Pepperoni Pizza

Pepperoni Pizza

Pizza was invented by Italians, or rather Italian hostesses. In order to feed their numerous family, they, having shown imagination, put everything that was in the house on a thinly rolled layer of dough: sausage, vegetables, cheese, olives, tomatoes.

Two similar pizzas, most likely, do not exist, since with a small change in the amount of ingredients you get a pizza with a different taste (even if it has the same name).

By the way, the name of the pizza often depends on the main ingredient. This is how Pepperoni pizza was born.

Behind this intriguing name lies a pizza with a minimal set of products. The main place in the filling is a special type of sausage - pepperoni. These smoked sausages, made most often from pork, are quite spicy due to the large amount of pepper - paprika and chili.

In Italy, they are sold in almost every store. Cooks from other countries have found an alternative solution: they sometimes replace pepperoni with another type of smoked sausage - salami. That also turns out well.

In addition to the sausage, this pizza contains tomatoes (canned or fresh) and mozzarella cheese, which hostesses famously replace with any soft cheese, so that it melts well.

In the preparation of this pizza there is a small nuance. If in any other pizza the cheese is the final stage, then in the “Pepperoni” pizza it is poured with the penultimate layer. On it also spread circles pepperoni or salami. Sausage in the oven is roasted, the inclusions of fat are melted, spreading over the pizza, making it spicy and appetizing. The dough for this pizza is prepared according to a standard recipe. Thanks to the yeast and good proofing, even its thin layer in the oven rises well, becomes soft and tasty.

Pepperoni Pizza with Ground Paprika


For the test:

  • flour - 1, 7 tbsp .;
  • water - 125 ml;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0, 3 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l

For the filling:

  • mozzarella cheese - 200 g;
  • pepperoni sausage - 150 g;
  • spicy tomato sauce or ketchup - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • dried basil - 0, 3 tsp;
  • ground paprika - 0.5 tsp;
  • greens.

Method of preparation

  • Pour the water warmed to 28-30 ° in a capacious bowl, dissolve dry yeast in it. Put the sugar and salt, stir. Leave for ten minutes to activate the yeast.
  • Pour in the olive oil, put the flour sifted through a sieve. Using a wooden spatula, combine the liquid with the flour. When the water is completely absorbed in the flour, start kneading the dough with your hands. Knead until it stops sticking to them.
  • Cover the bowl with film, put in a warm place for 1-1, 5 hours.
  • For the filling, cut the sausage into thin slices. Cut the cheese into slices or grate.
  • Put the well-risen dough on the table. If you have a small oven, divide it into two parts (you will have two pizzas). With the help of a rolling pin roll out thin, not thicker than 5 mm, round mine. Transfer to a greased baking sheet or immediately roll out on parchment, and then with him transfer to the baking sheet.
  • Smear the surface of the cake. Sprinkle with dried basil and paprika.
  • Sprinkle liberally with ground cheese.
  • Place pepperoni circles.
  • Place the baking tray with the future pizza in the oven, bake for 20-25 minutes at 200-210 °. Serve hot, pre-cut into sectors.

Pepperoni Pizza with Onions


  • pizza dough (see recipe number 1) - 250-300 g;
  • mozzarella cheese - 200 g;
  • pepperoni sausage - 150 g;
  • canned tomatoes - 200 g;
  • dried basil - 0, 5 tsp;
  • dried marjoram - 0, 5 tsp;
  • dried oregano - pinch;
  • onions - 0, 5 pcs .;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • red pepper to taste.

Method of preparation

  • Knead the dough from the ingredients listed in the first recipe. Put in a bowl, cover with a lid or film, put in a warm place for 1, 5 hours.
  • Cut the sausage into thin circles. Onion cut rings.
  • Free the tomatoes from the skin, fold them into a blender. Add spices. Grind to a smooth state. Pour into pan with butter. Boil for 5-10 minutes to the desired thickness. Cool it down.
  • Divide the dough in two. If your oven is roomy, you can not divide the dough, but make one big pizza. Roll into a thin round layer. The thickness of the juice should not exceed 5 mm. On a rolling pin, transfer to a greased baking sheet.
  • Lubricate the surface of the dough with sauce.
  • Rub the cheese on a medium grater, lay it evenly on the juice.
  • Put sausage slices on the cheese and onion rings on them.
  • Place the baking tray with the pizza in the oven heated to 220 °, bake for 20 minutes until the dough is ready. Cut into portions, serve immediately.

Pepperoni Pizza with White Sauce


  • pizza dough (see recipe number 1) - 300 g;
  • pepperoni sausage - 200 g;
  • mozzarella cheese - 200 g;
  • cream - 50 ml;
  • curd cheese - 50 g;
  • salt;
  • dried herbs (basil, marjoram, oregano) - to taste;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Method of preparation

  • Knead the pizza dough, place it in a bowl, cover with foil, place in a warm place to rise.
  • Cut the sausage into thin circles.
  • Grate cheese.
  • Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  • Roll the dough into round juice with a thickness of up to 5 mm. Transfer to a baking sheet covered with parchment.
  • Mix curd cheese with cream. Salt, sprinkle with dry herbs.
  • Divide the cheese into two parts. Pour one part in a thin layer onto the juice.
  • Place slices of tomatoes on top. Sprinkle with the rest of the cheese.
  • Put pepperoni on the cheese.
  • Place the baking tray in an oven heated to 210-220 °. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Cut into sectors, serve hot.

Mistress to note

Instead of pepperoni, take the salami sausage. To add spicy pizza, sprinkle the chopped sausage with red pepper.

If financial opportunities do not allow you to buy mozzarella, feel free to replace it with any cheese that melts well.

Instead of the usual yeast dough, you can use puff yeast, which can be bought at any store.

Spicy tomato sauce is quite appropriate to replace with ketchup or tomato paste, pre-mixing it with spices. To make the tomato paste sauce more fragrant, heat it in a frying pan with olive oil and spices.

Sometimes you can find recommendations that the pizza before serving need a little cool. Do not do this! It is served, as they say, with the heat of the heat - until the cheese hardened at room temperature.

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