A quick meal - recipes for those in a hurry. Recipes of the first and second courses for lunch, as well as salads, prepared in a hurry

  • General principles of cooking a quick lunch
  • Recipe 1. Dinner in a hurry: soup with meatballs, meatballs with pasta, vegetable salad
  • Recipe 2. A quick lunch: stew soup with rice, chicken noodles, radish salad
  • Recipe 3. Dinner in a hurry: hodgepodge, boiled potatoes with wieners, crab salad
  • Recipe 4. Lunch in a hurry: canned fish soup, chicken liver, cabbage salad
  • Recipe 5. Lunch in a hurry: milk soup with pasta, dumplings with sauce, champignon and vegetable salad
  • Recipe 6. Lunch in a hurry: soup with sorrel, wheat cereal with chicken hearts, Jewish salad
  • Recipe 7. Lunch in a hurry: soup with chicken broth, buckwheat with chicken wings, fresh salad with tomato and egg
  • Secrets and tricks of cooking hastily
A quick meal - recipes for those in a hurry. Recipes of the first and second courses for lunch, as well as salads, prepared in a hurry

There was a situation when it is urgently necessary to cook dinner, and there is a catastrophic time?

Do not worry, in our article you will find a variety of recipes for a quick dinner.

If desired, they will be able to satisfy any gourmet.

General principles of cooking a quick lunch

A successful result depends primarily on what products you have available in the kitchen. For 30-40 minutes you can cook a great light soup, green borsch, meat solyanka. Garnish can also be any. Just have to take into account the cooking time.

For example:

• Whole potatoes are cooked for 20-25 minutes, and in the soup - 15 minutes. Just be sure to bear in mind that before cooking potatoes still need to be washed, peeled and cut.

• Buckwheat and rice are cooked for 35 minutes.

• Spaghetti and vermicelli - up to 10 minutes, and some vermicelli varieties, such as spider web, will be ready in 5 minutes. • Wheat porridge will be cooked in 20 minutes.

Hot dishes can also be very diverse. Semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings), as well as chicken and liver dishes, will be prepared most quickly. The fastest and most popular are still scrambled eggs, hot sandwiches and just tartlets.

Always help out conservation, which is available at home. It can be an indispensable addition to a delicious dinner.

Recipe 1. Dinner in a hurry: soup with meatballs, meatballs with pasta, vegetable salad


• minced meat - 1 kg;

• egg - 2 pcs .;

• potatoes - 2 pcs .;

• bay leaf - 2 pcs .;

• sweet peas - 3-4 pcs .;

• white bread or long loaf - 1 pc .;

• vermicelli - 500 grams;

• fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs .;

• fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs .;

• sunflower oil - to taste;

• greens - on request.


1. This soup can be cooked in water, as meatballs give it a good sense of broth. If you still want to cook the broth, then pour, for example, bones with cold water, add allspice peas, bay leaf and let boil for 30 minutes.

2. We carry out the preparatory stage: we clean and carrot on a large grater, peel and cut potatoes into cubes.

3. Toss in the broth, which is prepared, potatoes and carrots.

4. In the meantime, put water on the side dish. For vermicelli, it will be 1.5 - 2 liters.

5. Meatballs can be cooked from minced meat, or you can use frozen semi-finished products. We will cook meatballs and meatballs right away: we stuff 1 egg into mince, salt and pepper to taste. We form balls of about 250 grams of minced meat for soup. In the rest of the add soaked white bread or a loaf and form the patties.

6. On sunflower oil we start to fry cutlets.

7. As the water boiled on the garnish, salt it to taste and drop the noodles.

8. Approximately 15 minutes after the potatoes are thrown, we throw a pinch of vermicelli and meatballs. You can drive a little beaten egg into such a soup. Sprinkle with greens on top. After 5-7 minutes the soup is ready. 9. If time permits, even while the family will eat their first meal, you can put fried stews to stew and serve them hot.

10. During the preparation of the first and second courses, you can easily cook a vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, as well as sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe 2. Quick dinner: stew soup with rice, chicken noodles, radish salad


• water - 1.5 liters;

• stew (of beef, pork or veal) - 1 bank;

• rice - 100 grams;

• leeks, greens - 1 each;

• onions - 1 head;

• carrots - 1 piece.


1. Put on fire two pans with water for the first course and side dish, which bring to a boil.

2. At this time, wash and let the rice flow.

3. Chicken breasts are the most tender and tasty part of the chicken. Cut the pieces across the fibers into small pieces. Salt and drizzle with lemon juice.

