Banana soufflé - a cloudy dessert with a magical aroma! Simple recipes for banana soufflé with cottage cheese, semolina, chocolate

Banana soufflé - a cloudy dessert with a magical aroma! Simple recipes for banana soufflé with cottage cheese, semolina, chocolate

Banana soufflé is a gentle, cloudy, airy dessert. It can be cooked in a variety of ways, give a delicacy original tastes, get unearthly pleasure from it. Moreover, all this is easy to do at home.

Banana Soufflé - General Cooking Principles

Souffle is prepared with or without pastries. The basis most often eggs and dairy products. If the dessert is heat treated, starch and flour may be added. The dough is cooked light, airy, it is laid out in small molds, then baked in the oven, steamer, there are recipes for the microwave oven. Souffle without baking is prepared with gelatin or agar, most often it has a dairy, sour cream, cottage cheese basis. After combining all the ingredients, the dessert requires cooling.

Bananas can be used as a filling or crushed, added to the total weight. Often they are combined with other fruits, nuts or berries. Cottage cheese, chocolate, various creams, marmalade and other confectionery products are also added to the souffle.

Banana soufflé “Breath”

The recipe of the French banana soufflé, which is light and airy, which is why it got its name. Bake dessert better in small tins for serving.


• 4 bananas;

• 2.5 Art. l flour;

• 4 eggs;

• vanilla;

• a glass of milk;

• 4 spoons of sugar;

• 2 spoons of butter.


1. The yolks should be separated, poured into a bowl, add to them a little more than half a glass of milk, about 2/3, grind.

2. Add flour to yolks, stir.

3. In the rest of the milk, add sugar, vanilla, bring to a boil. Combine with yolks, very quickly stir, warm up. It should make a thick cream.

4. Add cream to the cream. Separate the pieces separately, do not need to, just stir until dissolved. Leave to cool.

5. Pound the bananas to a slurry or shift them into a bowl of the combine and whip in a puree. Connect with yolk cream. 6. Back to the squirrels. Beat with a mixer until a strong foam.

7. Now combine the whipped proteins and the main cream. Stir gently so as not to precipitate the foam.

8. Spread the cream in molds. Before that, they need to lubricate, it is better to use butter. Additionally, you can sprinkle with bread crumbs, almond crumb.

9. Bake flavored souffle at 200 degrees for 15-18 minutes, depending on the size of the dessert.

Banana soufflé without flour

The recipe for a tender dessert without the addition of flour. Delicacy is easy, airy. You can replace part of sugar with honey, which will increase the usefulness of the dish. Instead of lemon, you can use lime or diluted dry acid.


• 2 bananas;

• 3 proteins;

• 1 yolk;

• 15 ml of lemon juice;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar.


1. We clean the bananas, cut them into pieces, put them in a blender and quickly beat. Or turn the pulp into a puree in another way.

2. Immediately add lemon juice or acid to the mush so that it does not darken and spoil the look.

3. Pound the yolk with sugar, gradually introduce banana puree.

4. Protein whip with sugar until strong foam. All grains should dissolve. A third of the mass is set aside in a clean bowl.

5. For the rest of the proteins, add the cooked mashed potatoes with lemon juice and yolk, gently stir.

6. Lubricate the molds, spread out the banana mass, a layer of about 2 cm.

7. Top decorated with whipped whites with sugar. They can be laid out just like that or squeezed out using a pastry bag.

8. We bake dessert a quarter of an hour. The optimum temperature for a banana soufflé is 195-200.

Banana soufflé with gelatin (without baking)

Option soufflé on gelatin, which does not require baking. It is based on sour cream with bananas. Similarly, you can take ryazhenka, yogurt. Kefir is also suitable, but it should not be too sour and low-fat.


• 400 ml sour cream;

• 25 g of gelatin;

• 0.5 Art. Sahara;

• 2 bananas;

• vanilla, cinnamon, lemon.


1. Dissolve gelatin in 70 ml of water. Give brew. The liquid must be cold so that the gelation does not start early. Instead of water, you can take any juice or ordinary milk. 2. Whip sour cream with sugar.

3. Peel bananas, cut into slices.

4. Loose gelatin must be slightly warmed to become liquid. You can use the microwave or water bath.

5. Mix the gelatin and sour cream, throw vanilla and lemon zest to them. You can add some cinnamon. We choose spices to your taste.

6. Immerse the mixer, beat the jelly cream five minutes.

7. Add chopped pieces of bananas, stir.

8. Cool for 2-3 hours. You can arrange jelly souffle in small molds, decorate at your discretion, sprinkle with coconut chips, which well emphasizes the taste of bananas.

