How to make stew at home: use an autoclave. Tricks of cooking delicious homemade stew in an autoclave

How to make stew at home: use an autoclave. Tricks of cooking delicious homemade stew in an autoclave

This canned product can be stored for a long time without a refrigerator, without losing its nutritional value and taste.

He became a lifesaver for tourists, geologists, the military, or simply in extreme situations when there is no fresh meat or it is impossible to engage in full cooking.

Today, canned food manufacturers have serious competitors who know how to make a stew in an autoclave at home.

Stew in an autoclave at home: is there any point?

30% of the population of our country consume canned meat, and their production exceeded 500 million conditional cans. In the trading network you can find up to 100 items of stew. The product is made from beef, pork, poultry, rabbit, deer, offal. It is prepared in its own juice, with the addition of sauces, cereals, vegetables, or in the form of pastes.

For the food industry there are certain GOSTs and TU, which determine the allowable composition of the stew. The product of the highest and first grade must contain at least 54-56% of natural meat (pieces weigh about 30 g), bay leaf, pepper and salt. In addition, not more than 17% fat is allowed. Such canned food is stored from 3 to 6 years.

The remaining varieties of products may be produced from lower quality components:

• pressed meat;

• offal;

• trimming;

• crushed veins, cartilage, hides;

• soy.

They also include food additives, flavors. In imported products, instead of meat, minced meat is often put in, and sodium nitrite is used as a preservative, which gives the content a natural color and increases the shelf life. For domestic manufacturers there are restrictions on the use of this supplement, but nonetheless unscrupulous use it uncontrollably. Despite the abundance of canned food, as a result of the conducted research, out of 14 samples of domestic production 10 have not been tested for compliance with quality. This is the answer, is there any sense in homemade stuff. The process is especially beneficial for those who have their own subsidiary farming. It remains only to learn how to make the stew in an autoclave at home.

Stewed meat in an autoclave at home: technology and recipes

Autoclave - the unit with which sterilization is performed. It is used in medicine for processing tools, the automotive industry for distilled water for batteries and in other areas of human activity. As a device for home canning, it was used in the 60s of the last century.

The installation has the appearance of a metal vessel. On its hermetically sealed lid, a fitting for air injection, a pressure gauge with which the pressure and a thermometer are monitored, indicating the temperature inside the unit, are mounted.

How to make stew at home: use an autoclave. Tricks of cooking delicious homemade stew in an autoclave

Principle of operation: the device is loaded, quickly heats up to a certain temperature - about 120 degrees and produces canning at constant pressure (4-5 atmospheres). The simplicity of the device allows you to make it yourself, for example, from a gas cylinder.

The units manufactured by manufacturers are different:

• vessel volume - from 20 to 46 liters;

• heating methods - gas, electric, for open fire;

• design features - horizontal and vertical loading, with a needle thermometer, an electronic control unit and other devices;

• production material - aluminum, food steel.

How is the stew made in an autoclave at home?

Classic technology for any meat:

1. Prepare the meat. It is not recommended to use frozen foods. Fresh pork, lamb, beef cut in such a way that it was convenient to lay in banks. At the same time, meat is taken from various parts of the carcass, brain stones are removed, the ribs are cut into pieces. The bird is gutted and skinned. You can cook with bones. If there is not enough fat, as is the case in rabbit or beef, add it extra, because without it, canned food will not be stored for a long time.

How to make stew at home: use an autoclave. Tricks of cooking delicious homemade stew in an autoclave

2. We wash cans, covers and inspect them for rust, chips and other defects.

3. In each jar we put bay leaf (or half), several black and allspice peas, salt and spices according to the recipe.

4. Fold the meat so that up to the top of the container there are a few centimeters. Lean blanks fill the top with fat or broth.