4. Peel and cut potatoes into cubes.

5. Three grated carrots and cut onions. These vegetables are sautéed with vegetable oil or butter.

6. As the water boils, we add some salt and throw the potatoes and rice.

7. In another pot of boiling water, drop the pasta or spaghetti at will. Do not forget to salt the water before it to your liking.

8. Begin to fry the marinated breasts over moderate heat until golden brown.

9. When the potatoes in the soup are almost ready. Pour stew, greens and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Stew must be put at the end to make the soup more nourishing.

10. Swirl the vermicelli back in a colander, rinse with water and fill with butter.

11. Radishes cut into circles, salt and fill with vegetable butter, sour cream or mayonnaise to your liking.

Recipe 3. Dinner in a hurry: hodgepodge, boiled potatoes with sausages, crab salad


• meat or sausage cutting - in fact, you will be saved by everything. All the remnants of sausage, wieners, bacon, pieces of meat, which you will find in the refrigerator. All cut into pieces and boldly cook a hodgepodge. It should be about 300 grams;

• potatoes - 10 pieces;

• tomato paste - 2 tablespoons l .;

• greens - a bunch;

• olives - 8 pieces;

• lemon - 1/4 per plate;

• wieners - one for each family member;

• eggs - 4-6 pieces;

• crab sticks - 250 grams;

• corn - 1 can;

• mayonnaise - to taste.


1. Put the pan on fire with 2 liters of water to boil.

2. In another pot, put the boil eggs.

3. Clean the potatoes for the second dish. Cut it into halves or quarters to cook faster. Fill with cold water and set to cook.

4. At the same time clean and cut 2-3 pieces of potatoes into a hodgepodge straw. By the way, in this recipe you can not put potatoes, but replace it with rice, previously washed and soaked in water.

5. In boiling water dip potatoes or rice.

6. When the water boils when cooking boiled potatoes, reduce the heat on the hob, salt it and continue cooking on moderate heat.

7. At the same time, we put boiled sausages, flooded them with cold water.

8. Next, cut into strips meat or sausages that are in the refrigerator.

9. Also, cut the onion and fry it in a pan with tomato paste.

10. Add chopped sausage to the pan, which can also be pre-fried, fried, olives and greens. After 10 minutes, the hodgepodge is ready.

11. While the saltwort and potatoes are being prepared, we are preparing the salad: cut the eggs and crab sticks into pieces, add the corn and fill with mayonnaise.

12. When serving in a plate with a hodgepodge add a piece of lemon. Do not neglect this advice, as the lemon will significantly improve the taste of your soup. Sour cream add optional.

13. Boiled potatoes served, dressed with butter and sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe 4. Lunch in a hurry: canned fish soup, chicken liver, cabbage salad


• canned fish - 1 can;

• pearl barley - 100 grams;

• chicken liver - 300 - 400 grams;

• fresh cabbage - 0.5 heads

• fresh cucumber - 2 pieces;

• greens - at will;

• vegetable oil for frying and dressing;

• potatoes - 3 pieces;

• carrots - 1 piece.


1. Put water on the soup (about 1.5 liters) and bring it to a boil.

2. Peel and dice the potatoes.

3. Three grated carrots.

4. Very finely cut the fresh cabbage. We press her hands, salt and leave for some time to stand.

5. When the water for the soup boils, pour a handful of pearl barley, potatoes and carrots.

6. While the soup is boiling, fry in lean or butter pre-salted and peppered chicken liver. This will take you on average 10 minutes of time.

7. 10 minutes before the soup is ready, pour canned fish and greens into it.

8. At this time we finish cooking the salad. Add the cabbage cut into slices cucumbers, herbs, seasoned with vinegar and vegetable oil, and you can sour cream or mayonnaise.

Recipe 5. Lunch in a hurry: milk noodle soup, dumplings with sauce, champignon and vegetable salad


• milk - 1-1.5 liters;

• noodles - 2 handfuls;

• salt, sugar to taste;

• dumplings, ravioli, various dumplings with potatoes, cabbage and others - at your discretion;

• mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup, sauce;

• butter;

• honey agarics - 1 can (200-250 grams);

• pickled onions - 1 large head;

• red sweet pepper - 1 large or 2 medium;

• green canned peas - 1 can;

• vegetable oil - to taste.


1. Put a pot of milk on the fire and bring to a boil.

2. Put a pot of water on the fire and bring to a boil.

3. At this time, clean and cut onions. Dip it in the marinade of vinegar, water, allspice and bay leaf and leave for about 20-30 minutes. 4. On a ring with boiling milk, reduce the heat, salt and sugar to taste (about 1 tsp.: 1 tbsp). We throw about 3 handfuls of small vermicelli. Soup stirring occasionally.

