Chicken liver in sauce: bechamel, tomato, cheese. Casual and exotic ways to cook chicken livers in a sauce

Chicken liver in sauce: bechamel, tomato, cheese. Casual and exotic ways to cook chicken livers in a sauce

Chicken liver is used in many dishes, it is good and just fried in pieces with seasonings and greens.

Liver of birds a little bitter taste, sauce can soften the taste of the finished dish.

There are many variations of it, the most common recipes - with tomato and sour cream.

Chicken Liver in Sauce - General Cooking Principles

The liver of the birds is prepared very simply. It can be roasted, stewed, boiled on the stove and in a slow cooker, baked in the oven. With the observance of technology you will definitely get a dish from the series “you will lick your fingers”:

1. When choosing a liver, pay attention to color and smell. Very dark indicates that the product has been lying on the store shelf for a long time and has simply grown old. The liver has no smell as such, therefore any extraneous admixture speaks of corruption.

2. The structure of the fresh liver is also important. It should be elastic, filled with blood, not like porridge. Too yellow films and fat are also talking about old liver.

3. Before cooking, frozen liver should be thawed. If it remains in the air for a very long time, all the juice will flow out of it. Therefore, cut it as soon as the knife “takes”, and immediately fry or simmer.

4. Frying time - 5 minutes for thin pieces, 7-10 minutes for a whole chicken liver. Quenching takes no more than 15 minutes on the smallest fire. The cooking time in the slow cooker depends on the chosen program: “Frying” - 7 minutes, “Stewing” - 12-15 minutes.

5. Chicken livers in the sauce will be much juicier if they do not pour the dish while frying, but rather marinate and let stand.

Chicken liver in sour cream based sauce

Simple dish for every day. It has a gentle milky taste, it turns out soft and without bitterness, it prepares very quickly. Chicken liver sauce in this recipe is in perfect harmony with potato or cereal garnish.


• 1000 g of liver; • 250 g fresh sour cream;

• 3 medium onions;

• 3 garlic cloves;

• 120 g of an odorless vegetable oil (for frying);

• 1 large tomato;

• 30 ml of milk;

• ground or red pepper powder, salt, liver seasoning.


1. Clean the films, grease and wash the liver in running water, lay it on a towel and dry it.

2. Cut lengthwise into strips, like beef stroganoff.

3. Onions also clean, wash and cut into half rings as thin as possible.

4. Fry the onion in butter until dark golden.

5. We skip the tomato in a meat grinder or grate it on a grated peel, cut into finely garlic cloves, mix it with tomato puree. Pour the mixture to fried onions.

6. Put the liver into the pan, stir vigorously and fry for no longer than 5 minutes.

7. Mix sour cream with milk so that it does not coagulate at high temperature. Pour into a frying pan, add salt and spices and let on a small fire for another 5 minutes.

8. On top of the finished dish can be flavored with chopped parsley, cilantro, dill. Serve with mashed potatoes, boiled rice.

Chicken liver in sauce with eggs and hard cheese

Delicate dish with a beautiful crust. Chicken liver in egg sauce is cooked longer than usual, as it takes time to soak in gravy. You can even marinate your liver all night in order to prepare a fragrant dish for your family for breakfast.


• chicken liver - 800 g;

• eggs - 2-4 pieces;

• hard cheese - 50 g;

• corn starch - a quarter cup;

• mayonnaise - 30 g .;

• non-aromatic frying oil;

• salt, seasonings.


1. Rinse the liver and dry, laying out on a towel.

2. Cut it finely is not necessary - it is enough to divide each piece into 2-3 parts, removing the film and fat.

3. Immediately salt all the pieces and sprinkle with seasoning - black pepper, dried herbs and garlic or special seasoning.

4. Prepare the sauce - pour the eggs into a deep container, whisk, rub finely the cheese into them, pour in mayonnaise and mix.

5. Fill the prepared pieces with this mass, mix and refrigerate for 4 hours. 6. Then remove, add starch, mix.

7. Heat the pan, pour any unscented oil into it, heat it and fry the liver. If you like individual pieces with a crust, fry each piece on both sides in one layer. You can put the whole liver in the pan at once, but in this case you must constantly stir it, otherwise it will stick together.

Chicken Liver in Teriyaki Sauce (Japanese Cuisine)

Spicy dish in the best traditions of Asian cuisine - here and spicy soy sauce, and spicy ginger, and sesame seed. Chicken liver sauce in this recipe is perfect for fresh side dishes, for example, boiled rice. By the way, it is with long grain rice without seasoning that it is served at home in Japan.


• 1200 g chicken livers;

• 6 large garlic cloves;

• 10 Art. l spicy soy sauce;

• leek - 1 white stalk;

• butter for frying / sauce - 90 ml;

• pepper dry, sea salt;

• Ginger (better dried) - a big pinch;

• 15 g. Honey;

• 25 g of corn starch;

• vodka - 15 g .;

• sugar (preferably cane) - 40 g;

• sesame (seed) - 30 g.


1. Rinse the liver and remove all films.

2. Pour 4 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce. Leave her marinate for 20 minutes or more.

3. Cooking “Teriyaki”: pour the remains of soy sauce into the dishes, heat (but do not bring to full boil). Add vodka, ground dried ginger, butter (a quarter of a serving, preferably cold-pressed olive oil), sugar. Stir.

4. Introduce honey, crushed garlic and starch. Stir vigorously so that the starch does not curl into breasts.

5. Remove from heat, cool.

6. Leek washed, cut into rings and fry until ruddy.

7. Remove it on a plate, and in the same oil in the pan lay out the liver. It can be cut into cubes or long strips.

8. Roast for 3 minutes, add leek, mix.

9. Enter all the sauce, the garlic pieces that have settled to the bottom are also put in, fry for no longer than 3 minutes, until all the liquid has evaporated and each piece of liver is covered with caramel icing. 10. Shift the liver on a dish and sprinkle with sesame seeds. By the way, it can be slightly fried in a dry frying pan - so it will get a nice golden color.

