Bulgarian pepper for stuffing for the winter

Bulgarian pepper for stuffing for the winter

Vegetable base should have the most natural flavor so that in winter you can get an appetizing dish. We offer you a recipe, which involves the absence of a large number of spices. This kind of pepper after stuffing does not differ in taste from a similar dish cooked in summer.

It takes 45 minutes to prepare such preservation, and from the ingredients listed here, 1 three-liter jar is obtained.


Bulgarian pepper for stuffing for the winter
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1, 5 kg;
  • aspirin - 3 pcs .;
  • salt to taste.


Bulgarian pepper for stuffing for the winter

1. First of all, you need to stock up on pepper. You need to prepare fresh meaty vegetables. Peppers should be sorted. For preservation, only vegetables without browning, cracks and other flaws are suitable. Rinse thoroughly. Drain vegetables with a towel. Cut fruit legs. Peel seeds and partitions using a teaspoon. Fold peppers in a large bowl.

Bulgarian pepper for stuffing for the winter

2. Pour water into the pan. Add salt to taste. Stir, bring water to a boil over medium heat. Put a few peppers in the pan (depending on the volume of the container). Boil vegetables for 3 minutes, large - 5 minutes. Mix the peppers a couple of times with a wooden spatula so that they boil evenly.

Bulgarian pepper for stuffing for the winter

3. Put the finished peppers on a plate. Next you need to prepare the container for conservation. You should choose a whole jar without chips and cracks. The iron cover for the twist should be new, with a tight elastic band. Dishes need to be treated with baking soda. Carefully rub the powder jar and lid, and then rinse everything with running water. Sterilize the glass container with a pair or in the oven. Boil the lid in water for 5 minutes.

Bulgarian pepper for stuffing for the winter

4. Peppers should be placed tightly in the prepared container. In order to fit more vegetables into the jar, you can form piles of them, putting the peppers inside one another. In a container of vegetables, add aspirin tablets (at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter). Vegetables can be rolled up in banks of different sizes, the main thing is to observe the proportion. Then your peppers will stand for a long time and will not spoil.

Bulgarian pepper for stuffing for the winter

5. Water should be poured into a clean pan. Bring it to a boil. Add some spices is not worth it. Pour boiling water into a jar of peppers, filling the container to the brim. Roll it up tightly with the key. Gently flip the hot can. Put the container on a warm blanket and wrap it. Leave the peppers to cool overnight. Preparation for stuffed pepper should be stored in a cool place, preferably in the basement or cellar. According to this recipe, you can keep the natural taste of vegetables, without admixture of spices and vinegar.

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