Cream of condensed milk: all your favorite recipes. 10 best options for cream with condensed milk for excellent desserts

Cream of condensed milk: all your favorite recipes. 10 best options for cream with condensed milk for excellent desserts

Once, back in 1856, American Gale Borden figured out how to preserve the freshness of milk for a long time. By boiling the product with sugar, everyone's favorite condensed milk appeared. Today, it is actively used both as an independent dish and added to various recipes. Especially popular are creams for condensed milk cake, which are distinguished not only by their amazing taste, but also by their naturalness. Unless, of course, choose the right product.

Types of condensed milk:

• classic with sugar;

• with additives (coffee, cocoa, chicory, vanilla);

• boiled.

For creams, the classic product is most often used, which is then mixed with other ingredients. It is important to buy real condensed milk, and not a mixture of palm fats, sugar and milk powder. To do this, you must carefully review the packaging and find the GOST icon on it. Or read the composition. In addition to milk and sugar, there should be no other ingredients in it. Only from such a product will turn out really tasty and healthy cream for cake made from condensed milk.

Dairy products, butter, cocoa, chocolate, and nuts are commonly used to supplement the recipe. The quality of these ingredients also determines the taste of the final product.

Condensed milk cream: general principles of preparation

Preparation of cream for condensed milk cake is simple. Typically, the recipe uses no more than 3-5 ingredients that need to be mixed or whipped. When preparing it is important that the products for mixing have the same temperature, this will prevent the separation of fats, the formation of lumps and the mass will be homogeneous.

If berries and fruits are used in addition, it is important that they are free from spoilage and rot. Otherwise, the cream will acquire an unpleasant taste. You also need to know that fruit cream cake from condensed milk is not subject to long-term storage and should be used immediately. To prolong the freshness, you can use heat-treated mashed potatoes.

If the cream does not need to be heated, then do not take aluminum containers for cooking. It is better to prefer plastic or enamelled cups. For whipping it is better to use a conventional mixer, the blender does not allow to get a fluffy mass.

Recipe 1: Classic condensed milk cream

Classic cream of condensed milk and butter is great for decorating cakes, pastries, layers of cakes. It blends perfectly with fruit, chocolate, caramel and honey. It can be spread on a piece of fresh bread or used as a filler for ice cream. It is difficult to find someone indifferent to the taste of vanilla cream from condensed milk and butter.

Ingredients Required:

• condensed milk 200 gr .;

• butter 200 gr .;

• egg yolk 2 pcs .;

• vanillin 0,5 gr.

Method of preparation

Butter must be removed from the refrigerator beforehand and kept at room temperature for 2 hours to make it soft. But if it melts, the cream of condensed milk and butter will not work. Therefore, under no circumstances should you melt the food on the stove or use a microwave oven.

Next, soft butter should be whipped with a mixer until a fluffy white mass. Gradually add one yolk to it. Continuing to whisk, thinly pour condensed milk. At the end of whipping add vanilla. You can also add a little liqueur to flavor the condensed milk and butter cream.

If there are concerns about eating raw yolks, they can be eliminated and simplify the recipe of the classic cream of condensed milk and butter.

Recipe 2: Cream of condensed milk with sour cream

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream has a pleasant, light taste with a slight sourness. It is great for biscuit, honey cakes. Also cream of condensed milk and sour cream can be used to fill custard cakes. It is not only very tasty, but also useful. It can be safely used in baby food. And if you need to reduce caloric content, then instead of sour cream, you can use natural yogurt.

Ingredients Required:

• condensed milk 300 gr .;

• sour cream not less than 20% fat 300 gr .;

• vanillin 1 gr .;

• Cognac 1 tablespoon.

Method of preparation

Sour cream should be whipped with a mixer, but do it carefully, no more than 3 minutes. Otherwise, it may take oil grains and buttermilk will go away. Then, without stopping the beating, add condensed milk in parts. At the end pour vanilla, add brandy. Mix everything thoroughly. Sometimes cream from condensed milk and sour cream can turn out liquid. In this case, you can correct the situation with the help of butter. Beat 200 gr. product in a lush foam and gradually, in small portions add to it a liquid cream. The result is sour cream of condensed milk and butter, which can also be used in any desserts.

