Cake Tiramisu: recipes at home. How to cook the famous Tiramisu cake, recipes at home, tricks

Cake Tiramisu: recipes at home. How to cook the famous Tiramisu cake, recipes at home, tricks

Tiramisu is a popular dessert with a hundred variations. One of them is a cake. Let it not differ in smart registration and modestly strewed cocoa, it is excessive to speak about magic taste. Make a gorgeous dessert at home?

Tiramisu Cake at Home - General Cooking Principles

The cake is prepared in layers of cakes and cream, but has a special combination of flavors. To achieve it, it is important to know the basic rules and precisely follow the proportions of the ingredients.

General principles of cooking Tiramisu:

• Cakes. Usually they are biscuit. Homemade cakes are baked in thin layers, usually the dough is spread on a large baking sheet, then cut into pieces of the desired size. You can bake a biscuit in a round shape and cut into several layers, but the lack of a crust on the layers will be noticeable. It is allowed to use purchased thin biscuits.

• Cream. In a classic recipe, a layer of mascarpone is made with cream. But this is optional. There are plenty of equally tasty options with cottage cheese, condensed milk, proteins, chocolate.

• Impregnation. Usually used boiled coffee, but you can take and instant. Sugar, brandy, cinnamon are added to the impregnation, or they simply use the drink in its pure form. It is important to cool it before use.

• Top. Tiramisu is never decorated with cream flowers and not coated with icing. The top of the dessert is smeared with the same cream as the layers, then sprinkled with dark cocoa powder.

Ready dessert is left for impregnation, but it is not worth keeping it for a long time. Tiramisu tastes better while fresh. Therefore, you should not cook it a few days before the event.

Tiramisu Cake: Recipe at Home with Mascarpone

The famous worldwide version of the Tiramisu cake. Homemade dessert recipe with mascarpone cream cheese and coffee sponge cake.


• 115 g of flour;

• 30 ml of boiled coffee;

• five eggs;

• 115 g of sugar;

• 10 g of coffee.

Butter cream: • 45 g of boiled coffee;

• 3 yolks;

• 380 g Mascarpone;

• 190 ml cream;

• 130 g of powder.

For impregnation of sponge cake: 0.5 tbsp. coffee, 2 l. sugar, 0.5 l. cognac. Spoon cocoa for sprinkling cake.


1. In hot coffee for dough we throw a spoon of instant, stir, leave to cool. Prepare the usual dough for biscuit: until the fluffy foam, beat the eggs, throw sugar in portions, continue beating at high speed. At the end, we introduce flour and immediately pour out the coffee, which should have cooled down already. Pour on a baking sheet, covered with parchment, smear a layer of about half a centimeter, send to baking. Thin biscuits need 10 minutes at an average temperature. Cooling down.

2. For cream, we mix raw yolks with sugar, add coffee and put it on the stove, cook. Stir constantly, move away from the cream should not be. As soon as the mass thickens, remove, cool.

3. Whip the cream into the foam, add the cooled cream and cream cheese, ready!

4. For impregnation, mix sugar with coffee and brandy.

5. Cut the cooled biscuit on the cakes to put the pieces on top of each other.

6. We saturate the cake with coffee syrup, grease with cream, put a second sponge cake and so on.

7. Top lubricates the cream, which remained, sprinkle cocoa.

Tiramisu Cake: Recipe at Home with Curd

Mascarpone can be bought not everywhere, and the price of cream cheese is sometimes staggering, a large dessert is quite expensive. That is why a poet often uses cottage cheese for cream. You need to choose a fat, soft, high quality product.


• 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;

• 4 eggs;

• 200 ml of cream;

• 70 ml of milk;

• 1 cup of powder;

• 180 g of sugar in the dough, plus 3 tablespoons in the impregnation;

• a glass of flour;

• 2 tsp. coffee;

• a little cocoa.


1. Biscuit classic. Immerse four eggs in a bowl from a mixer, add sugar, turn on maximum rpm and beat for ten minutes. Enter the flour. If the dough is weak and badly whipped, add a little baking powder.

2. We take a large baking sheet, lay out the parchment, lubricate and pour the dough, spread the layer. Bake until wheat-colored in the oven at 200. Let it cool. 3. Cottage cheese, beat with half the powder and milk. It is better to use a blender to get a homogeneous mass.

4. Whip cream separately, in parts we enter the remaining powder. We connect with cottage cheese. If sweets are not enough, add more powder, make to your taste.

5. Pour boiling water over coffee, put three spoons of sugar, cool.

6. Soak the cakes with cold coffee, coat with cottage cheese cream and cream. Sprinkle the cocoa cake.

Tiramisu Cake: Recipe at Home with Banana and Caramel Sauce

For the cake, you can use any biscuit, including purchased cakes for cakes. Either prepare the base yourself, there are recipes above, you can take any as a basis.


