How to make oatmeal cookies without adding eggs? Let's bake oatmeal cookies without eggs with seeds, honey, jam, apples

How to make oatmeal cookies without adding eggs? Let's bake oatmeal cookies without eggs with seeds, honey, jam, apples

Chicken eggs - one of the main components of baking. But what if they are allergic? Come to the rescue recipes of sweet treats without eggs, including delicious oatmeal cookies.

General principles for making oatmeal cookies without eggs

Eggs make baking more airy, fluffy, playing the role of baking powder and a binder, which does not allow the finished product to crumble. To exclude them is necessary not only because of allergies, but, for example, during fasting, they are also absent in the vegetarian diet. However, even without eggs, you can bake a full-fledged oatmeal cookie without losing taste and appetizing appearance. The butter will add softness to the dough; soda or baking powder will add volume to the finished products, oat flakes swollen in liquid will act as a bunch, and, for example, mashed banana or applesauce will work in fruit-filled recipes.

The finished dough for such cookies may get a little sticky and crumble slightly. The easiest way is to dab the product with your hands or put it on a baking sheet using a tablespoon. A roll out the dough is most convenient to put it between two sheets of parchment paper.

Since baking oatmeal cookies become larger, a little blurred, a couple of centimeters should be left on the baking sheet between the products. And so that the ready-made cookies do not crumble and break, let it cool, and only then put it on the plate.

Oatmeal cookies without eggs on sour cream

If desired, such a cookie can add flavor using cinnamon, vanilla sugar or cardamom, diversify with chocolate or nuts. Since it uses sour cream, which creates an acidic environment, soda does not need to be quenched with vinegar.


Three glasses of rolled oats (flakes);

half a glass of sour cream;

70 grams of flour;

150 grams of butter;

tea pot of soda;

200 grams of sugar; third tea salt.

Method of preparation

1. Grind flakes, use a blender or a coffee grinder. If desired, pre-oatmeal can be roasted for ten minutes in a dry frying pan. So the flakes will be more crispy.

2. Butter should not be cold, slightly melted and soft. Beat it with sugar, sour cream, add salt.

3. Pour out crushed flakes to a creamy-oil mixture. To knead the dough, gradually add flour.

4. Future cookies spread with a spoon on a baking sheet. Hands, powdered with flour, give the products a more accurate shape.

5. We bake a quarter of an hour at 180 degrees.

Oatmeal cookies without eggs with seeds, candied fruits and pears

The number of seeds and candied varieties varies as desired. You can also take raisins instead of candied fruits or add some nuts to this mixture.


300 grams of oat flakes;

50 grams of brown sugar;

one large pear;

seven tablespoons hot water;

six tablespoons of vegetable oil;

half tea spoon baking powder;

half a cup of seeds and candied fruit.

Method of preparation

1. Take a deep bowl. Put the flakes in it. Pour oil, water, put sugar. Stir. Let stand for about an hour so that the flakes are well swollen.

2. Clean the pear from the peel and seeds, three through the grater. Finely cut candied fruit.

3. Add to the swollen flakes seeds, pears, candied fruits. We mix everything.

4. We will spread the resulting dough on a baking sheet with a parchment using a tablespoon. Baking 20 minutes, the temperature - 180.

Oatmeal cookies without eggs with whole grain flour

This cookie comes out very crumbly and crispy. Oatmeal for this recipe is to take instant cooking.


250 grams of sugar, whole wheat flour and oatmeal;

230 grams of butter;

40 grams of honey;

2 teaspoons baking powder;

half tea soda;

30 ml of water.

Method of preparation

1. Combine flakes, flour and sugar in a bowl, mix. 2. Cut the butter into pieces, put it in a saucepan. There we put honey, baking powder, soda, add water. We warm up on a small fire. The oil should completely melt.

3. Pour melted butter to a mixture of flour, cereal and sugar. Intensive mix. The finished dough crumbles a bit. We put it on a sheet of parchment paper, form a small rectangular block of dough, cover it with a second sheet and roll it out with a rolling pin into a layer five millimeters thick.

4. Cut out cookies with a cookie cutter or a glass. Carefully transfer the products to a baking sheet with parchment paper and in the oven: ten to twelve minutes, 180 degrees.

Oatmeal cookies without eggs and jam

Jam fits almost any - raspberry, blueberry, apricot - the main thing that it was thick. Lemon or orange confiture would also be good. And for a beautiful color contrast, you can sprinkle cookies with ground pistachios.