How to make stew at home: use an autoclave. Tricks of cooking delicious homemade stew in an autoclave

5. We roll up the lids, put them into the autoclave and pour in enough water to cover the cans completely.

How to make stew at home: use an autoclave. Tricks of cooking delicious homemade stew in an autoclave

6. Tighten the lid of the autoclave tightly and start pumping pressure up to 1.5-2 atmospheres so that the lids in the cans are not torn off. After 30 minutes the autoclave is heated to 120 degrees. In this mode, the pressure can reach 4-5 atmospheres. The autoclave at 120 degrees should work for about 20 minutes. Then we start the process of cooling to 30 degrees, while controlling the pressure! Do not lower it so that there is no difference, and the banks do not explode.

How to make stew at home: use an autoclave. Tricks of cooking delicious homemade stew in an autoclave

7. After cooling, gradually reduce the pressure to 0. Open the lid of the autoclave. Banks take out after complete cooling!

8. Wipe the surface dry, turn over the container on the lid so that the fat rises to the surface. After solidification of the jar. clean in a cool place.

How to make stew at home: use an autoclave. Tricks of cooking delicious homemade stew in an autoclave

This is a basic recipe that tells you how to make an autoclave stew at home. Diversify the taste of the product of your favorite spices, pre-pickling. For example, extraordinary canned chicken is obtained, if the pieces are marinated in mustard. If you do not for long-term storage, you can put carrots and onions. Any vegetables lay in raw and poured along with the meat a small amount of broth. You can pre

You can make stews with any cereal. Most often use rice, buckwheat, pearl barley. For example, for chicken and rice, you need butter, salt, onion, carrot, pepper, broth. Pieces of poultry fried in vegetable oil. The rice is boiled for 10 minutes and combined with butter. Vegetables cut into slices and mixed with the main ingredients. The whole billet is laid out on the banks, pour hot broth. The residence time in the autoclave is about 30 minutes at 120 degrees. The Adyghe duck turns out very tasty. 4-5 cans with a volume of 0.5 liters of finished product come out of one duck per 2.5 kg. Cut the sliced ​​bird into containers and pour dressing, which is prepared from onions and red pepper. Ingredients are fried with water, flour, garlic and fat. Salt to taste. Banks roll up and put in an autoclave for 30 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. Instead of a duck, you can take a chicken. If the old bird is stewed, the cooking time is increased.

All recipes for making stew in an autoclave at home - this is room for improvisation.

Stewed meat in an autoclave at home: causes of failure

The technology of cooking canned meat is quite simple. Failures often occur due to its non-compliance. What can happen and how to avoid it:

• not juicy meat. It happens because of a lack of fat. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to preserve only fresh food and additionally add pork, bone or subcutaneous fat;

• the stew has turned to mush. Occurs if products from the store were used as raw materials. Never make canned food from shopping legs or frozen meat;

• the product is bitter. This flavor gives bay leaf, which was stored for over a year. To put in stew you need to choose leaves of olive color and put them in a small amount;

• after cooking the lid draws in the jar. This is because the pressure in the autoclave was above 4 atmospheres before heating. It is necessary to carefully monitor the pressure;

• caps swell. May occur due to several reasons. The can was taken out of the autoclave, not waiting for it to cool. Filled it with a billet to the top, leaving a gap of 2-3 cm. Follow the process and there will be no trouble.

Many advise before laying the meat slightly fry so that blood is not visible. Otherwise, during the cooking process, flakes may form, which somewhat impair the appearance of canned food. But this is a matter of taste and does not affect the quality of the finished stew. It is recommended to put small bones on the bottom of the jar. They will give a jelly-like consistency of liquid. All spices and salt are added to taste directly to the meat, which is put in jars after processing. For home use just a small unit. Beginners better make a test batch for several cans. All containers should be the same height. If the autoclave is not completely filled, then water is only needed for 2/3 of its volume.

So that the autoclave will not let you down, you need to carefully monitor its operation, prevent pressure rise, control the temperature (no more than 120 degrees) and comply with the instructions for use. And you get a quality homemade product.

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