Dessert from sour cream - feel the joy of life! Recipes for desserts made from sour cream: jelly, souffle, mousses, cakes, creams and other goodies

Dessert from sour cream - feel the joy of life! Recipes for desserts made from sour cream: jelly, souffle, mousses, cakes, creams and other goodies

Dessert from sour cream is a tasty and nutritious dish.

It fills the body with vitamins and energizes.

Cooking dessert from sour cream does not take much time. There is no need for special culinary knowledge and talents.

The dish is made in the form of mousse, cake, souffle or jelly.

Delicious, simple or delicious, healthy dishes can please your family every day. Or enjoy them on weekends and holidays.

Dessert from sour cream - general principles of preparation

All components of the dessert should be of high quality and fresh. First of all it concerns sour cream, as the main ingredient. Only then will the dish be delicious.

fruits and berries are added to the dessert. Most often it is bananas, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, cherries and cherries. Fruits must be freed from the seed.

Cocoa and juice are used to get different colors and flavors of sour cream dessert.

Chocolate, cookies and alcoholic beverages vary the composition of the dish.

In order for the dessert to keep its shape, use gelatin. It is usually filled with water and heated until completely dissolved.

It will help to beat the cream and stir all the ingredients of the mixer. The airiness of the finished dish depends on the duration of whipping.

Dessert, as a rule, you need to put in two or three hours in the refrigerator and only then use.

1. Dessert from sour cream: banana-vanilla jelly

The useful and tasty dessert from natural products will be pleasant both to kids, and that who is more senior. Dessert sweet in moderation with a slight sourness.


• Sour cream (20-25%) - 500 ml.

• Sugar powder - 150 grams.

• Vanillin.

• Two bananas.

• 25 grams of gelatin.

• Half a glass of water.


Jelly pour in a deep cup. Add water in small portions. Stir constantly until a slurry is obtained. It should not be lumps. Leave for twenty minutes for complete freezing. In powdered sugar pour vanillin.

Beat sour cream with a mixer at low speed until airy. Sugar powder with vanilla fall asleep gradually. Beat another three minutes.

Gelatin heat to dissolve. After cooling, add to sour cream and mix. You can use a mixer.

Bananas cut into circles and divide in half. Put them on the bottom of the molds.

Top with sour cream. Place another layer of bananas on it. Next - again a layer of sour cream. Put the remaining bananas on top.

Leave in the refrigerator until cool.

2. Dessert from sour cream: soufflé

Dessert is prepared quickly - it is easy to prepare. The three-layer dish is not only tasty, but also very attractive in appearance.


• Sour cream (15%) - 800 ml.

• Six spoons Art. Sahara.

• Art. spoon of cocoa (or ground powder of hot chocolate).

• Art. spoon of strawberry juice.

• Gelatin - 25 grams.

• 200 grams of strawberries.

• Water - 75 grams.


Sour cream evenly distributed in three bowls. Put on two spoons of sugar. Mix. Leave about ten minutes for the sugar to dissolve.

In one bowl add a spoonful of cocoa and mix. In the second - strawberry juice. Leave the third bowl as it is.

Gelatin pour water and heat in a water bath. It must completely dissolve. Add the third part of the gelatin in a bowl with sour cream.

In a prepared form pour a layer of sour cream and place in the fridge for freezing (for twenty minutes).

Pour half of the remaining gelatin into a bowl of sour cream and cocoa.

Pour the cocoa layer onto the mold and move it again to freeze.

The same procedure to do with strawberry sour cream: pour the remaining gelatin, mix and pour into the form.

Leave in the fridge for two hours.

Frozen souffle out of the form and decorate with strawberry slices.

3. Sour cream dessert: strawberry jelly

Cooking dessert is desirable during the ripening of strawberries. Fresh berry will give the dessert of sour cream a pleasant and soft taste. Ingredients:

• Sour cream (25%) - 500 ml.

• Five spoons Art. Sahara.

• Gelatin - 25 grams.

• 500 grams of strawberries.

• Water - 100 ml

• 10 grams of vanilla.


Dissolve gelatin: pour 70-80 degrees hot water and mix.

In sour cream pour sugar, vanillin. All stir and leave for fifteen minutes.

Turn strawberries into mashed potatoes. You can use a blender or do it manually.

Beat sour cream and pour into a bowl of strawberry puree. Mix well.

Pour a small stream of gelatin. Stir until all of its mass moves to the pot.

Pour into molds and leave in the refrigerator for two hours.

Sprinkle with coconut flakes on top. You can also put strawberry slices.

4. Sour cream dessert: chocolate mousse

To the beginning of the school year or the work week was pleasant, you can make a real treat - chocolate mousse.


• 0.100 kg of chocolate.

• Sour cream (25%) - four tbsp. spoons.

• Two eggs.

• Granulated sugar - Art. spoon


Melt chocolate to a thick state.

Proteins and yolks divided.

Add half the sugar to the yolks and mix. Move to the chocolate, dissolved, stir.

Add sour cream and continue the mixing process.

Squirrels with the remaining sugar, beat and gently move in chocolate-cream mass.

Pour the mousse into molds or cups. Rearrange in the fridge. After two hours you can enjoy the dessert.

