Chicken soup - the best recipes. How to cook chicken soup.

Chicken soup - the best recipes. How to cook chicken soup.

Chicken Soup - General Description

Chicken is a very useful, easily digestible and dietary product. It is useful for both adults and children, and broth is especially good. It turns out very light, transparent and appetizing. Even kids who absolutely don’t want to eat soup or borsch, will definitely not refuse a plate of chicken soup.

Chicken Soup - Cooking

For cooking chicken soup, you can use any saucepan of a suitable volume. It is determined by the amount of water used for cooking, plus 1-1.5 liters, so that when boiling there is no risk of staining the stove. Each liter of soup is designed for 3-4 servings, so you can roughly calculate how many eaters it will be enough.

Chicken Soup - Food Preparation

To prepare chicken soup you can use any parts of the chicken: chicken legs, thighs, breasts, and you can purchase the so-called soup set, which includes less “valuable” carcass parts, such as spinal-scapular and lumbosacral departments without wings. If the chicken was purchased in frozen form, then before cooking the broth it must be completely defrosted. Before putting the chicken into the pan, rinse thoroughly with running water.

Chicken Soup - Recipe 1 (with noodles)

Chicken soup - the best recipes. How to cook chicken soup.

The following ingredients are needed to make chicken noodle soup:

- soup set of chicken (legs, thighs, breasts) - 500-600 g

- 2 medium carrots

- 2 medium onions

- 1 half sweet pepper

- 4-5 medium-sized potatoes

- 1 egg (for noodles)

- flour (for noodles)

- salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste

- greens, half boiled eggs for decoration

Cooking Method:

Pour 3 liters of water into a 4-5 liter saucepan and place the soup set in it. Add salt, pepper and bay leaf to taste (bay leaf can be added at the end, in order to avoid excess bitterness). Put on a strong fire, bring to a boil and immediately reduce the heat to a minimum. The broth is prepared within 40-50 minutes. At this time, you can do cooking noodles. In a separate container, knead the dough from eggs and flour, roll with a rolling pin into a thin layer and cut with a very sharp knife first into strips 4-5 cm wide, and then cut each of them into thin strips to make about 0.5x4-5cm pieces. . Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. When the broth is ready, you need to take out the chicken from it, and put potatoes in it. Then peel and grate carrots, onions and peppers, finely chop or grate. Next you need to fry them in vegetable or olive oil for 4-5 minutes and put in the soup. For 10-12 minutes he should boil over medium heat, after which noodles and boiled chicken, peeled and cartilage, are put into it. Prepared soup before serving can be decorated with leaves of parsley or dill sprigs. Looks beautiful in chicken soup and half a hard-boiled egg.

Chicken Soup - Recipe 2 (with vermicelli)

Chicken soup - the best recipes. How to cook chicken soup.

The following ingredients are required to make chicken noodle soup:

- soup set of chicken (legs, thighs, breasts) - 500-600 g

- 2 medium carrots

- 1 medium onion

- 4-5 medium-sized potatoes (this is an amateur, you can cook without them)

- 100-150 grams of vermicelli

- salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste

- greens, half boiled eggs for decoration

Cooking Method:

Pour 3 liters of water into the prepared container with a volume of about 4 liters, place the chicken in it. Add salt, pepper and bay leaf to taste. There you can also put carrots, cut into large pieces and a whole onion, if the finished soup does not have the desire to see these components (this is very important when the soup is prepared for the child). Put on a strong fire as soon as the broth begins to boil, remove the foam and immediately reduce the heat to a minimum. The broth is usually boiled for 40-50 minutes. Put the peeled and diced potatoes into the ready broth (if desired), after removing the chicken, carrot and onion. If carrots and onions were not laid when boiling the chicken, they should be finely chopped or grated, fried in vegetable or olive oil for 3-5 minutes and put into the soup. Next, the soup should be left for 10-12 minutes over medium heat, then put in the noodles and chicken. Cooked vermicelli about 3-5 minutes, after which the soup can be removed from the stove, cover and insist for about half an hour. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with finely chopped greens and a half of a hard-boiled egg.

