Lagman with radish: a new dish on your menu. Recipes Lagman with radish, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, lamb, chicken

Lagman with radish: a new dish on your menu. Recipes Lagman with radish, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, lamb, chicken

If you have never prepared a lagman, you need to urgently correct this situation! After all, this is an amazing dish that combines soft meat, fragrant vegetables, delicious gravy and noodles. Traditionally, lambman is cooked from lamb with the addition of vegetables and specially made noodles, but we want to introduce you to the original recipes of this dish - lagman with radish. This is both delicious and beautiful - you will certainly enjoy it.

Lagman with radish - general principles of cooking

Usually, first cut the meat, fry it in butter until golden. Pour in water, torment until half ready and complete evaporation of the liquid. Add chopped vegetables, spices, fry, re-pour water and boil until cooked. This fragrant meat-vegetable gravy is called the vaja. Depending on the desired result, you can adjust the thickness of the wadji, if necessary, pouring boiling water.

Separately, boil special lagman noodles, recline in a colander, mixed with butter.

They serve Lagman, laying out noodles in a deep plate, filling it with vaja and sprinkling it abundantly with various greens.

1. Suira Laghman with radish


• 500 grams of beef;

• noodles;

• onion;

• zira;

• a few cloves of garlic;

• 2 tomatoes;

• three or four small chili pods;

• Chinese cabbage;

• Dzhusay;

• green beans;

• half radish;

• a pair of bell peppers;

• a mixture of hot peppers;

• coriander.


1. Wash beef, finely cut.

2. Garlic is crushed.

3. Shred cabbage.

4. Cut the onion.

5. Grind the radish on a fine grater.

6. Tomatoes are scalded with boiled water, peeled and cut into small cubes.

7. In the hot sunflower oil is poured meat. Roasted beef pulled out of the cauldron, set aside.

8. Bowed to the cauldron. To the translucent fried onions add garlic, tomatoes.

9. In about five minutes, add dzhusay, green beans.

10. A few minutes later add radish. Stew for 10 minutes. 11. Put pepper, cabbage, chili, meat.

12. Season with spices.

13. Vegetables and meat poured boiled water.

14. Reduce fire to an average. Stew about half an hour.

15. Spread cooked noodles in a plate, pour with gravy, sprinkle with fresh chopped greens.

2. Vegetable lagman with radish


• bow;

• green radish;

• carrot;

• Bulgarian pepper;

• 200 grams of green beans;

• tablespoon adjika;

• bunch of cilantro;

• four cloves of garlic;

• tomatoes;

• jando;

• fresh greens;

• noodles.


1. Onions are washed, peeled and finely chopped. Lightly fried in a cauldron.

2. Add carrots and bell peppers cut into thin strips to onions.

3. Add jando, chopped garlic, diced tomatoes. Stew for ten minutes.

4. Add adjika. Fry all vegetables for three minutes.

5. Fill with hot water. The gravy is brought to a boil and kept on low heat for up to twenty minutes.

6. Pour chopped greens. Insist vegetable waja.

7. Cooked hot noodles poured over gravy.

3. Uzbek lagman with radish


• 750 grams of wheat flour;

• 305 milliliters of water;

• 900 grams of beef;

• 150 milliliters of vegetable oil;

• 270 grams of potatoes;

• bulb onion;

• garlic;

• sweet pepper - 165 grams;

• radish - 110 grams;

• carrots - 205 grams;

• tomatoes - 350 grams;

• dill and parsley - to taste.


1. Prepare a dough based on wheat flour and water. Leave for two hours. The finished dough is thinly rolled, cut for long noodles and boiled it. Throw back in a colander, washed under running water, smeared with vegetable oil.

2. Onions and Bulgarian pepper cut into half rings, fresh tomatoes into slices, carrots, potatoes, and radish into small cubes.

3. Meat is cut into small pieces.

4. Fry meat with onions in vegetable oil. Add fresh tomatoes.

5. After 5-10 minutes, add Bulgarian pepper, radish, carrots, chopped garlic. Fry for about 8-10 minutes. 6. Water is poured in, potatoes are laid, seasoned with spices. Stew until done.

7. Prepared noodles are placed on a plate. Vegetable gravy is spread on it with roasted meat. Sprinkle with chopped greens.

4. Tatar lagman with radish


• 400 grams of meat;

• one carrot;

• bow;

• garlic;

• 150 grams of bell pepper;

• 350 grams of potatoes;

• 150 grams of eggplants;

• 100 grams of tomato paste;

• 100 grams of black radish;

• a bunch of parsley;

• Bay leaf;

• 200 grams of noodles;

• 2 liters of broth;

• 60 milliliters of vegetable oil;

• salt;

• sugar;

• ground black pepper.


