How to pickle trout caviar

How to pickle trout caviar

Perhaps no holiday feast is complete without sandwiches with red caviar. This delicacy can now be purchased at any supermarket, but not always a quality product is hidden behind beautiful packaging. If you decide to treat yourself and your guests to tasty and most importantly - useful trout caviar, then we suggest salting it yourself. Fortunately, this is not a difficult task.

Some secrets of salting trout roe

  • In many ways, the successful result of salting trout roe at home depends on the quality of the ingredients. Salt can be both fresh and frozen caviar. Thoroughly defrost the last one before cooking - keep the eggs in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and then leave it at room temperature for full defrosting.
  • Before proceeding to the main stage, you need to prepare the necessary equipment, namely a glass jar or other container made of non-oxidizable material, in which the finished product will be stored, a sieve for washing caviar, a sharp knife.
  • If the caviar suddenly turns out to be very salty, do not be discouraged, because by rinsing it with boiled water and black tea, you can remove excess salt.
  • It is recommended to store salted trout caviar in the refrigerator in the refrigerator for no more than 75 days.

Salting of trout caviar in the classical way

You will need:

  • trout caviar,
  • sea salt - 60 grams,
  • sugar - 30 grams,
  • water - 1 liter.

Method of preparation

  • Trout caviar right in the jaw (pouch) is put in a sieve. Rinse under cold water, removing the chaff. You can get rid of the chaff, carefully cutting the bags with a sharp knife, then do not forget to rinse with salted water, because the caviar becomes tougher when it comes into contact with fresh water.
  • Salt and sugar dissolve in warm water.
  • Lower the caviar into the pickle. Its volume should be 2 times less.
  • After 10 minutes, try caviar. If it does not seem to you enough salty, then leave caviar for some time, but the total salting time should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • Drop the finished salted caviar in a colander. Give excess moisture to drain. We shift to the prepared container. We cork. After a couple of hours we take the sample, and send the rest of the delicacy to the fridge.

Another recipe for salting trout roe

The advantage of this method of salting is that you do not have to pre-clean the caviar from the film, this will happen during the preparation process.

You will need:

  • trout roe,
  • non-iodized salt - 12 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • water - 1 liter.

Method of preparation

  • Pour water into an enamel or glass pan. Add salt and sugar. Bring to a boil, make sure that the spices are completely dissolved.
  • Cool the brine to 55 degrees and dip the caviar in it right in the bags. Whisk with a whisk. In the process, the tapes will be screwed on the whisk.
  • Having freed the caviar from the tapes, we leave it to fade. After 5 minutes, we begin to try to achieve the desired proholki. After a maximum of 20 minutes, we merge the brine, and we spawn the caviar in a colander.
  • After all the excess moisture has been drained, you can shift the finished delicacy into a glass closure jar. Eat red caviar prepared according to this recipe should be done within 2-3 days, if for some reason this is not possible, send it to the freezer, otherwise the delicacy will become unsuitable for consumption.

There is another way of salting trout

You will need:

  • trout roe,
  • water - 1 liter,
  • salt - in fact,
  • vegetable oil or olive oil - 1-2 tablespoons.

Method of preparation

  • At the very beginning we are preparing a pickle. To do this, boil water. Remove from heat. Cool slightly. Put in a saucepan peeled raw potato or raw chicken egg. Gradually pour salt, constantly stirring. As soon as the egg / potato pops up, the litter is ready.
  • The washings are washed. Fold in the bowl. On the mixer, leave one serpentine nozzle (the one used for kneading dough). At low speeds apply to the bag with caviar. Literally in a few seconds the film will be wound on the nozzle, and the eggs will be released.
  • Fill the caviar with the prepared brine. Leave for a quarter of an hour. After drying, we lay eggs on a colander or on a towel for a couple of hours.
  • Dried salted caviar trout fold in a jar. Add a little corn or olive oil. We remove in the refrigerator. In just a couple of hours, you can enjoy the extraordinary taste of caviar!

Quick recipe for salting trout roe

You will need:

  • trout caviar,
  • salt - 50 grams,
  • sugar - 25 grams.

Method of preparation

  • Caviar is removed from the films by one of the methods proposed above for your attention.
  • We put the “red beads” in the sieve. Rinse with cold salted water.
  • In a bowl, mix the caviar with salt and sugar. Carefully, but trying not to damage the eggs, mix. Leave for 10 minutes.
  • After the specified time has passed, we transfer the eggs to gauze. We give the opportunity to drain all excess fluid.
  • After we send the dessert in a glass jar. Close the container lid. We remove in the refrigerator. After 3-4 hours you can take a sample. Ikorka, salted in this way, turns out to be unusually tender and lightly salted. Enjoy your meal!
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