Pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker is a favorite family dish. A selection of pasta dishes with minced meat in a slow cooker in different variations

Pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker is a favorite family dish. A selection of pasta dishes with minced meat in a slow cooker in different variations

The fastest way to feed a hungry family is to cook pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker. There are many types of pasta, and they are all suitable for the miracle of modern kitchen appliances - multicookers. In her dishes are prepared quickly, tasty and absolutely without burning and undercooking. The very pasta is a rather useful product that nourishes our body well. It is not necessary to speak about meat, its advantage is undoubted: fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

General principles of cooking pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker

In the bulk of the recipes in the first place always cooked stuffing.

It is preferable to take the minced meat, or pork, then the dish will be more juicy.

Macaroni is best to take durum.

If you stuff them, do it very carefully, so as not to break the pasta.

If you use tomatoes in a dish, be sure to peel them.

If mince is salty, be careful with adding salt to the whole dish, do not overdo it!

Pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker: add vegetables

For this recipe is perfect for very large pasta, shaped like a snail or shell. And as an additional dish, you can use a salad of fresh vegetables or corned beef: pickled tomatoes, cucumbers and mushrooms will brighten up any table.


• half kg minced pork

• pasta packaging

• salt

• spices

• one onion

• a small slice of cheese

• a couple of bay leaves

• water

• dill


Peel the onions and twist with minced meat through a meat grinder. Add salt and spices.

Large pasta stuffed with minced meat and carefully put in the bowl multicookers.

Fill them with water, but so that they are slightly hidden, add bay leaves.

Set the Pilaf multicooker mode. Just half the time. After the horns are ready, rub the cheese and sprinkle the dish on it. Set 10 minutes for heating in a slow cooker. Garnish the stuffed pasta with fresh dill sprigs.

Pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker with sour cream sauce

Pasta stuffed with this recipe is considered to be a festive dish. They truly decorate any table. Stuffing can be used any, depending on what kind of fat you prefer. If you prefer a more dry dish, take minced chicken, the fattest is pork.


• quarter kg of minced meat

• one carrot

• one onion

• pack of pasta

• a small slice of cheese

• a glass of milk

• a pair of spoons of tomato paste

• a pair of spoons of sour cream

• salt

• spices


We clean onions and carrots. Three carrots on the largest grater, onion cut into half rings.

Add vegetable oil to the bowl of the multicooker, spread onions and carrots, minced meat and tomato paste. All thoroughly mixed, salt and pour the spices. Set the Baking mode for 20 minutes.

The resulting mass is filled with pasta.

Cooking sauce. Mix the grated cheese with sour cream and milk.

Put the pasta in the bowl of the slow cooker and pour the sauce.

Set the Baking mode for an hour. If the pasta is damp, add another 20 minutes and add a little milk.

Pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker: add egg and tomato

This recipe is a little experimental. Try it, maybe it will seem worthwhile for you to add it to your cookbook. Tomato sauce is used as a fill, and an egg is also included in the ingredients, which is unusual.


• half kg of minced meat

• a couple of eggs

• a couple of bulbs

• a pack of regular pasta

• five spoons of tomato sauce

• salt

• pepper

• vegetable oil

• one and a half glasses of water


Pour a little vegetable oil into the bowl of the slow cooker, put the minced meat and fry it for five minutes.

Peel the onions, cut into small rings, add to the meat in a slow cooker. Salt, sprinkle with pepper. Cook until the onion is soft and the mince is golden.

Add eggs to mince, mix everything as soon as possible, pour in tomato sauce, mix again.

Add the pasta. Cook in Baking mode for about 50 minutes. After the dish is ready, decorate with greens and serve with corned beef or salad.

Pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker: tomato note

This pasta recipe is familiar to a not so wide circle of housewives. It uses the usual thin spaghetti and minced pork. It is better to take exactly pork, then the dish will become juicier and more satisfying. You can decorate it with olives and greens.


• salt

• pepper

• half kg of minced pork

• a pair of ketchup spoons

• one onion

• a pack of spaghetti

• half a glass of water


Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Add vegetable oil to the bowl of the multicooker and fry the onion until it is golden in color.

After that, put in the slow cooker the minced meat, salt and sprinkle with pepper and mix well. 20 minutes fry, stirring constantly.

Add water and simmer another 20 minutes.