1. Meat is cut into cubes of small size. Placed in a cauldron. Fry the sliced ​​meat until golden brown. Filled with water. Prepare until cooked on medium heat, regularly adding water.

2. Wash tomatoes, scald with boiling water and peel. Rub on a grater.

3. All other vegetables are washed, cleaned, cut into cubes of small sizes.

4. Tomatoes and other vegetables (with the exception of potatoes) are fried.

5. Potatoes, roasted vegetables, tomato paste based on shabby tomatoes are added to the almost finished meat. Pour broth. Salt, pepper. Add bay leaf, chopped garlic. Cover with a lid. Stew until done.

6. Noodles laid out on plates. Pour broth with stew, vegetable mixture. For decoration use greens.

5. Lagman with radish and apple cider vinegar


• 500 grams of noodles;

• 300 grams of lamb or beef;

• one carrot;

• two tomatoes;

• one medium-sized green radish;

• bow;

• Bulgarian pepper;

• one hundred grams of white cabbage;

• 50 grams of green beans;

• 40 grams of garlic;

• a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and tomato paste;

• a teaspoon of ground paprika, coriander, sugar;

• half a teaspoon of red hot pepper, ground jira;

• bunch of greens.


1. Onions are peeled and cut into thin half-rings.

2. Carrots, radishes are washed, cleaned, rubbed on a coarse grater. 3. Bulgarian pepper is washed, cleaned from the stem and seeds.

4. Heat vegetable oil in a pan. Spread shredded meat, stir fry until rosy (about 8 minutes).

5. Add onions and cook for a few more minutes, stirring constantly. Season with red pepper.

6. Sprinkle with Bulgarian pepper, carrot, radish. Stir. Cook for five minutes on high heat, stirring constantly.

7. Peel tomatoes from the skin, cut into small pieces.

8. Three cloves of garlic are peeled and very finely cut. Add to tomatoes, tomato paste. Sugar is poured. Leave for half an hour to insist.

9. Boil salted water for cooking noodles. They put the noodles in boiling water, boil at a low boil until they are ready, they are thrown back in a colander.

10. Garlic and green beans are washed, dried. String beans cut large, garlic - smaller.

11. Pickled tomatoes, tomato paste, green beans, and garlic are added to the meat in the pan. Stir with a spatula. Prepare before evaporation of the liquid.

12. Little by little, pour hot water in small portions in which the noodles were boiled. Cook for about 15 minutes at a low boil. The consistency of the lagman should resemble a very thick soup.

13. Cabbage chopped. Add to the rest of the ingredients. Cook for five minutes at a low boil.

14. Season with ground, ground coriander.

15. Greens washed, crushed, added to the dish.

16. Prepare a spicy seasoning. Combine in a pan in a teaspoon of ground hot pepper and coriander, three chopped cloves of garlic. Roast in vegetable oil on low heat for a couple of minutes. To seasoning add a spoonful of apple vinegar. Stir quickly.

17. Hot noodles are placed on a plate. Water it with a mixture based on meat, vegetables, seasonings. Sprinkle with greens.

6. Lagman with radish in a slow cooker


• four green radishes;

• 400 grams of meat (lamb or beef);

• noodles;

• salted Bulgarian pepper;

• onion;

• cilantro;

• vegetable oil; • four carrots;

• three cloves of garlic;

• three tomatoes;

• salt;

• a mixture of peppers;

• Bay leaf.


1. On the “Frying” program, chop small meat in vegetable oil.

2. Add chopped onion with garlic. Continue frying.

3. Fall asleep sliced ​​radish. Add diced tomatoes and bell peppers.

4. Pour in water, covering meat with vegetables. Add spices and salt. Stew on the program "Quenching" 35 minutes.

5. Multicooker off. Broth is left to insist.

6. Noodles are washed with cold water, boiled.

7. Spread noodles on the dish, pouring it into the prepared mixture. For dressing use chopped greens.

Lagman with radish - useful tips

It’s easy to buy lagman noodles today, but a radish lagman is much tastier if you use homemade noodles.

For its preparation, take eggs, salt, water, flour. Knead a soft, elastic, non-sticky dough. Wrap the blank in the film, remove the “rest” for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough layer, cut the layer into strips. Now gently pull the strip so that you get long noodles. For masters, the length of lagman noodles reaches five meters. Stretched noodles should be dried before cooking.

Such noodles are cooked very quickly, so it is important not to digest it, otherwise it will spoil the taste and appearance of the finished dish. Boil in a saucepan, water, salt, put noodles, mix. Boil after boiling literally 2-3 minutes with constantly stirring. Enjoy your meal.

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