Chicken Soup - Recipe 3 (with dumplings)

To make chicken soup with dumplings you will need the following ingredients:

- soup set of chicken (legs, thighs, breasts) - 500-600 g

- 1-2 medium carrots

- 1 medium onion

- 1 Bulgarian pepper

- 2-3 small potatoes (you can do without them)

- salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste - chopped fresh herbs for decoration

To make dumplings you will need:

- 1 chicken egg

- flour

- garlic clove

- chopped fresh greens

- vegetable oil 1 table. spoon

Cooking Method:

First you need to cook chicken broth. To do this, in a saucepan with 3 liters of water you need to put the chicken, salt and pepper to taste, add bay leaf. Bring to a boil, remove the froth and, turning down the heat, boil for 40-50 minutes.

At this time, washed carrots, peppers and onions finely chopped or rubbed on a grater and fry in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes. Next you need to start cooking dumplings. Protein is separated from the yolk and put it in the fridge for a while.

Add butter and a little salt to the yolk, and also put three or four tablespoons of flour, mix. In the resulting thick mixture pour 150-200 ml of hot broth.

Mix again quickly and vigorously, add finely chopped garlic and some greens. Then add more flour until the dough acquires the consistency of sour cream.

Next, remove the protein from the refrigerator, knock it into a thick foam and gently knead it in the dough. Put sliced ​​potatoes in broth, cook almost until ready. Then put in dumplings soup. To do this, take a teaspoon of dough pieces (about 2/3 teaspoons) and throw in boiling broth. They should increase in size and swim.

3-4 minutes after the dumplings surfaced, put the fried vegetables in the soup. Let boil for 5 minutes on low heat, insist half an hour, then you can serve on the table, decorated with greens.

Chicken Soup - Recipe 4 (with rice)

Chicken soup - the best recipes. How to cook chicken soup.

The following ingredients will be needed to make chicken soup with rice:

- soup set of chicken (legs, thighs, breasts) - 500-600 g

- 2 medium carrots

- 1 medium onion

- half a cup of rice

- salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste

- greens, half boiled eggs for decoration

Cooking Method:

Cook the chicken broth as described in the recipe for chicken noodle soup. When the broth is ready, pull the chicken out of it and add the rice. While he is boiling, cut the washed and peeled carrots and onions and fry them in a frying pan in vegetable oil. When the rice is soft, add fried vegetables to the soup. Give the dish to simmer for 5-7 minutes on low heat, insist for half an hour and serve on the table, pre-decorated with fresh herbs and eggs, salt and pepper to taste.

Chicken Soup - Recipe 5 (Chicken Cream Soup)

Chicken soup - the best recipes. How to cook chicken soup.

The following ingredients are needed to make chicken mashed soup:

- boneless chicken fillet 300 g

- flour 1 table. spoon

- butter 20 g

- celery 50g

- cream 200 g

- salt, pepper to taste

- chopped fresh herbs for decoration

Cooking Method:

Wash the chicken, cut into small pieces. Celery, too, wash, peel and finely chop. Heat the butter in a pan, add the flour and fry until golden brown. Add celery there and on low heat with continuous stirring fry it for 5 minutes.

After that, put in the pan meat and 1/3 cream. Stew until tender. Remove the cooked dish from the heat, cool and place in a blender. Grind to puree, add the remaining cream and beat again. Next, pour into plates, decorate with greens and serve.

Chicken Soup - Recipe 6 (with sorrel)


500 g chicken;

2.5 liters of water;

salt, pepper and bay leaf;

carrot and onion;

three potatoes;

200 g of sorrel.