Spaghetti lay out to mince, add ketchup. Install the Pilaf program for half an hour.

Decorate the finished dish with greenery, some vegetable salad or cutting will be perfect as a garnish.

Pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker: the envy of Italian pasta

Recipes pasta with minced meat no account. Stuffed pasta Sapozhok are very popular. This recipe differs from recipes in that all the ingredients are put together in a slow cooker and everything is prepared together.


• half kg of mixed mince

• one onion

• one mokrovka

• pack of pasta Boots

• medium piece of cheese

• salt

• spices

• pepper

• greenery


We clean onions and carrots, we carrot three on the smallest grater, chop onions into small pieces. Pour into a multicooker bowl.

Add vegetable oil.

Spread the same pasta boot with stuffing inside. Salt, add spices and pepper.

Set the Pilaf mode for an hour. Open the cover of the multicooker and sprinkle with pasta and minced grated cheese. Letting it melt.

Once the dish is ready, decorate it with greens.

Pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker: garlic and tomatoes

This recipe contains a garlic note, which was not in the previous ones. Pasta with minced meat are prepared in tomato sauce, and without adding ketchup and tomato paste. The dish turns out very fragrant and tasty. Suitable for both family dinner and gala dinner. Ingredients:

• pack of pasta

• bank of tomatoes

• a pair of garlic cloves

• steam of liters of water

• half kg of minced meat

• one carrot

• one onion

• vegetable oil

• a small slice of cheese

• spices

• salt

• greenery

• pepper


We clean onions and carrots, we cut onions in small half rings, we carrot three on a not very large grater. Clean and chop the garlic in the garlic press. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil in a multicooker bowl.

Add to the vegetables minced, salt, sprinkle with spices and pepper. Mix all very well. Simmer for 10 minutes under the lid of the multicooker.

With tomatoes, peel off the peel, cut them in small pieces and lay out to the mince. Simmer another 10 minutes. Stir at regular intervals.

Add the pasta to the minced meat in a tomato-garlic sauce, fill them with water and leave in the slow cooker for 50 minutes in the Pilaf mode.

After the pasta is ready, sprinkle them with grated cheese. You can decorate with greens.

Pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker: bechamel sauce and mushrooms

According to this recipe, pasta with minced meat is a kind of casserole. Thanks to the sauce and mushrooms, the taste of the dish is very rich, juicy and fragrant.


• pack of pasta

• can of mushrooms

• tomato paste

• three liters of water

• vegetable oil

• kg of minced meat

• a pair of bulbs

• 4 tomatoes

• greenery

• salt

• pepper

• big slice of cheese

• liter of milk

• half a cup of flour

• garlic

• half a pack of butter


Pour water into the bowl of the multicooker and let it boil. Pour the pasta into the already boiling liquid. Calculate the amount of water so that it does not have to drain.

In the semi-cooked pasta add minced meat, mix, salt, sprinkle with pepper.

We clean onions and carrots. Onions cut into small half rings, carrot three on a not very large grater. Add to pasta and minced meat.

We wash the mushrooms, cut them with small plastics and also add to the slow cooker.

Fry everything for half an hour. After that add to the pasta and minced tomatoes, peeled and finely chopped. Simmer for 10 minutes. At this time, prepare the sauce in the pan.

Melt the butter, gently add the flour, stir and fry. After that, pour in the milk and stir everything to a state of mashed potatoes. We are waiting for the sauce to boil. When ready, it will resemble sour cream in consistency.

Pour the sauce into the pasta and mince, add the garlic and simmer for 15 minutes. Sprinkle the cheese with the almost finished dish and let it melt. We decorate pasta with minced greens.

Tips and tricks of cooking pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker

  • Use the Pilaf mode, then all excess liquid from the dish will evaporate.
  • Greens are best to use dill or parsley, they will give the dish a pleasant aroma.
  • Use hard cheeses, they rub a lot easier and melt faster.
  • If you want to add a tomato flavor to your dish, use tomatoes in your own juice. If this is not possible, replace with tomato paste or ketchup.
  • Be sure to add bay leaf and basil to your dish, a pleasant aroma will be provided to your masterpiece.
  • If you use chicken mince, add more sauce or water, as this type of mince is a bit dry.
  • To make pasta tasty and cooked, watch the amount of liquid in the dish. If it is surplus, set the Plov mode.
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