to a cool place, where it will wait for its high point!

Melon in the syrup for the winter is good after 1-3 months.

Melon in syrup for the winter with cloves, cinnamon and vanilla


To cook a savory delicacy that diversifies the winter menu, stock up on the following products:

• ripened but not overripe melon - 1 pc. (about 2 kg);

• sugar - 2 tbsp .;

• citric acid - 1 tsp;

• cinnamon - 1 stick;

• vanilla - on the tip of a knife;

• carnation - 2 asterisks;

• water - 2 liters.


Preparation of delicacy will not cause difficulties, even among young housewives!

1. Sterilize the jars and lids.

2. Wash the melon under running water and dry with napkins or towels.

3. We clean the aromatic fruit-berry-vegetable (biologists can not decide) from the peel, stem and seeds.

4. Cut the false pod into small cubes.

5. Tightly lay the pieces of pulp in jars.

6. Fill boiling water in a container with melon for 10 minutes.

7. Pour the liquid from the container into the pan (this water is suitable for preparing a syrup, which is no longer good).

8. Add sugar, citric acid, cinnamon, cloves, vanillin to a container with hot water. Thoroughly mix the ingredients, bring to a boil.

9. Syrup, exuding a delicious smell, pour into containers with melon.

10. We roll banks and wrap in old jackets or blankets, turning containers upside down. When the workpiece is cooled, we take it to the basement or storeroom.

After 2 months, the melon in syrup for the winter will amaze you with great taste!

Melon with syrup for the winter with lemon


To prepare a sweet and sour delicacy, we arm:

• unripe, but not green melon - 1 pc. (about 2 kg);

• sugar - 2 tbsp. with a hill;

• large lemons - 2 pcs .;

• fresh mint - 2 sprigs;

• water - 2 liters.


Sweet melon, sour lemon, refreshing mint - this is a vitamin boom that will not leave a single gourmet indifferent! 1. Wash, dry and sterilize containers in any convenient way.

2. Wash the melon, dry it, using towels, get rid of the peel and seeds, cut into neat cubes.

3. We wash the mint and dry it, spreading it on a towel. Many housewives dry their greens in the old manner, that is, they put it on old newspapers. This cannot be done, since pathogens accumulate on paper. In addition, the ink used for printing is unlikely to have a positive effect on health.

4. Fill the tare with false pieces. Put mint on the fragrant pulp (you can put only leaves) and lemon slices.

5. Pour boiling water in a container with melon (15 minutes is enough).

6. Pour the liquid from the container, putting the lid with holes on the jar, into the pan. On the basis of this water we will prepare a syrup.

7. Add sugar to warm water and bring to a boil, stirring.

8. Pour syrup into the container with a bright yellow-green filling.

9. Roll up the cans, turn them upside down with the bottom and cover with old blankets or warm jackets. When the billet cools down, bring it to a cool place to wait for the well-deserved akhovs and ohs.

Fabulous, delicious melon in syrup for the winter will be ready after 30 days.

Melon in syrup for the winter with ginger


To make a spicy and sweet delicacy, take:

• slightly immature melon - 1 pc. (about 2 kg);

• sugar - 2 tbsp. with a hill;

• fresh ginger root - 1 pc., If it is small, or 1/2 pc., If it is large;

• citric acid - 1 tsp;

• purified water - 2 liters.


Delicacy with spicy notes has not only a pleasant taste, but also a healing effect.

1. Sterilize the jars and lids before washing and drying.

2. Wash fragrant melon and dry with napkins.

3. We clean the fruit from the rind, seeds and cut into cubes.

4. Wash ginger, get rid of the peel and cut into thin plates.

5. At the bottom of the containers put a couple of pieces of ginger, and the rest of the space cans filled with juicy pulp of fruit, vegetables and berries.

6. Fill in tara with melon slices and ginger slices with boiling water for 7-10 minutes (you should not overdo it, we will get unattractive slush instead of whole slices). 7. Pour the fragrant liquid from the jar into a separate pan. On the basis of it we prepare syrup: add sugar and citric acid, bring to a boil, stirring.

8. Pour syrup into a container with a false false.

9. We roll up the container, turn it upside down, cover it with an old blanket or other warm clothes. When the workpiece is cooled, we take it to the basement or storeroom.

Melon in syrup for the winter with ginger will be ready in 30-60 days.

Melon in syrup for the winter with figs


For the preparation of delicacies we stock:

• a mature, but not overripe melon (otherwise it will turn into a puree) - 1 pc .;

• fresh figs - 1 pc .;

• sugar - 2 tbsp .;

• citric acid - 1 tsp;

• vanilla - on the tip of a knife;

• water - 2 liters.


1. Sterilize the jars and lids, after washing and drying the container.

2. Wash the fragrant melon, dry it using paper towels, peel, tail off, remove seeds and cut into neat cubes.

3. Ripe figs washed and dried. If the skin is thin, do not touch it. Cut figs into large slices.

4. Tightly lay the fig and melon pulp layers.

5. Fill fragrant ingredients with boiling water for 10 minutes.

6. Pour the liquid from the container into the pan, add sugar, vanillin and citric acid. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and bring the syrup to a boil.

7. Pour syrup into tara with figs and melon.

8. Cover the containers with lids and roll them using the key.

9. We wrap the cans with a blanket, after turning the container upside down. When the workpiece is cooled, we take it to the basement or storage room.

Juicy and tender melon in syrup for the winter with figs will be ready in 30-90 days.

Melon in syrup for the winter with a banana


For the preparation of an exotic delicacy, which will bring summer notes to the menu, we stock:

• melon - 1 pc. (about 2 kg);

• immature, but not green bananas (they must be elastic) - 2 pcs.

• sugar - 2 tbsp. with a hill;

• citric acid - 1 tsp;

• purified water - 2 liters.


1. Sterilize the jars after washing and drying.

2. Wash out “guest from Asia” and dry them with napkins.

3. We clear the bright melon from the peel, seeds, peduncle, cut into neat cubes, so that the winter harvesting is not only tasty, but also beautiful. 4. Peel banana and cut into rings. It is imperative that the banana be elastic, otherwise the fruit will turn into porridge (the taste of the treat will not be affected, but the type of preparation will be unaesthetic).

5. Put the banana and melon in jars in layers.

6. Fill the ingredients with boiling water for 10 minutes.

7. Pour the liquid from the container, putting a special lid with holes on it, into a separate container (water is useful for syrup).

8. Add sugar and citric acid to warm water with banana and melon flavor. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour it into jars of melon.

9. We roll up the container, wrap it up with warm clothes, turning the cans upside down, and wait for the billet to cool. Then we take it to the basement or pantry.

Treats can be tasted after 1-2 months.

Melon in syrup for the winter: tricks and tips

To make a winter treat both tasty, aromatic, and useful, and beautiful, we take note of the tricks of the culinary art guru. So:

• we must sterilize the jars, otherwise the workpiece will spoil;

• we buy a slightly underripe melon so that during the cooking process it will not turn into an unattractive porridge;

• do not chop the flesh too small, again, we risk turning the delicacy into puree;

• we do not regret the syrup, the pieces must be completely covered with it, otherwise the melon will shrink and turn black;

• we add spices to give a delicacy juicy notes;

• do not make the syrup too sweet, otherwise the preparation will be cloying;

• do not forget to overturn containers;

• do not take out the workpiece until it cools down;

That's it! Enjoy your meal!

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