Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

The original and favorite snack is pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes. There is a great variety of pizza toppings, but there are ingredients without which pizza is not at all the right dish. This is hard cheese and tomatoes. Different types of sausages are welcomed by many as a filling, so this recipe is a classic one. One of the prerequisites for making delicious pizza is that all ingredients must be fresh and of high quality. And of course cook with the soul.

List of ingredients:

  • 250 g puff pastry;
  • 200 g of hard cheese;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 250 g of hunting sausages;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml of tomato sauce;
  • Basil before serving.


1. For pizza you need a lot of tasty hard cheese. From 200 g of cheese, cut approximately 120 g into thin slices.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

2. Grate the rest of the cheese on a fine or coarse grater. Use your favorite variety, salty, unleavened or sweet, with spices and spices.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

3. Ripe juicy tomatoes, thoroughly rinse and cut into thin circles. It is better to use tomatoes from your garden - they are sweetish and more juicy. But in the absence of options, even frozen circles will do.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

4. Wash and dry the hunting sausages, cut into thin circles.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

5. Pure baking tray cover the parchment. Take a brush or pen, brush it with vegetable or butter, but do not be too zealous, as the puff pastry itself is greasy.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

6. Roll out a sheet of ready puff pastry and carefully place it on a baking sheet, align the edges, cut off the excess.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

7. Take diluted tomato paste, ketchup or homemade tomato sauce, spread the dough over the whole area. Some hostesses use adjika, homemade tomato juice, or grated tomatoes.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

8. Lay out hard cheese slices close together.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

9. Now spread the tomato circles evenly.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

10. In between the tomatoes and the cheese, place the circles of the hunting sausage.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

11. Sprinkle the pizza with the remnants of hard cheese and send to the preheated oven. At a temperature of 180 degrees pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes will be ready in 30-35 minutes.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

12. After the indicated time, carefully remove the hot baking sheet from the oven and let the pizza cool, then cut it into pieces (without parchment) and serve with tea.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes

Before serving, garnish with fresh parsley or basil.

Pizza with hunting sausages and tomatoes
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