Buckwheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Buckwheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Buckwheat porridge is one of the most useful. It not only nourishes well, but also helps cleanse the body of toxins, prevents the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia, and helps strengthen health. Nutritionists recommend including it in the diet for various diseases, as well as those who want to lose weight. Adults eat buckwheat with pleasure, even if they do not know about its valuable properties, but many children treat it coolly. But to persuade them to eat buckwheat porridge, boiled in milk in a slow cooker, is simple. The food turns out crumbly, sweet, with delicate creamy notes. A clever unit not only makes it possible to give the porridge a unique taste due to the effect of languor, but also greatly facilitates the work of the hostess, eliminating the need to stand at the stove and ensure that the porridge does not burn, the milk does not run away.

Cooking Features

Cooking buckwheat porridge on milk in a slow cooker does not seem like a daunting task even to a novice cook. But still, without knowing some of the points, he may not get exactly the result he expected.

  • When choosing buckwheat, give preference to one that has a light color. She was less pretreated and retained more nutrients.
  • Before cooking porridge, buckwheat must be bruised well, because even in the highest-quality product, pebbles and other debris can be found.
  • Squatted buckwheat must be washed. So that it does not swell, it is recommended to wash it under running water by placing it in a sieve or colander with small holes that do not allow buckwheat grains.
  • Washing the buckwheat, it does not hurt to dry. Some housewives even grind cereal in a dry frying pan to make porridge from it more crumbly and fragrant.
  • When cooking buckwheat, liquids usually take 2-2, 5 times more than cereals, if you focus on its volume. In a glass with a capacity of 0.25 liters contains about 200 grams of buckwheat.
  • Many of the modern multicookers are equipped with the Milk Porridge program and are able to automatically determine when the dish is ready. In such devices, the milk does not run away, and they are always off on time. If there is no specialized program, you need to use the one that is intended for cooking any kind of cereals. It may be called “Rice”, “Krupa”, “Porridge”. When you run these programs, it is usually suggested that the default time is 1 hour. For buckwheat it's a bit much. It is advisable to set the time manually: 30 or 40 minutes, depending on the power of your unit.
  • On one milk, buckwheat is not cooked, otherwise the grains will not open and the porridge will come out hard. Therefore, buckwheat or first boiled until half ready in water, and then just add milk, or immediately diluted with milk water.
  • If you are afraid that the milk may run away when cooking porridge in a slow cooker, apply an oil line (using a piece of butter) to the sides of the device. Experienced housewives claim that the oil strip does not allow milk to rise above it.

Buckwheat porridge can be cooked in milk with nuts and dried fruits, some put fresh fruit into it, most often bananas. This gives the dish an even more seductive flavor and makes it taste even more interesting.

The classic recipe for buckwheat porridge on milk in a slow cooker


  • buckwheat groats - 0, 2 kg;
  • milk - 0, 3 l;
  • water - 0, 2 l;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Pour the buckwheat onto the working surface of the table so that all the grains are visible. Go through, removing overcooked grains, pebbles, and other debris.
  • Put the buckwheat in a sieve and rinse it under running cold water. Rinse until the draining liquid becomes completely transparent.
  • Grease the bowl of the bowl approximately in the middle of their height with oil, drawing a line around the entire circumference.
  • Put the washed cereal on the bottom of the bowl.
  • Boil water, dissolve milk with boiling water.
  • Add salt and sugar. Salt is necessary, even if you cook sweet porridge: it makes the taste of the dish more expressive.
  • Fill the mixture with buckwheat.
  • Close the bowl with a lid and start the slow cooker by selecting the appropriate program (“Porridge” or similar). If your device does not automatically detect the porridge readiness, set the timer to 30-40 minutes.
  • After completion of the main program, add the remaining butter to the porridge, mix. Then leave buckwheat to languish for half an hour in heating mode.

Buckwheat porridge cooked in milk, served as a separate dish. You can eat it not only for breakfast, but also for lunch and dinner.

Buckwheat porridge with milk and banana


  • buckwheat - 100 g;
  • milk - 0, 2 l;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 5-10 g;
  • salt - at the tip of a knife;
  • banana (pulp) - 100 g;
  • butter - 20-40 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Rinse the buckwheat, put the multicooker in the bowl, salt and sprinkle with sugar.
  • Dilute milk with hot water, pour the grits.
  • Start the unit in “Milk porridge” mode or similar for 30-40 minutes.
  • Peel the banana, cut into small cubes.
  • Put banana slices and butter in porridge, mix.
  • Leave the food to languish in the heating mode for 30 minutes.

Buckwheat porridge on milk with a banana will please even the most fastidious sweet tooth.

Buckwheat porridge with milk and raisins in a slow cooker


  • buckwheat groats - 0, 2 kg;
  • milk - 0, 25 l;
  • water - 0, 25 l;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • raisins - 50-100 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Carefully sort out buckwheat, getting rid of pebbles and other litter. Rinse to clean water.
  • Boil water, pour the raisins. Wait 15 minutes. Drain the liquid, squeeze the dried fruit. Water consumption for steaming raisins in the recipe is not specified.
  • Boil pure water and dilute the milk with it in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Add sugar (regular and vanilla) and salt to milk, mix.
  • At the bottom of the multicooker tank, pour the prepared buckwheat, put steamed raisins on it, pour them with a mixture of milk and water, mix.
  • Start the device by selecting the “Porridge” program or similar for 30-40 minutes. Leave to reach readiness in heating mode. At this stage, the porridge can be flavored with butter, its taste will only benefit from it.

Instead of raisins, you can put other dried fruits in the porridge, before grinding them, so that the pieces do not exceed the size of the raisins.

Not many hostesses cook buckwheat porridge with milk, and it is in vain. It is no less tasty and healthy than cooked in water, and children like this dish much more.

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