Chicken Liver in Bechamel Sauce with Apples

Surprisingly savory sauce based on wine with hints of ripe raspberries is a great addition to the poultry liver dish. Chicken livers in “Bechamel” sauce with the addition of apples and pork belly can be boldly called a festive dish that is not ashamed to serve. Let it be your crown!


• half a kilo of chicken liver;

• 1 small onion;

• 2 sweet and sour apples;

• 100 grams of smoked bacon;

• 100 grams of dry wine;

• 35 g raspberry sauce;

• 40 g of flour;

• 400 ml of milk;

• 1 tbsp. l butter;

• 2 tbsp. l flour;

• nutmeg (dried) - a large pinch;

• a pinch of salt.


1. We take out the core of the apples so as not to damage them. Remove the peel, cut into circles, thickness - 1 cm.

2. Mix the raspberry sauce, wine, put an apple in liquid and boil over low heat for 10 minutes.

3. Wash my liver, cut it in half and roll down each piece in flour, cut onions into semi-semi-ribs, bacon - into thin strips. Oil grease pan, lay out the pieces of the liver and fry on high heat on both sides for 2 minutes.

4. Pour bacon and onion, fry another 10 minutes, add salt, add pepper.

5. Putting the dish together: put an apple ring on the plate, on top - onions with liver, bacon, again an apple. Pour sauce, where the apple was brewed.

6. Cooking “Béchamel”: warm the milk in a saucepan, add a piece of butter, flour and stir vigorously to avoid lumps. Add nutmeg. If lumps form in the sauce, wipe it through a sieve.

7. Pour “Béchamel” on the liver, garnish with a sprig of fresh parsley.

Chicken Liver in Tomato Sauce

A dish with a sour taste due to the use of ripe tomatoes in it. In winter or early spring, fresh tomatoes are successfully replaced by tomato paste or ready-made sauce like “Krasnodar”. Chicken livers in a tomato sauce is a daily meal for the whole family, including children's diets. Ingredients:

• chicken liver - 300 g;

• 50 g onion;

• 80 g tomato paste or fresh tomato puree;

• 1 garlic clove;

• 5 g of refined oil;

• basil;

• fine salt.


1. Slice the peeled onions in a small way.

2. Wash the liver and cut without films and fat into 3 parts.

3. Prepare the sauce: mix tomato paste (or mashed potatoes) with crushed garlic, basil (you can use both fresh and dried), and salt. If using a thick paste, add 2 tablespoons of warm water and stir.

4. Fry the onions on medium heat for a maximum of 5 minutes, after another 5 minutes - along with the liver.

5. Add sauce, stew on the smallest fire, stirring for 15 minutes.

Chicken liver in “Porto” sauce on zucchini “plates”

The original restaurant dish, which will be the center of the table at the festival. Differs in fresh and unusual taste, which gives sage, pistachios and fragrant cherries. Such chicken liver in sauce is for a true gourmet.


• port wine - 300 ml;

• 160 g butter;

• mustard beans - 20 g;

• 100 g cherries;

• 60 g of liquid honey;

• 400 g chicken livers;

• 20 g sage;

• a pound of zucchini;

• 2 garlic cloves;

• 100 g onion;

• 60 g pistachios;

• 60 g cooking oil;

• pepper / salt.


1. Cut the half rings onion, zucchini and garlic - circles. Fry onion, add finely chopped garlic, sage (half), heat up for 3 minutes.

2. Clean the liver and cut it in half, pour the pieces into a frying pan with onions. Shake pepper.

3. Separately fry zucchini with salt and pepper, as well as sage leaves.

4. Pour the liver with port, evaporate for two minutes. Fall asleep mustard, cherry (fresh or thawed), honey. Warm up for 3 minutes, add butter.

5. Put slices of zucchini on a plate, put liver with sauce on them, sprinkle with cut pistachios.

Chicken Liver in Cream and Curry Sauce

Delicate dish with a pronounced milky taste, spicy oriental hint of curry and greens. Chicken liver in a sauce in this version can be an addition to almost any side dish, both everyday and festive. Ingredients:

• poultry liver - 0.5 kg;

• carrots - 1 pc .;

• 0.5 onions;

• curry - 1 tsp;

• 50 g unscented oil;

• 10% cream - 200 ml;

• salt pepper;

• any dried greens;

• flour - 1.5 tbsp. l


1. Chop carrots and onions, as for frying, fry to a ruddy hue.

2. Add the liver cut in half, fry over high heat for 7 minutes.

3. Pour spices and flour, mix.

4. Pour in the cream and boil for 10 minutes.

5. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh herbs or garnish with green onion feathers.

Chicken Liver in Sauce - Tricks and Useful Tips

To the liver in the final dish was particularly tender and juicy, follow the recommendations for its preparation:

• to remove the bitterness that is inherent in any liver, soak it for 3 hours in milk;

• salt the dish must be at the very end or at all on the plate, otherwise the liver will “lose” all its juice;

• it is necessary to fry very quickly: the thinnest slices on a large fire are cooked for 1-2 minutes, whole pieces - no more than 7 minutes;

• You can make chicken liver in a sauce based on dairy products (cream, milk, sour cream, kefir), tomatoes, cranberries, cherries, apples, that is, sweet and sour fruits and berries;

• an interesting touch is given by adding to the dish a finely-stacked pickled cucumber.

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