If there is no butter or no desire to increase the caloric content of the cream of condensed milk and sour cream, you can use gelatin. For this 10 gr. powder pour 50 ml of water or milk, allow to swell for 30 minutes. Then heated in a water bath and combine with cream of condensed milk and sour cream. The mass must be removed for half an hour in the fridge, it will become more dense.

Recipe 3: Cream of boiled condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk is a delicacy from childhood. But if earlier it was not always possible to buy it and often had to cook, today you can buy a ready-to-eat product in the store. From it is easy to make an incredibly delicious cream of boiled condensed milk, which will decorate the cake, pastries, various desserts, and even your favorite nut cookies.

Ingredients Required:

• boiled condensed milk 400 gr .;

• butter 300 gr .;

• vanilla if desired.

Method of preparation

The softened butter should be whipped, gradually add condensed milk. When the cream of boiled condensed milk becomes homogeneous, you can add vanillin. It also goes well with nuts, which must be pre-fry and chopped. If the cream of boiled condensed milk turned out very thick, then the nut crumb will score it even more. The mass will be difficult to smear on the cake. In this case, it is better to sprinkle the nuts already smeared with the cream of boiled condensed milk cakes.

If there is no boiled condensed milk at home, but there is an ordinary one, then you can cook it. But at the same time it is important that it was real and consisted of whole milk, without vegetable fats. The bank must be freed from the label, placed in a saucepan, add water and cook for 2 hours, turning down the heat after boiling.

Recipe 4: Condensed milk cream with bananas

Air, banana cream of condensed milk and butter can be used in cakes and pastries, as well as as an independent dessert. And if you add the gelatin or agar-agar, you get a dessert resembling a soufflé. He does not give way to bird's milk to taste. This is a great way to use the cream, if you have surplus. Ingredients Required:

• condensed milk 300 gr .;

• bananas 2 pcs .;

• butter 200 gr.

Method of preparation

For cooking, remove the oil from the refrigerator beforehand so that it is soft. Beat until white and fluffy, then gradually add milk. All carefully smash and refrigerate. Bananas clean, place in a blender and smash into mashed potatoes. It is important that they are ripe, but without black inclusions. Remove the cream from the refrigerator and gradually add the banana puree.

To banana cream with condensed milk and butter turned out delicious and fragrant, you need to choose a good fruit. It is better to navigate not by appearance, but by smell. Good and sweet bananas are always fragrant, but if they do not smell, then it is better to pass by. Tasteless and soapy fruits only impair the quality of the cream.

Recipe 5: Chocolate condensed milk cream

Condensed milk and chocolate are two products that no sweet tooth can resist. So why not combine them? Delicious chocolate cream made from condensed milk and butter is wonderfully combined with biscuit, puff, sandy and honey cakes. It can also be used for sweet sandwiches as a chocolate paste.

Ingredients Required

• chocolate bar not less than 72% cocoa 100g;

• condensed milk 200 gr .;

• butter 200 gr.

Method of preparation

Crumble the chocolate bar into pieces and put into the water bath to melt. At this time, beat the butter and put it in the fridge. Pour the condensed milk into a bowl and add melted chocolate in a thin stream while beating with a mixer. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, immerse the mixer and gradually add the chocolate-milk mixture. Beat until smooth.

Similarly, you can make cream with white chocolate. If you add to it a little coconut, then the taste will resemble a popular bar bounty. Both options go well with nuts. It is not necessary to weight the recipe with them, it is enough to add a small handful, ground in a coffee grinder. And the delicious flavor is guaranteed.

Recipe 6: Cream of condensed milk with cottage cheese

Can dessert be made both tasty and healthy? Of course! If you use curd cream with condensed milk and butter. Delicate, rich in calcium and protein product will love even those people who do not like cottage cheese. What is especially important in baby food.

Ingredients Required:

• cottage cheese 200 gr .;

• condensed milk 200 gr .;

• butter 50 g;

• vanillin 0,5 gr.

Method of preparation

To make the cream gentle, airy, without a tart taste, it is important to thoroughly chop the curd. You can do this by wiping through a sieve, but it is better to use a blender. If the mass is too thick, then you can add a few tablespoons of condensed milk. Separately mix the butter and condensed milk, carefully punch. Combine both masses, gradually adding milk to the cottage cheese, add vanillin and mix.

