Soup with dumplings - proven recipes. How to properly and tasty cook soup with pies.

Soup with dumplings - proven recipes. How to properly and tasty cook soup with pies.

Soup with dumplings - general principles of cooking

To diversify the daily lunch menu, you can cook a delicious and hearty soup with dumplings. The dish belongs to the Ukrainian national cuisine and has become widespread in a number of Slavic countries. Soup with dumplings is cooked differently: on chicken, meat, vegetable or fish broth, also on water. There are several ways to prepare the dumplings themselves: you can boil them separately and then run them into the soup, or you can immediately put the raw dough into the boiling broth. The simplest dumplings can be made from water and egg flour; in some recipes, potato, fish or liver dumplings are added to the soup. So that the dough does not turn out to be bland, it is salted, peppered, and a variety of dried herbs and spices are added to it. Soup with dumplings usually includes such vegetables as potatoes, carrots and onions (pre-fried), tomatoes and zucchini. You can also cook a dish with cauliflower, broccoli, celery, beans and other products. The soup is very tasty and saturated with fresh or dried mushrooms, fish or sausage. Soup with dumplings is usually served with chopped fresh herbs.

Soup with dumplings - preparing food and dishes

For a start, boil the broth: for this, the meat is washed, cut and set to cook. While the broth is being prepared, you can prepare the remaining products: peel and chop the potatoes, grate the carrots, chop greens and onions, wash and chop the mushrooms, etc. Carrots with onions (sometimes with tomatoes) are sauced over low heat. Preparing ingredients for the dumplings consists of sifting flour and mixing the egg with water, after which the components can be put together. This is the easiest way to cook dumplings.

From the dishes you need to prepare a large pot, a frying pan, a grater, a skimmer, a colander, a sieve, a rolling pin, a cutting board, a sharp knife and a separate bowl for making dough. Serve soup with dumplings can be in deep dining plates. Recipes for soup with dumplings:

Recipe 1: Soup with Dumplings

This soup with dumplings can be cooked very quickly if you cook chicken broth in advance. The dish is great for everyday meals and is prepared from the most affordable products: chicken broth, potatoes, carrots and seasonings.

Ingredients Required:

  • 750 ml of chicken broth;
  • 2 medium potatoes;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • Vegetable oil - 10 ml;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of flour;
  • A small pinch of salt;
  • Any spices and herbs;
  • Fresh parsley.

Preparation Method:

If the chicken broth is cooked in advance, it remains only to bring its boil and launch additional ingredients. If there is no broth, then chicken (or the soup set should be washed, cut and cooked until ready). After the first boil it is advisable to drain the water and pour the meat over the new one. Clean the carrots, grate and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. We clean the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Bring the broth to a boil, add some salt and place the roasted carrots, after 5 minutes we start the potatoes. Potatoes are boiled for about 15 minutes, during which time you can cook dumplings. Pour flour in a pile, whip the egg with salt and herbs in a separate glass. In the flour, make a well and pour in an egg. Stir the dough thoroughly and spread the dough into a boiling broth with a teaspoon. So that the dough does not stick, before each start we dip a spoon into a glass with cold water. Cook soup with dumplings for another 5-7 minutes and serve with chopped parsley.

Recipe 2: Soup with dumplings and porcini mushrooms

Soup is very nourishing, appetizing and most importantly - fragrant. For cooking, fresh and dried white mushrooms, potato dumplings, greens and vegetables are used.

Ingredients Required:

  • A pound of white fresh mushrooms;
  • A handful of dried porcini mushrooms;
  • For 1 carrot and onions;
  • 50 g butter;
  • Dill and parsley greens;
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • Potatoes - 200-300 g.

Preparation Method:

Cook potatoes in uniform until cooked. Dry mushrooms pour two liters of cold water and set to boil the broth. Cook the broth for about half an hour. Meanwhile, thoroughly wash the fresh mushrooms from dirt and cut into thin slices. Green chop chopped. Clean the carrots and grate them, finely chop the onion. Now prepare the dumplings: boiled potatoes, grate, add two tablespoons of butter, pepper, salt and egg. Gradually add flour and knead the dough until it stops sticking. Divide the dough into thin sausages, each of which is cut into small pieces. In the ready broth we launch fresh mushrooms. Passerose carrots and onions in rosy color in butter, then dump the dumplings into the soup, and after 5-7 minutes, lay out the vegetable roast. Add a little salt, bring to a boil and turn off the fire after 2 minutes. Serve dumplings with chopped greens.