Method of preparation

Cut the chicken into chunks, rinse and put into the pan. Fill with water, put bay leaf and peppercorns. Boil the broth to full readiness of the chicken, removing the foam from the skimmer At the end of cooking salt. Peel the carrots and rub into small chips. Peel the onion and chop it into small cubes. Fry the vegetables until browned. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small pieces. Sorrel, sort, rinse and shred. Remove the chicken from the broth. Put potatoes in the broth and cook for ten minutes. Then add the fried and sorrel. Separate the meat from the bones, disassemble into fibers and put into the pan. Cook for another ten minutes. Chicken soup is ready!

Chicken Soup - Recipe 7 (with corn)


one small chicken or chicken;

large tomato;

spices and greens; large carrot;

Bulgarian pepper;

three eggs;

a small pot of canned corn.

Method of preparation

Peel the carrot, bell pepper and onion. Rinse the vegetables. In the pan with boiling water, put the washed chicken whole. Put the whole carrot, sweet pepper and tomato here. Add peppercorns and bay leaf. Boil the broth for about forty minutes, removing the foam. Remove from the broth vegetables and chicken. Separate the chicken meat from the bones and put it back into the pan. Drain liquid from the corn, and transfer it to the broth. Chop the greens and add to the soup. Beat the eggs, and while slowly stirring, slowly add to the broth. As soon as the soup boils, turn off the heat, and insist under the lid for half an hour.

Chicken Soup - Recipe 8 (with mushrooms in Polish)


champignons - 400 g;

a bunch of parsley and dill;

500 g chicken fillet;

salt and pepper;

50 g of small vermicelli;


two bulbs;

100 g tomato puree.

Method of preparation

Put the washed fillets into the pan, pour in water and cook for forty minutes on low heat. Remove skimmer foam. We clean carrots, mushrooms and onions. Cut the carrots into thin slices, chop the onion into small cubes, and mushrooms into medium-sized plates. We take out the chicken fillet and cut it into fairly large bars. Put vegetables and mushrooms in broth and boil until the onions soften. Add the tomato puree and chicken meat to the broth and boil for five minutes. Put the pasta and cook no more than a minute. Season with pepper and salt. We stand under the lid for about ten minutes. Pour into plates and sprinkle liberally with chopped greens.

Chicken Soup - Recipe 9 (with Egg)


400 g chicken meat;

two bouillon cubes;

salt and dill;

carrot and onion;


four potatoes.

Method of preparation

Pour water into the pot and lay out the chicken meat. We put it on the stove. As soon as boils, remove the foam and lay out the peeled onion. Fire twist and cook for 15 minutes. Peel carrots, cut into large pieces and lay out in broth. We continue to cook for another half hour. Then put the potato pieces in the pan. Beat egg, slightly salted. Add soup cubes to soup. Boiling soup constantly stir spoonful clockwise and pour in a thin stream of egg. At the end add greens and bay leaf.

Chicken Soup - Recipe 10 (with broccoli)


chicken breast - half a pound;

two liters of water;

greens, pepper, salt and spices;

onion and carrot;


olive oil.

Method of preparation

Put a pot of water on the stove as soon as it boils, put the washed chicken breasts and cook for half an hour. Then remove the meat and disassemble it into small pieces. Heat the olive oil in a pan, put the onion sliced ​​in half rings, and sauté until soft. Carrot clean, wash and cut into rings. Spread it over the onion and continue frying for another five minutes. Broccoli disassemble into inflorescences, put on a colander and rinse under running water. Put it in a pan to the vegetables and simmer under the lid for ten minutes. Put chicken meat and vegetables in broth, salt, season with pepper and spices and cook for 20 minutes. Serve soup with sour cream.

Chicken Soup - tips from experienced chefs

1. When cooking broth from chicken, it should be noted that with a strong boil the dish will turn out to be muddy and unappetizing in appearance. Therefore, the broth should boil with a minimum of fire, then it will be transparent and light.

2. A pleasant yellowish shade of the finished dish can be given by adding roasted carrots. If for some reason it is unacceptable in the soup, it is possible to provide the desired shade with the help of spices (for example, turmeric).

3. You can add any vegetables to chicken soup, such as zucchini, potatoes or pumpkin. To do this, they need to cook in a separate container, and then add directly to the blender.

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