Cabbage stewed with sausage

Cabbage stewed with sausage

In the middle of winter food for culinary fantasy becomes much smaller. We have to cook from those vegetables that remained in the bins or were found on the shelves of stores. And usually this is a fairly standard set: beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage. Of course, it is possible to use frozen vegetables for dishes, the blessing in retail chains is their decent range, but the hand still reaches for fresh ones.

And if fresh broccoli or cauliflower in winter is hard to find in stores, the usual white cabbage is almost always there. Here it can be used to cook a simple, not expensive, but very tasty dish. We make cabbage stew with sausages.


  • half the average head of cabbage,
  • 5-6 sausages,
  • sour cream,
  • ketchup,
  • carrots,
  • greens,
  • spices,
  • sunflower oil.
Cabbage stewed with sausage

In this recipe, frozen carrots and greens were used. But believe me, this will not affect the taste of the dish. Perhaps frozen vegetables will make it more juicy and tender.


1. Shred cabbage. Someone makes it more professional, someone less. Do as you do.

Cabbage stewed with sausage

2. Pour some sunflower oil into the pan and put the cabbage into it. Water can not add. Extra liquid will give frozen vegetables.

Cabbage stewed with sausage

3. Next, remove the casing from the sausages and cut it into small circles.

Cabbage stewed with sausage

4. Next, put the frozen carrots. While the cooking process is in progress, it is a bit undermined.

Cabbage stewed with sausage

5. For the carrots add frozen greens. In this case, chopped dill with green onion feathers.

Cabbage stewed with sausage

6. We mix everything.

Cabbage stewed with sausage

7. Add 2 tablespoons of sour cream, about the same ketchup and spices to the ingredients already present.

Cabbage stewed with sausage

8. Mix again and set on a stove on a small fire.

Cabbage to prepare, you need a little more time than other vegetables. Therefore, simmer it until soft until 30-35 minutes. The result is a two-in-one dish: both meat and cabbage-type garnish.

Cabbage stewed with sausage

But it is better to submit a separate side dish to stewed cabbage with sausages: rice, buckwheat or boiled potatoes.

Cabbage stewed with sausage
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