Pot roasts are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook roast in pots.

Pot roasts are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook roast in pots.

Roast in pots - general principles and methods of cooking

Pot-pot, cook! This is exactly what I want to say, looking at these little potbelly clay products. And they will brew everything that you don’t want - porridge, meat, soup, vegetables. Or, for example, roast. Only first you need to fill them with the necessary products. Roast in pots is a cross between the first and second courses, but much thicker than soup. It consists of meat or mushrooms, where potatoes, onions, carrots, greens, sour cream, spices and a small amount of liquid are added. And it all stewed in a pot in the oven. The meat and vegetables prepared in this way remain juicy, and the potatoes are crumbly. Sometimes, relying on their imagination and taste preferences, they also introduce other ingredients, such as beans, garlic, cheese, wine, hot peppers, soy sauce, spices and seasonings, which enrich the nutritional and taste value of the dish.

Pot Roast - Food Preparation

To cook the roast in the pots, the ingredients are first coarsely chopped and separately roasted until half cooked in a pan, and then put into a pot, to which they add a little water and bake in the oven. Serve the dish in portions: for one consumer - one pot. Sometimes, instead of a clay lid, it is covered with a circle of dough, which, when clotted, turns into a beautiful crust and smells sweet like the aroma of freshly baked bread. Often, instead of bread and eat it.

If new, not yet used pots are used for baking, they must first be soaked for one hour in water. Pots are always placed only in a cold oven, and should be heated gradually.

Pot Roast - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Roast Potted at Home

A dish that offers to cook a pot this time is called home-made roast. Chicken fillet is used as meat. Although you can take lamb, veal or pork, the main thing is to have the meat of a young animal. Ingredients are approximately 4 servings.

Ingredients: 300g of chicken fillet and fresh champignons, one onion and carrot, a glass of sour cream, 4 medium potatoes, vegetable oil, spices and seasonings: salt, soy sauce, pepper, favorite seasonings, bay leaf. Method of preparation

Coarse grate carrots. Mushrooms and onions - cut into cubes. Cut the meat into pieces and marinate for half an hour in soy sauce.

Fry the meat in the oil, add the mushrooms, wait until the excess water boils away and put onions and carrots. All fragrant mass must be fried. At the same time, in another skillet, fry the potatoes, sliced ​​into cubes, until half cooked.

Put the fried potatoes and meat-mushroom mixture into a bowl, add seasoning, pepper, salt, mix and put into pots. There distribute sour cream and pour on a small spoonful of soy sauce. Top up with hot water and bake for thirty to forty minutes in the oven (200C). For about ten to fifteen minutes before shutting down, put a small leaf of Lavrushka. Who does not like soy sauce, can replace it with another, or completely eliminate.

Recipe 2: Drunk roast in pots from Julia Vysotskaya

“Drunk” myasco will be only at the time of marinating, because Brandy is added to the liquid. Alcohol poured into the marinade to accelerate the softening of the fibers. At the time of roasting the meat is “sobering”, because alcohol comes out of it. This recipe is adapted for a large clay pot, with a capacity of about three liters. You can bake in a cast iron pot. And you can use the standard half-liter pots. In this case, the ingredients are cut a little less than what is said in the recipe.

Ingredients: 800g of beef, a kilogram of potatoes, one bulb each, carrot and parsley root, salt, greens: parsley + green onion + dill. Marinade: half an onion, 5 large cloves of garlic, 2 stol.lozh. Cognac (or brandy), 1 table. lie ground paprika and finished mustard, pepper, salt, a couple of bay leaf leaves.

Method of preparation

Meat cut into large portions. Make a marinade by mixing all the ingredients for it. Chop garlic, grate onion. Put the meat in the finished marinade and pozhamkat it thoroughly and mash for about five minutes. Sprinkle with chopped bay leaf, mix and remove for three hours in the cold. And if left for the night, the meat will be especially soft.

Parsley root cut into semicircles, onions - into small cubes, peeled potatoes in large slices (if the potatoes are medium in size, just cut it into four pieces). Finely chop greens. Fry the pickled meat from both sides for a couple of minutes. During this time, alcohol will evaporate from it. Remove the meat and fry the parsley root, onion and carrot in a pan until transparent.

The preparatory work is over. It remains to put the products in the pot. At the bottom of which first they put a fry of vegetables, then meat, potatoes, greens, salt, pepper and repeat laying layers until the pot is full and the ingredients are finished. In small pots one bookmark will be enough; it will just not fit anymore. Pour water so that it is two centimeters below the last layer of potatoes. Bake for two hours at 160-170C.

Recipe 3: Pot Roast with Prunes

Prune lovers will have this dish especially to their liking. It has a mild, specific aroma and a pleasant sour taste. Yield - 6 servings.

Ingredients: 700g lamb or pork, 10 small potatoes, 1 carrot, 18 pcs. prunes, 3 onions, greens, 6 small bay leaves, 6 tablespoons each. mayonnaise and sour cream, herbs, salt, vegetable oil, spices and herbs to taste (it is possible without them).

Method of preparation

Cut the meat into small pieces and fry until ruddy, powdered with spices and seasonings. Prune wash, remove bones. If it is rather dry, steam it, i.e. Pour boiling water and let stand. Coarsely rub the carrots and chop the onion. Chop the greens and chop the potatoes into large cubes.

Lay the meat in each pot, then the onions and 3 dried plums, carrots, greens, bay leaf, potatoes. Salt, season with spices, sour cream, mayonnaise and pour boiling water for about half a pot. So that it does not completely cover the potato layer, but it can be clearly seen through it.

Leave in the oven for half an hour at 200 ° C.

Pot Roast - useful tips from experienced chefs

- If the pots do not have caps, they can be closed with a foil or a layer of dough, making small holes in them so that steam can escape.

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