• 350 g sponge cake;

• 200 ml of water;

• 0.33 kg Mascarpone;

• 2 bananas;

• 2 eggs (only proteins);

• 5 tablespoons of powder;

• 40 ml caramel sauce;

• 1.5 tsp. coffee


1. Make a cup of coffee from prescription water. To taste sugar, you can add ground cinnamon to the drink. Cooling down.

2. Separate proteins, they must be chilled. Beat in foam, add powder, prepare a thick mixture, as for meringue.

3. Connect mascarpone with proteins, stir gently.

4. Remove the peel from the bananas, cut the flesh into thin circles.

5. Pour thin sponge cakes over coffee, grease with cream and lay bananas on top.

6. Similarly, collect the following layers, use all the ingredients to the end.

7. Top grease, sprinkle cocoa, then pour the caramel sauce. Leave tiramisu in the cold for impregnation.

Tiramisu Chocolate Cake: Recipe at Home

An amazing version of the Tiramisu cake, a recipe at home with detailed preparation and all the subtleties.


• 3 eggs;

• 120 g of sugar;

• 100 g flour;

• 20 g of cocoa;

• pinch ripper.


• 200 ml of cream;

• 8 tablespoons of powder;

• 300 grams of cheese.

For impregnation a cup of sweet boiled coffee. You can supplement the drink brandy.


1. Separate the yolks, beat with half the sugar. Then beat whites to a cool foam with the second part of the sand. Combine, pour flour with cocoa, stir with a spatula. We shift in a baking sheet, we spread a layer, we bake till readiness. 2. Beat the cream, inject the powder. Mash cheese, combine all the ingredients of the cream.

3. Cool the cake. Then it is necessary to cut the pieces, it is desirable to make at least four layers.

4. Cool the coffee. If you do not like very sweet desserts, you can leave it bitter.

5. Pour over coffee cakes, coat with creamy cream and lay alternately on each other.

6. Top of the classic scheme sprinkle cocoa. We set for a few hours soak, then cut the dessert into portions.

Tiramisu Cake: recipe at home with cream

For this wonderful cake you will need 3 biscuit cakes, which can be bought at any store. Cream cream, fairly simple quick to prepare.


• 3 cake layers;

• 600 ml of cream;

• 1.5 Art. powder;

• 50 g of sugar;

• 2 tsp. coffee;

• 250 ml of water;

• cocoa, vanilla.


1. Immediately make coffee, put sugar in a hot drink, make it sugary, as the purchased sponge cake is usually not very rich. Cool

2. Whip the cream until foam, then gradually add powder. The cream is ready! It will turn out thick, airy, it will be quite a lot.

3. Put the cake on a dish, pour coffee, grease with a thick layer of cream.

4. We continue to collect the cake, we do not regret the impregnation, the dessert should turn out to be juicy.

5. Top also lubricated with cream. If the cream remains, you can put it in a pastry bag and curb around the edge or decorate the sides of the cake, but the top is best left even.

6. We take cocoa and a strainer, decorate the top of the cake.

Tiramisu Cake: Recipe at Home with Oranges and Dark Chocolate

Another great recipe for Tiramisu cake at home. The filling is prepared from a mixture of mascarpone and cottage cheese, it turns out extremely tender, tasty. Citrus gives a special flavor.


• 500 g of cottage cheese;

• 250 g mascarpone;

• 200 g of sugar;

• 100 g flour;

• 150 g chocolate;

• 50 g of oil;

• 3 oranges;

• two eggs;

• 6 sheets of gelatin;

• vanilla, cinnamon;

• 1 tsp. ripper;

• cocoa.

Cooking 1. Melt the chocolate. Set aside, let it cool.

2. Whip the softened butter, eggs and sugar, immediately put the vanilla to them. Enter the chocolate, which is melted. Stir. Add flour and baking powder, stir again. Dough is ready. To taste, you can add cinnamon, zest, but it should be well chopped.

3. Pour into a detachable form, which we must lubricate and sprinkle with flour before. Bake at 175 degrees.

4. Cool the cake, but it is not necessary to remove it from the mold.

5. Leaf gelatin soak.

6. Squeeze the juice from all oranges, mix with sugar, after dissolving, combine with cottage cheese and mascarpone. Whisk.

7. Squeeze out the swollen gelatin, melt it and add to the curd cream.

8. Pour the mass over the cake in the form, set to freeze. If desired, add peeled orange slices to the curd layer.

9. As soon as the cream hardens, remove the form. Sprinkle the top with cocoa powder.

Tiramisu Cake at Home - Tips and Tricks

• Biscuit cake can be baked in advance, in a dry form it is stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, it lays perfectly in the freezer for up to six months, only you need to pack the cakes tightly, as they absorb foreign odors well.

• If the cream does not want to whip and remain liquid, you can use special thickeners for creams.

• Cocoa powder on the dessert will look more original if used in the process of applying the template.

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