5. Dessert from sour cream: berry

Tasty summer dish. Sweet cherry is a very useful berry, and in combination with sour cream a delicate and fragrant dessert is obtained.


• Brown sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons.

• Lemon.

• 300 grams of pitted red cherries.

• Two Art. spoons of vodka.

• A glass of sour cream.

• Art. spoon of cinnamon.


Boil the syrup: pour half the sugar into the water, grate half the lemon zest. Cook for about five minutes. Pour sweet cherries and vodka into syrup. Make the maximum fire and turn it off immediately after boiling.

Spread in molds and allow to cool.

Cool sour cream, pour into the mixer. Add three spoons of sugar, cinnamon and beat.

Put the resulting mass on the cooled fruit. Dessert is ready.

6. Dessert from sour cream: with cookies and fruit

Fruit and airy dessert will always be appropriate. It can be served with tea, because there are chocolate cookies inside.


• 700 grams of sour cream.

• Half a cup of sugar.

• Two Kiwis.

• 150 grams of mulberry.

• 50 grams of gelatin.

• 200 grams of chocolate chip cookies.


Prepare gelatin in the usual way.

The bottom of a deep form is covered with cling film. Lay a layer of mulberry on it.

Grind cookies and sprinkle with fruit.

Peel kiwi and cut into circles. Spread on top of the cookie. Cover with chocolate chips.

Beat sour cream with sugar until creamy. Add gelatin and mix thoroughly.

Pour the fruit with sour cream and leave for a few hours.

The dessert froze and can be flipped out of shape on a plate. Remove the film. Cut the dessert into pieces and enjoy.

7. Dessert from sour cream: “Bird's milk”

No need to bake a cake, its taste is very pleasant: moderately sweet with a touch of coffee.


• Milk - 625 ml.

• Liter of sour cream.

• A glass of granulated sugar.

• Two Art. cocoa spoons.

• Q. spoon of instant coffee.

• 75 grams of gelatin.


Gelatin pour in a bowl pour milk (half a cup). Its temperature is room temperature.

Sprinkle sugar in sour cream and whisk slightly.

Add half a liter of milk and whisk more. It turned out the consistency of the cream.

Gelatin with milk melt.

Small portions pour a little cream into the gelatin, constantly stir. Add to the rest of the sour cream and continue to beat.

The finished cream is divided in half. Pour one half into a bowl. The second - remains in the mixer. Add cocoa and coffee. It turns out chocolate cream. Stir.

Pour half of the chocolate mass into the cake mold. When this layer hardens, you need to pour sour cream on it.

On the frozen mass put the remnants of chocolate cream.

After three hours, dessert can be eaten. It should be turned over into a large bowl and cut into pieces. Each serving of dessert consists of three layers.

8. Dessert from sour cream: with cherries, apples and crackers

Simple and simple dessert. The main thing is that sour cream is thick, then the frozen dish will be airy and nutritious.


• Sour cream - 300 grams.

• 80 grams of cream cracker.

• 150 grams of pitted cherries.

• Apple is green.

• 50 grams of chocolate.

• 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar.


Whip sour cream along with powdered sugar.

Apple clean and cut into small pieces. We take out the stones from the cherries.

Break the cracker into small pieces and send it to sour cream. Here we also add cherries and apple slices. Stir.

Spread the dessert on a plate. Sprinkle the dish with grated chocolate.

Dessert stored in the refrigerator for two to three hours.

9. Dessert from sour cream: Nuts in prunes under sour cream

Prunes with nuts, soaked with sour cream - this dessert is a must try. It is difficult to convey the taste of words.


• 0,500 kg sour cream.

• 300 grams of prunes.

• Sugar powder - 3 tbsp. spoons.

• 50 grams of chocolate

• Peeled nuts - 200 grams.


Steam a little prune and then fill it with walnuts. Put them on a plate.

In sour cream, pour the icing sugar and beat. It will take about fifteen minutes.

Richly apply the finished cream on a layer of prunes with nuts.

Chocolate grate and pour for dessert.

The dish should stand for about an hour.

10. Dessert from Sour Cream “Air”

Sugar in the dish do not add it enough in the jelly. Raspberries can be replaced by other berries. Ingredients:

• 0,500 kg of fat sour cream.

• A raspberry flavor jelly pack.

• 200 ml of water.

• 8-9 raspberry berries.


Dissolve jelly in water and cool slightly.

Pour the mass into the sour cream and beat for at least five minutes.

Put half of the raspberry berries on the bottom of the ice-cream pan or glass.

Top with cream and jelly cream and put cool.

Put the remaining raspberry berries on the finished dessert.

Dessert from sour cream - tricks and useful tips

  • When buying sour cream in a store, you need to carefully examine the composition. If it is natural, it contains only cream and leaven. If the inscription on the label informs about stabilizers, casein proteins, various modifiers and emulsifiers - this is a product with vegetable fat, not sour cream.
  • And the shelf life is no more than two weeks, not months.
  • Sour cream should not be sour, then dessert is tastier.
  • Oranges, tangerines, juicy peaches in a dessert of sour cream is best not to put. They produce a lot of juice and the dish does not freeze well. It is advisable to use more dry fruits.
  • The frozen gelatin can be re-dissolved in the microwave oven, leaving it there for a few seconds.
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