How to fry caviar with an egg in a pan: a step-by-step author's photo recipe. What to do with caviar caught river fish? Fire!

How to fry caviar with an egg in a pan: a step-by-step author's photo recipe. What to do with caviar caught river fish? Fire!

If you are an avid fisherman or just a big fish lover, then surely in your house there are often dishes from it on the table. But the question is how to properly and tasty cook fish caviar?

It happens that the hostess, not knowing that from the caviar of river fish can get a lot of delicious dishes, just give it to the cat. But you can add caviar to fish patties, make tender pancakes from it, pickle, marinate, stew with vegetables and much more.

I suggest you not a very complicated recipe, following which you will learn how to fry caviar with eggs in a pan.


Caviar of river fish - 250-300 g

Salt, pepper - on a pinch

Egg - 1 pc.

Vegetable oil for frying.

How to fry caviar with an egg in a pan: a step-by-step author's photo recipe. What to do with caviar caught river fish? Fire!


Caviar gently wash and remove the film. Add salt and black pepper to taste.

How to fry caviar with an egg in a pan: a step-by-step author's photo recipe. What to do with caviar caught river fish? Fire!

Add chicken egg to caviar.

How to fry caviar with an egg in a pan: a step-by-step author's photo recipe. What to do with caviar caught river fish? Fire!

Mix the ingredients.

How to fry caviar with an egg in a pan: a step-by-step author's photo recipe. What to do with caviar caught river fish? Fire!

On a preheated pan, pour vegetable oil generously. Give it a good warm and pour the caviar and egg mass.

How to fry caviar with an egg in a pan: a step-by-step author's photo recipe. What to do with caviar caught river fish? Fire!

Fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally. When the roe begins to fry, it changes color from greyish-brown to yellow-orange.

How to fry caviar with an egg in a pan: a step-by-step author's photo recipe. What to do with caviar caught river fish? Fire!

Fry the caviar until it all gets a rich orange color and becomes loose and dry.

How to fry caviar with an egg in a pan: a step-by-step author's photo recipe. What to do with caviar caught river fish? Fire!

Serve hot caviar with vegetables or side dishes. It will be perfectly combined with rice, mashed potatoes, baked vegetables.

So, now you know how to fry caviar with an egg in a pan. Include this dish in your menu, because it is not only delicious, but also very nutritious.

Cooking time - 20 minutes

Number of servings - 2

Per 100 g

B - 29.44

F - 17.78

Y - 0.12

Kcal - 192.94

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