Recipe 3: Soup with Dumplings and Vegetables

The composition of this tasty and healthy dish includes tomatoes, cauliflower, bitter pepper and herbs, and the dumplings themselves are made from chicken liver, flour and eggs.

Ingredients Required:

  • Chicken offal;
  • Cauliflower head;
  • Tomatoes - 300 g;
  • Parsley root;
  • 30 ml of butter (2 tbsp. L.);
  • 3 bitter peppercorns;
  • Dill and parsley;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Chicken liver;
  • 5 tin spoons of flour.

Preparation Method:

Chicken offal washed, pour two liters of cold water and set to cook. As soon as the broth boils, remove the foam, add the pepper and parsley root. In a pan, melt one spoonful of butter and lay out the tomatoes, cut into small pieces. Stew tomatoes to readiness. Strain the broth, bring to a boil and lay out cauliflower inflorescences. Cook the soup for about 15 minutes. Now we cook the dumplings: finely cut the liver, rub with yolks and butter, then mix with whipped rolls. Add flour depending on the consistency - you can add a little flour to a very liquid mixture. We lay out the dumplings with a teaspoon in boiling broth, each time dipping it into cold water. Cook dumplings for about 7 minutes until they come up. Then we add salt and pepper to the dish and lay out stewed tomatoes rubbed through a sieve. Serve with chopped greens.

Recipe 4: Soup with dumplings and smoked sausage

Very tasty and hearty everyday first course. This soup with dumplings does not take much time and is cooked very easily.

Ingredients Required:

  • Smoked sausage - 300 g;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • One and a half liters of water;
  • For 1 carrot and onion;
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • 30 ml of tomato paste;
  • Flour.

Preparation Method:

Put the water to boil, clean the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Putting potatoes in boiling water. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot and fry the vegetables in vegetable oil until golden. Cut the sausage into cubes and spread to the vegetables. Then add tomato paste to the pan and simmer a little. Put the sausage with vegetables in the soup. Mix the flour with the egg diluted in a little water, add some salt and mix the dough thoroughly. We lay out dumplings in boiling broth with a teaspoon, periodically dipping it into cold water. After 10 minutes, the soup with dumplings will be ready. Serving dish with chopped fresh herbs.

Recipe 5: Soup with dumplings and cheese

This first dish is great for baby food, but it does not mean that it cannot be eaten by adults. This soup with dumplings is loved by all family members without exception. The dish can also be for those who can not sharp and heavy dishes.

Ingredients Required:

  • Chicken or soup set - 400 g;
  • 2 onions;
  • Carrots - 1 pc .;
  • One pound of potatoes;
  • 2-3 processed cheese;
  • Half a cup of flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • Fresh greens;
  • 2 liters of water.

Preparation Method:

Put the broth from the chicken, add a little salt, any seasoning and one peeled onion. From the finished broth we take out the meat and onion, throw the onion, and set the chicken to cool. Peel potatoes, cut into cubes and run into boiling broth. Making dough for dumplings: mix the egg with 30-45 ml of water, salt, pepper, herbs and flour. Knead the dough until smooth. As soon as the potatoes are cooked, lay out the soup with a teaspoon of dumplings, periodically dipping them into cold water. Then we throw the sliced ​​or grated melted cheese and stir until it is completely dissolved. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry the vegetables in vegetable oil until golden brown and pleasant aroma. Put the ready-made vegetable roast in the soup. Remove the meat from the bones, cut into pieces and put in a saucepan with soup. Chop greens and add to soup. Boil everything together for about 5-7 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and let the dish brew.

Soup with dumplings - secrets and tips from the best chefs

- so that when putting the dumplings to the spoon do not stick the dough, you need to lower it into a glass with cold water each time;

- The consistency of the test should not be too dense, but not too thin. Cook dumplings on average no more than 7-8 minutes;

- To make the dumplings turn out to be tender and tasty, you need to add a little butter or milk to the dough;

- Do not make the dumplings too large, because in the process of cooking, they increase in volume almost three times.

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