Stewed eggplants are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook braised eggplant.

Stewed eggplants are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook braised eggplant.

The time when eggplants began to grow and eat is not known for certain, presumably it was in the 1st millennium BC in the tropical part of East India. From this area, eggplant was transported to Asian countries, then to North Africa, and only in XIII-XIV did this vegetable get to Europe. At the beginning of the XVI century, eggplant was introduced to America and became widespread throughout the world.

Eggplants have found the widest application in the cooking of various nations. They are subjected to various heat treatment, canned, used for cooking caviar and sauces. Regular consumption of this vegetable increases the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood, improves liver and kidney function, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and relieves constipation.

Stewed eggplants - general principles and methods of cooking

Modern cooking knows dozens of ways to cook eggplant, they are baked, boiled, fried and stewed. Especially popular are recipes in which stewed eggplants are mixed with other vegetables, as well as spices and seasonings. Depending on the type of heat treatment, eggplants can acquire a completely different taste. Often, before cooking eggplants, pre-boiling them to a state of semi-preparation is required. In some cases, pressing vegetables with a hand or with a special press is used.

Stewed Eggplants - Food Preparation

To extinguish the eggplants, it is certainly better to choose young and elastic fruits, since their overripe counterparts contain a large amount of rather bitter substance - solanine, which can spoil the taste of ready-made meals and even provoke indigestion. Young fruits can be identified by the status of their stem, if it is brown, then this is probably stale eggplant. In addition, the young fetus may not be soft, slippery or have brown spots.

In order to get rid of a large amount of solanine contained in eggplants at home, it is necessary to hold the fruit for several minutes in a three percent solution of salt. It is better to store eggplant for no more than two days, but in specially equipped premises they can remain fresh for up to three weeks. Stewed Eggplants - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Eggplant Braised Caviar

This snack is perfect to eat, both hot and cold. It can be spread on bread or served as a side dish to meat dishes.

Ingredients: 1 large eggplant, 1 large tomato, 1 medium Bulgarian pepper, 1 onion, 1 carrot, cilantro, salt, ground black and red pepper to taste, vegetable oil.

Method of preparation

Wash carrots, peel and cut into quarters. Dice eggplants, onions, peppers and tomatoes into small cubes. Fry carrots in vegetable oil for three minutes, then add the rest of the vegetables to the pan. All salt, pepper, pour a little clean water and simmer for fifteen or twenty minutes, under a closed lid. Sprinkle the finished dish with plenty of fresh herbs.

Recipe 2: Eggplant stewed in sour cream

Very delicate and fragrant snack that will decorate any holiday table.

Ingredients: 2 large eggplants, 1 onion, 300 grams of sour cream, 3 cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt, pepper to taste.

Method of preparation

Peel the onions and chop finely, put them in a hot frying pan and simmer in vegetable oil to a state of semi-ready. Finely chop the garlic or squeeze through the garlic and add to the onion. Make the maximum fire and add the eggplants in half a minute. Fry for five minutes, stirring constantly. Then add sour cream, salt and pepper when the sour cream begins to boil, reduce heat, mix well, cover and simmer for twenty minutes. This dish can be served hot or cold, but certainly abundantly sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Recipe 3: Eggplant Stewed with Meat and Vegetables

A great combination of fresh vegetables and fragrant meat will make this dish unforgettable.

Ingredients: 450 grams of fresh eggplants, 60 grams of vegetable is small, 250 grams of beef, 60 grams of bell pepper, 500 grams of tomatoes, salt, pepper and greens to taste.

Method of preparation

Wash eggplants, cut into slices, salt abundantly and leave to stand for fifteen minutes. Then wash the fruit and fry in vegetable oil. Beef mince. Fry the onions on low heat, add salt and pepper. Wash tomatoes and also cut into circles. Prepared ingredients lay out in a saucepan, in the previously specified sequence, with each layer must be poured with pepper and salt. Pour the vegetables with mashed boiled tomatoes, and then simmer for fifteen or twenty minutes. Serve hot, richly sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe 4: Stewed Eggplants with Potatoes

Excellent hot appetizer, which can be used as a separate dish or as a side dish for meat.

Ingredients: 2 medium eggplants, 2 bell peppers, 4 potatoes, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 cups of meat broth, salt, seasonings, pepper and herbs to taste, sunflower oil for frying.

Method of preparation

Eggplant to wash, peel and cut into small cubes. Wash potatoes, peel and cut into thin slices. Pepper also wash and cut into small pieces. Wash onions and garlic, peel and chop finely enough.

Put the potatoes on the heated sunflower oil, fry for five minutes, then add the eggplants, garlic, onion and paprika. All sprinkle with any herbs, selected in their own way to taste. Salt and pepper, add broth and simmer until cooked on low heat under the lid closed.

Serve hot, on a la carte plates, generously sprinkle with herbs.

Stewed eggplants - tips from experienced chefs

In order for sliced ​​eggplants do not darken, they must be sprinkled with fresh lemon juice. Ready meals from these fruits are best served in a glass or enamel bowl. In order for eggplants to not soak up a lot of oil during frying, they must be well dried or dipped in egg white for a few seconds before cooking.

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