Candied pears

Candied pears

Candied pears are very tasty, sweet and extremely fragrant. They are beautifully stored in the refrigerator all winter! They can be used separately, as well as added to compote and home baking. Sweet candied fruits will also please the children, who will be happy to eat them for both cheeks like candy. For the preparation of candied fruits, in principle, any varieties of pears are suitable, the main thing is that the fruits are firm, even slightly unripe - so the lobules will keep their shape well and will suck better.

The process itself may seem time consuming, but the result is worth it! Candied fruit perfectly preserves the unique pear aroma and taste.


  • hard pears - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • water - approximately 1 l;
  • icing sugar - 1 tbsp. l


Candied pears

1. To begin with, carefully wash the pears to remove dirt and dust, and then clean the seeds, remove the tails and cut them into long strips - approximately 1 cm thick.

Candied pears

2. Fill the chopped pears with boiling water - approximately 1 liter is needed, it should completely cover all the pears. After that, the water should be drained (but not pour it out!) And a sweet syrup should be prepared on its basis.

Candied pears

3. For the syrup, add sugar to the water and just let it boil, then drop the pears into the boiling syrup and boil them for 5 minutes. We give to cool in the syrup and boil in the same way another 4 times - for 5 minutes, no need to stir, each time the pears should be cooled in syrup at room temperature.

Candied pears

4. The cooled pears are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and dried in the oven at the minimum temperature for 3-4 hours. After that, we put the deco on the balcony, cover the candied fruits with gauze and leave to dry for a day.

Candied pears

5. After a day, the candied pears will be fully prepared, they need to be gathered up the hill, covered with powdered sugar and mixed well.

Candied pears

6. Put the finished candied fruits in banks and store them in the refrigerator.

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