5. When water for ravioli boils, salt it to taste and add spices to taste. We throw pelmeni or other semi-finished products and, stirring occasionally, leave to prepare.

6. While preparing the soup and dumplings, prepare the salad. We cut the red pepper into medium sized pieces, add the mushrooms, pickled onions, green peas and pour over all the vegetable oil. It turns out very tasty and light salad.

7. Dumplings served with butter, mayonnaise, sour cream, sauce, ketchup or adjika.

Recipe 6. Dinner in a hurry: soup with sorrel, wheat cereal with chicken hearts, Jewish salad


• meat or bones for broth - 200-300 grams;

• sorrel - 1 large bundle;

• wheat groats - 0.5 kg

• chicken hearts - 0.5 kg

• processed cheese - 3 pcs .;

• eggs - 5 pieces;

• mayonnaise - to taste;

• salt;

• vegetable oil.


1. For borscht with sorrel, it is desirable to have ready broth or boil bone broth, which takes 30 minutes to prepare. To do this, pour bones with cold water and cook until ready.

2. In a small saucepan, put the boil 3 eggs.

3. Wheat porridge pour cold water in the amount of 1: 2 and set to cook until ready. Do not forget to salt the water and stir the porridge periodically.

4. In the meantime, we cut the potatoes into slices, we cut the carrots on a coarse grater, and we cut the leaves of sorrel into middle pieces.

5. When the water for borscht boils, we throw potatoes and slightly roasted carrots into it.

6. Salt, pepper and fry chicken hearts until cooked in a frying pan for about 10-12 minutes.

7. When potatoes in borscht are almost ready, i.e. after about 10-12 minutes, pouring sorrel into water (canned or frozen can be used), beaten 2 eggs and greens. 8. While cooking soup, porridge and hearts, it is possible to prepare a salad. To do this, processed cheese and boiled eggs are three on a coarse grater. All mixed with mayonnaise, add a couple of cloves of garlic, crushed in the garlic press.

9. Serve borsch with mayonnaise or sour cream, porridge with butter.

10. The resulting salad, you can optionally spread sandwiches, fill tartlets or wrap pita bread with it.

Recipe 7. Lunch in a hurry: soup with chicken broth, buckwheat with chicken wings, fresh tomato salad with egg


• chicken wings - 1 kg;

• noodles - 100-150 grams;

• buckwheat - 0.5 kg;

• onions - 1 head;

• carrots - 1 piece;

• potatoes - 3 pieces;

• tomatoes - 3 medium pieces for 4 servings;

• Eggs - 3 pieces for 4 servings;

• garlic - 3 slices;

• mayonnaise - to taste.


1. Put the boil broth from chicken wings. To do this, approximately 4-6 pieces pour 2 liters of water and put on a moderate fire.

2. Salt, pepper and leave the remaining chicken wings for a while.

3. We wash the buckwheat under running water several times, fill it with cold water in the amount of 1: 3 to make it more crumbly or 1: 2 if you like more solid. Salt water and leave to cook until ready for about 30 minutes.

4. Eggs are also set to cook in a separate saucepan.

5. We cut onions into small pieces, three carrots on a coarse grater, we cut potatoes into small pieces.

6. When the water in the broth boils, throw potatoes.

7. Fry onion and carrots in vegetable oil and set aside.

8. Fry chicken wings in a pan.

9. Add noodles and fried in the soup for 10 minutes before cooked and sprinkle with herbs.

10. Cooking salad: cut tomatoes and eggs into slices. Razlazhivaem them on a plate, top with salt, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic, mayonnaise and greens.

11. When serving to the table, we take out wings from the soup, separate the meat from the bone, and throw the meat back into the soup or each family member on the plate. 12. When serving wings, they can also be sprinkled with chopped garlic.

Secrets and tricks of cooking hastily

1. To make the water for the soup or side dish boil faster, use an electric kettle. In it, 1.5 liters of water boils in 5-7 minutes.

2. Vegetables can even be used frozen.

3. Use for frying refined, odorless vegetable oil, and it is better to fill salads with non-refined (with a smell) vegetable oil, but you can also use olive oil.

4. Do not forget that the slow cooker will be able to help in the quick preparation of the garnish. To do this, pour the necessary cereal or vermicelli with cold water, add salt and put on the desired cooking mode “Buckwheat, rice, porridge” or other. In your free time, you can perfectly cook the rest of the dishes.

In fact, the number of dishes that can be prepared in a hurry is limited only by your imagination. Do not be afraid to experiment!

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