On the basis of the basic recipe for curd cream with condensed milk and butter, you can prepare different layers for desserts: nutty, chocolate, fruit and berry. But especially beautiful cakes can be obtained by alternating layers of cream with jelly layers or strips of marmalade. This recipe can also be used for filling eclairs.

Recipe 7: Cream of boiled condensed milk and cream

Cream of boiled condensed milk and cream is light, airy. It is great not only for cakes, but also for filling eclairs. And, not least, the caloric content of this product is lower than that of condensed milk and butter cream.

Ingredients Required

• boiled condensed milk 400 gr .;

• cream at least 30% fat.

Method of preparation

Condensed milk should be put out of the jar in a cup, well punch with a mixer so that the mass becomes homogeneous. In another container, pour the cream and whisk in a lush foam. It is better if they are specifically designed for whipping, in which case it will take 2-3 minutes to work with a mixer.

Next, the mixer must be switched to the slowest mode and gradually, without stopping the beating, add condensed milk. If desired, you can add vanillin or any essence, but the flavor of the boiled dish itself is rich and resembles creme brulee.

If the consistency of cream for condensed milk cake turned out too lush, then you can punch it for half a minute at high speed mixer. The foam will settle, and the mass will become more pliable in operation. And to fill the custard cakes better lush mass, so they are less cloying and light.

Recipe 9: Condensed Custard Cream

This recipe for condensed milk custard and butter will be appreciated by lovers of sweet, rich and high-calorie desserts. It will fill any, even the most bland and primitive cake with taste. Boiled condensed milk gives a pleasant cream color and caramel flavor.

Ingredients Required:

• cow's milk 400 gr .;

• flour 3 tbsp. spoons;

• butter 200 gr .;

• boiled condensed milk 300 gr .;

• sugar 200 gr .;

• vanillin 1 gr.

Method of preparation

From milk, sugar, flour, you need to cook a classic custard. To do this, you need to put the milk on the stove, sugar mixed with flour and pour into the milk. Gradually stirring, bring to a boil as soon as the mass starts to float, turn off and cool.

While the custard mass cools, you need to whip the softened butter and condensed milk. Then gradually add the cooled custard mass. All kill and pour vanilla. Remove the cream for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator until it solidifies. Boiled condensed milk can be added more than a prescription. In this case, the taste will be sweeter and more saturated.

Recipe 10: Raffaello condensed milk cream

Popular sweets Rafaello leave no one indifferent. This taste is familiar to many, but few know that it is very simple to recreate it at home. This cream can be used in the preparation of desserts, but it is especially well combined with a fresh croissant or an air bun.

Ingredients Required:

• condensed milk 400 gr .;

• butter 200 gr .;

• coconut flakes 100 gr .;

• white chocolate 100 gr.


Coconut chips need to soak in advance 100 gr. boiled, but cooled water. Let it brew, stirring occasionally. Water at the bottom of the container should not remain.

Beat the butter, add half of the condensed milk to it and mix thoroughly. Melt chocolate in a water bath. It is important not to let the water boil. White glaze does not like high temperatures and may curl. For the same reason, do not use a microwave. Melted chocolate mixed with the residue of condensed milk and gradually enter into the butter mixture. Beat everything up and add swollen coconut chips. Stir and cream can be used.

Condensed Cream: Tricks and Tips

• When adding bulk ingredients (sugar, coffee, cocoa) you need to sift them through a sieve or just mash the lumps. In the finished mass is difficult to do.

• Vanillin, essences and fragrant spices should be added at the end of the cooking process. At the same time, turn on the mixer for the minimum speed.

• Butter, sour cream, cream before mixing with condensed milk should be whipped separately. So the cream will be lighter, airier and less cloying.

• A spoon of brandy, added to the finished cream, will add the flavor of walnut and make the taste more profound.

• Cream of boiled condensed milk is distinguished by its density. It can be difficult to mix with other ingredients. Therefore, you can pre-punch the condensed milk with a mixer with a small addition of fresh milk, cream or boiled water. Mass will become more plastic.

These simple tips will help to prepare the most delicious and healthy cream cake of condensed milk, which will appeal to both children and adults.

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