Banana soufflé with “Gentle” decoy

For those who do not like porridge there is another variation of the banana soufflé, which can always be made to your taste. The amount of sugar, flavoring additives can be easily adjusted.


• 250 g of milk;

• 30 g of oil;

• 50 g of sugar;

• 50 g of semolina;

• 0.5 tsp. vanilla sugar;

• 2 bananas;

• 2 large eggs.

Still need a little butter and sugar for the molds.


1. We coat the molds with butter inside, sprinkle with large sugar, send it in the freezer.

2. Pour the milk into the saucepan, immediately pour out all the sugar, salt for taste, enough of the third part of a teaspoon. We put on the stove, give boil.

3. Add a thin stream of croup, prepare ordinary porridge. Remove from heat, add oil, stir and let cool.

4. The oven must be turned on to heat 210 degrees.

5. Separate the yolks, pour into porridge, stir.

6. Protein whip in a lush foam, pour vanilla.

7. Cut bananas into slices.

8. First, add the fruit to the porridge, stir.

9. Now we mix in the protein foam, try to keep the volume.

10. We take out the cooled molds, quickly spread out the mass, put a banana souffle in the oven.

11. Cooking for about ten minutes, no more. Then we turn off the oven, slightly open it so that the souffle does not sit down. After a while we get out of the oven, turn it over on flat saucers.

Banana soufflé with cottage cheese (gelatin)

Another option for a lazy souffle without baking on gelatin. This dish is not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. The basis is cottage cheese. To make the dessert tender, it is better to take a fat cottage cheese at least 12%.


• 400 g of cottage cheese;

• 250 g sour cream;

• 250 ml of milk;

• 20 g of gelatin;

• 4 bananas;

• 150 g of sugar;

• vanilla.


1. Combine the milk with gelatin, leave for the time specified in the instructions. It usually takes 30 minutes to swell. If gelatin is instant, then ten is enough.

2. We throw cottage cheese, sour cream, vanilla, sugar and 2 bananas into a bowl. Grind to homogeneity or whisk with a blender.

3. Melt the gelatin, which should swell well at this point. It is not necessary to heat strongly, it is enough to give a liquid consistency to melt the clots, and it is easier for products to connect.

4. Mix milk gelatin with curd mass, set for 20 minutes in the fridge.

5. Cut the left bananas into circles. You can additionally take the strawberries, slices of mandarins, depending on the time of year.

6. We take out the sour cream mass, put it in small molds or in creamer, place fruit in the middle.

7. Re-remove the dessert in the fridge, leave for two hours.

Banana souffle from double boiler (cottage cheese)

Option simple dessert, which is steamed. It can be given even to small children who are already familiar with all the ingredients of the soufflé. The basis is cottage cheese and eggs. Banana must be chosen tight, the pieces should not fall apart.


• 500 g of cottage cheese;

• 4 spoons of semolina;

• 2 bananas;

• 6 tablespoons of sugar;

• 5 eggs.


1. Pound the yolks with cottage cheese and sugar. Add the semolina. For flavor, you can pour a little vanilla sugar. Stir, leave for 15 minutes.

2. Beat whites until fluffy foam. Since they are sugar free, this can be done very quickly.

3. Cut slices of bananas, mix with cottage cheese.

4. Add whipped whites, stir.

5. We lay out the future of the souffle in small greased molds, put in a double boiler. 6. Cook for about 30 minutes.

Banana soufflé with chocolate

For such a banana soufflé you need good dark chocolate. With simple tiles it will turn out not so tasty.


• 80 ml of milk;

• 1 banana;

• 1.5 tablespoons of starch (corn);

• 2 yolks;

• 80 g chocolate;

• 3 proteins;

• 60 g sugar.


1. Lubricate the forms, sprinkle with sugar, place on a baking sheet and put in the freezer.

2. Pour the milk into the saucepan, add sugar and starch, put the egg yolks, immediately pour the chopped chocolate, mix everything thoroughly.

3. Put the saucepan on the stove, boil to dissolve the chocolate and thicken the mass. Get a cream. Remove from heat.

4. Pound the banana, add to the cream.

5. Protein whisk until foam, mix everything together.

6. Put the souffle in cooled molds.

7. Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes, when serving, you can sprinkle with cocoa or powdered sugar.

Banana Soufflé - Tips and Tricks

• To keep the bananas dark, after cleaning and slicing, you can sprinkle with lemon juice.

• If the soufflé is not very beautiful, the defects can easily be masked with grated chocolate, cocoa, powder, fruit. Dessert will only be more interesting.

• If you want to make a festive souffle for a children's table, you can add food coloring to the mass.

• Souffle molds are often sprinkled with sugar. Similarly, you can use chopped nuts.

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