Turkey Seasoning

Turkey Seasoning

Turkey is the largest poultry. But, despite its impressive size, it has very tasty, tender meat. Especially white breast, which is a delicacy.

Turkey is boiled, stewed, baked and fried. It is combined with almost the same products as chicken.

Turkey meat does not have a specific smell, and therefore does not require special processing or flavoring with spices. However, the turkey is cooked with the addition of various spices.

In order not to spoil its natural taste, you need to skillfully select the composition of spices. And the taste of meat does not depend on the number of different herbs, but on the skillful combination of them.

Spices for boiled turkey

When the turkey is cooked for broth or snacks, then use a minimum amount of seasoning.

To get fragrant broth and tasty meat, take white roots: onions, parsley, celery, and carrots. For flavor add black or allspice. These seasonings are suitable for boiling baby turkey.

If turkey is cooked, then put more fragrant spices and spices. For example, a pinch of rosemary or thyme can be added to the broth. But only if these spices do not cause negative emotions. After all, choosing this or that spice does not take into account the mandatory requirements of eminent chefs, but their taste preferences and preferences.

Seasoning for roasting turkey

Many cookbooks have great recipes for roasting turkey. Moreover, the spices and spices used are different - from delicate parsley to strong coriander.

If they want to get in the end aromatic meat with a sweet-spicy taste, bake turkey with apples, chestnuts, peanuts. And while using spices that are well combined with these products: parsley, nutmeg, marjoram, tarragon, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper.

When a wild turkey or turkey is baked, the seasonings can be sharper and spicy. Such meat is well suited marjoram, thyme, sage, rosemary. By the way, the last spice even homemade turkey will give a savory taste of game.

When cooking turkey dishes, national traditions are also taken into account. Koreans will surely pour turkey soy sauce and add ginger. Europeans will bake this meat with apples or oranges and season with nutmeg. And the inhabitants of the Caucasus, of course, will decorate the turkey with basil, coriander, hop-suneli.

The spicy taste of roasted meat can give turmeric or curry.

To spice up the meat, add other herbs. There is a wonderful recipe for turkey stuffed with walnuts, roasted on a spit.

Stuffed turkey is stuffed with a mixture of walnuts, bread dipped in milk, butter, raw eggs, lemon, sugar and flour. They cover the carcass with ginger and roast on a spit, constantly throwing currant leaves, walnut, and wormwood and thyme on hot coals.

What determines the choice of spices for turkey

The choice of spices or spices also depends on what kind of dish they want in the end. If the turkey is cooked for a child, then it costs such spices as parsley, dill, celery, white roots.

Dietary meal also does not require a lot of seasoning, especially since many spices excite the appetite, and this is undesirable for those who watch their weight.

But if you want to achieve the opposite effect, that is, whet your appetite or sexual desire, then cook the turkey with herbs, which are aphrodisiacs, for example, with the addition of cinnamon, cloves.

Whatever seasoning the hostess chooses for cooking turkey, the dish should be tasty and cause only positive emotions.

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