Beef seasonings

Beef seasonings

Even an aspiring hostess knows that not a single meat dish will be truly tasty without the addition of spices and herbs.

The main thing is to know which spices are suitable for one or another meat. After all, the wrong choice of spices can spoil the taste of food.

Beef is perhaps the most picky for flavoring meat. Almost any spice fits it. But here there are some nuances.

Young beef - the meat is soft and tender .. It is cooked very quickly, so most often it is used for frying. And try to fry the tenderloin with a whole piece in order to preserve juiciness and taste. Old meat is tough, and therefore suitable for stewing and boiling. Therefore, when choosing spices, first of all take into account the method of heat treatment.

What seasonings are added when cooking beef

Beef is cooked with a minimum amount of spices and herbs, so as not to drown out the natural aroma of meat.

If the meat is boiled for broth, then for this only white roots are used - parsley, celery, onions, and carrots to give the broth a beautiful yellowish tint. From spices add pepper peas, bay leaf, dill. These same spices are also used for cooking meat, which will later be used for salad, snacks or filling pies.

If you want to cook soup or borsch in meat broth, the list of spices can be much wider. It all depends on the recipe itself and on what national cuisine the dish belongs to. For example, if ordinary rice soup is prepared, then a classic set of spices and spices - carrots, onions, bay leaves, pepper, parsley are put in the broth. But if Georgian kharcho soup is cooked, then at the end of the preparation of the dish add hops-suneli, garlic, hot pepper. Or they substitute Georgian seasoning with spices and dried herbs, which are included in it. And it is not necessary to put the whole bunch of spices, because it is quite large. These are basil, coriander, marjoram, parsley, mint, celery, bay leaf, paprika. Therefore, based on their own preferences, the hostess can choose any one spice or several.

All these spices can be added to the soup cooked in beef broth. Thanks to such spices borscht turns out very fragrant and tasty.

What spices and seasonings are added when frying beef

With this method of heat treatment, you can use onions, garlic, dill, parsley, as well as marjoram, basil, thyme, oregano, chili pepper, savory, rosemary, sage, tarragon. But you need to know how these or other spices combine with each other. For example, rosemary is better not to use with bay leaf. A spicy sage, mixed with gentle herbs, drown out their flavor.

You also need to take into account the fact that when frying, the extractives of meat affect the taste of the finished dish. And therefore, with such heat treatment, spices are placed much less than when it is quenched.

If the meat is hard and old, it is kept in a marinade before frying or roasting, which is prepared by mixing vinegar or wine with your favorite spices or seasonings.

Mustard softens meat very well. To do this, the washed and dried piece of beef is rubbed on all sides with the finished mustard and left for several hours, after which the meat is fried.

What seasonings are added when stewing beef

If the meat is stewed without adding a tomato, and a white browning is put in its place, then a minimum of herbs is used. It is enough to put onions, parsley, dill or a pinch of thyme.

But if the beef is cooked with a lot of vegetables, and especially with tomatoes, then add more fragrant seasonings - oregano, rosemary, marjoram. By the way, they are well combined not only with many vegetables, but also with each other.

Sometimes to get a more spicy flavor to the meat is added clove or oregano (especially with marjoram).

Hyssopus is suitable for beef stew - a spice with a pleasant smell and a slightly bitter taste.

Small amounts of mint or sage are added to beef dishes.

Paprika is a frequent ingredient in Hungarian and Bulgarian meat dishes. It is seasoned with vegetable and meat dishes, including beef. But when frying it loses its beautiful color and gets an unpleasant smell. Therefore, it is added to the meat during quenching.

What seasonings are added to beef sauces

Virtually any spicy herb can perfectly flavor beef sauce. The main thing is that it blends harmoniously into the composition of other ingredients.

Soy sauce is infrequently used in the preparation of meat dishes that do not apply to Korean or Chinese cuisine. Although it is he who gives the meat piquancy and rich taste. And if you mix it with honey and vegetable oil and smear the pieces of beef with this composition, then during frying they will be covered with a golden crust.

With what seasonings to serve cooked beef

Practically any sauce fits for boiled and fried beef - red, white, sour cream, garlic.

To the already prepared dish serves horseradish. But you need to know that rubbed horseradish darkens in the air. Therefore, it is mixed with sour cream.

Beef is also served:

  • Condiments based on soy sauce.
  • Garlic mixed with sour cream and dill.
  • Any ketchup.
  • Lozizhan seasoning made from a mixture of hot pepper, garlic, vinegar and vegetable oil.
  • Mustard goes well with beef.

When to add seasonings to the dish

  • Sweet peas, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, cloves and other similar spices are put at the beginning of cooking.
  • Chopped dried spicy greens are added a few minutes before the end of the heat treatment of the dish so that it does not have time to dry out. But oregano, rosemary, thyme can be put at the very beginning of cooking, because they retain their flavor.
  • Bay leaf is recommended to be put 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, and then it is removed, otherwise the dish will become bitter.
  • Root put in the middle of cooking.
  • Freshly chopped greens are being sprinkled on the already prepared dish.
  • Tomatoes are added at the beginning of frying or stewing, as it gives the meat a pleasant taste.

When using spices during cooking, each housewife should remember that the main thing is not the quantity of spices and spices used, but the quality of the finished dish.

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