A glass of wheat flour;

130 grams of butter;

a glass of oatmeal;

a quarter tea cup of soda;

a pinch of salt;

a jar of jam (200-250 grams);

five tablespoons of sugar.

Method of preparation

1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator beforehand; it should be at room temperature.

2. Combine flour and cereal, add sugar, salt and soda.

3. Mix the dry ingredients with butter: rub it with your hands, the resulting dough will be crumbly, like crumb.

4. Next, you need a baking dish. She needs to be greased with oil and put on parchment. Then take three-quarters of the dough and distribute it in shape, pressing it with your fingers. Put the jam on top. The rest of the crumb mixture is sprinkled on top, we press it a little into the sweet stuffing.

5. Now in the oven for thirty to forty minutes, the desired temperature - 180.

6. When the cookie has a beautiful ruddy color, we take it out, let it cool and cut it into squares or rectangles.

Oatmeal cookies without lean eggs with honey

In this recipe there are not only eggs, but also butter, and honey is used instead of sugar. So the cookie is obtained and lean, and almost dietary. Ingredients

A glass of oatmeal;

90 ml of vegetable oil;

three tablespoons of liquid honey;

0.5 tea spoon of soda;

half a cup of chopped walnuts.

Method of preparation

1. To start grind oatmeal. We use for this blender.

2. Add oatmeal to honey, vegetable oil, soda, walnuts, mix.

3. Make dough from the dough or lay it on a baking sheet with a spoon. Do not forget to pre-lay a sheet of baking paper!

4. Bake for 20 minutes, temperature - 180.

Oatmeal cookies without eggs with apples, banana and nuts

Cookies made according to this recipe reminds not too sweet muesli. You can serve it for breakfast or as a healthy snack with a cup of tea.


Two glasses of oatmeal;

half a cup of sugar;

two thirds cup of dried cranberries and almonds;

teaspoon salt;

two apples (better than green);


6 tbsp of olive oil;

one bag of vanilla sugar and baking powder;

Chinas cardamom.

Method of preparation

1. Grind flakes in a coffee grinder or with a blender. Pour into a large bowl. There we send a glass of whole flakes.

2. Fry almonds and grind. Add to cereal. Put the cranberries, sugar, mix. Further into the future, the dough for biscuits goes salt, baking powder, sugar with vanilla, cardamom.

3. Remove the rind from the apples, cut out the core. Three through the grater. Banana cut into small pieces. Add olive oil to fruit, mix.

4. Now it's time to combine the dry ingredients and the fruit mixture. Knead the dough well. We leave it for a quarter of an hour, maybe a little longer - it is necessary that the oatmeal is saturated with liquid and slightly swollen.

5. Baking parchment lining. Future cookies lay out with a tablespoon - and in the oven (180 degrees) for half an hour.

Oatmeal cookies without eggs with raisins and chocolate

Chocolate can be purchased in the form of droplets, so it is convenient to add it to the dough. Or take a good dark chocolate and chop it into small pieces. Ingredients

Two glasses of oatmeal;

100 grams of sugar;

half a bar of chocolate;

160 grams of butter;

a glass of wheat flour;

half a cup of raisins;

half teaspoon ground cinnamon;

two tablespoons of fat kefir;

teaspoon baking powder.

Method of preparation

1. First of all, you need to grind oatmeal. We use a blender, meat grinder, coffee grinder - what is at hand.

2. Next, melt the butter. You can do it in a water bath.

3. Mix the butter and sugar, add fatty kefir, mix.

4. We pour out the ground flakes. We mix. Now go to the dough flour with baking powder, as well as cinnamon. We continue to knead.

5. Add the pre-washed raisins and chocolate pieces (or chocolate drops). After all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the dough must be sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour, covered with cling film.

6. We get the dough. We moisten hands with water and form balls of dough. Put on a baking sheet with baking paper. Slightly press down future cookies. In the oven at 180 degrees, they will spend a quarter of an hour to readiness.

Oatmeal cookies without eggs - secrets and tricks

· Spread each batch of cookies on a new layer of parchment paper: if you put the blanks on a hot sheet, they are likely to lose their shape and can quickly burn.

· You can add a more pleasant flavor to your cookies by adding a pinch of vanilla or ground cinnamon to any recipe.

· To make oatmeal cookies a light caramel flavor, use brown sugar.

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