Delicious dietary oat bran pancakes with flax seeds

Delicious dietary oat bran pancakes with flax seeds

Today I want to offer you a recipe for unusual pancakes - oat bran pancakes with flax seeds. Such a recipe is very simple, ready-made pancakes turn out to be incredibly tasty, interesting in their texture and structure, pleasant flax kernels perfectly beat the whole picture.

Such pancakes can be stuffed with creamy curd cream cheese, dried tomatoes can be added to the cheese, or, on the contrary, the filling can be made sweet, in any case, the pancakes are worthy. If you are a fan of such unusual dishes, then today you have come to the right place. Serve pancakes to the table with absolutely any drink. Well, let's get down to business.

Cooking time - 20 min

Number of servings - 2


  • Mineral water with gas - 1 tbsp.
  • Chicken yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 100 g
  • Flax seeds - 2 tbsp.
  • Oat bran - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - pinch
  • Sugar - 0.5-1 tbsp.
  • Little vegetable - 1 tbsp.
Delicious dietary oat bran pancakes with flax seeds

Cooking Process

Prepare all the necessary ingredients on the list. Immediately mix in a deep bowl wheat flour, flax seeds and bran. Pour some salt. If in the future you decide to make pancakes with filling, then focus on the filling, you can add sugar or not.

Delicious dietary oat bran pancakes with flax seeds

Pour mineral water into the bowl with gas. Well mix everything together.

Delicious dietary oat bran pancakes with flax seeds

Now add a couple of not very large chicken yolks to the bowl. Pour some vegetable oil into the dough, literally one tablespoon.

Delicious dietary oat bran pancakes with flax seeds

Add sugar and mix all ingredients one more time.

Delicious dietary oat bran pancakes with flax seeds

In a lightly oiled pan, fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Delicious dietary oat bran pancakes with flax seeds

Finished pancakes can be served with berries or fruits, you can add sour cream or sauce.

Delicious dietary oat bran pancakes with flax seeds

Enjoy your meal!

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