Jam of apples in a slow cooker - cook without steaming! Recipes of fragrant, thick, homemade apple jam in a slow cooker

Jam of apples in a slow cooker - cook without steaming! Recipes of fragrant, thick, homemade apple jam in a slow cooker

Apple jam is a simple delicacy that is simple and easy to prepare. Especially if you use a multicooker.

In it the dense mass does not exactly burn, it will turn out fragrant and saturated. It remains only to find a suitable recipe!

Jam from apples in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

Jam does not require a uniform consistency, but still it’s customary to chop fruits. This can be done before cooking or after preliminary heat treatment. Sometimes the apples are immediately cut into small pieces and boiled for a very long time, until the slices disintegrate, the delicacy becomes homogeneous. Jam obtained from all autumn varieties of apples. Summer fruits are also suitable, but if they are unripe or completely green.

An important ingredient in jam is sugar. It makes up at least 50% of the total weight of the peeled fruit. Sand is added immediately or after pre-steaming, grinding ingredients. Sometimes apples with sugar are combined in advance, so that the fruits release the juice, the grains dissolve.

What is the combination of apples with jam:

• fruits: pears, plums, quince, citruses;

• some vegetables, usually pumpkin, carrots;

• spices.

To jam did not boil, you need to lay apples no more than half the height of the bowl from the slow cooker. Therefore, to cook a lot of treats at one time will not work. But if you need to cook 2-3 liters, it will fit perfectly. Usually used baking modes and stewing. Sometimes additionally use the stove to warm up a little mass, prepare a syrup or decoction.

Jam from apples in the “Gentle” multicooker with lemon

The recipe is very gentle jam from apples in a slow cooker. This delicacy is prepared without the peel, but still perfectly freezes and turns thick. Pectin digestion technology is used.


• 1.2 kg of apples;

• half a lemon;

• 1.2 glasses of water;

• 2 tbsp. with a pile of sugar.

Cooking 1. Apples are cleaned after rinsing, peel off as thin as possible so that more pulp remains.

2. Fold the skins into the saucepan so that they take up less volume, you can cut it. Fill with water (1.2 cups), set to boil. After boiling, you need to reduce the heat, cook for half an hour. Then skins need to drain. We need a decoction, about 2/3 cup. It contains pectin, which will help the jam to become thick.

3. Peeled apples cut into quarters, remove the area of ​​stubs, put in a slow cooker. Pour in 0.3 glass of water.

4. Cooking on the baking program for half an hour.

5. Open the slow cooker, knead the apples with a wooden pestle. You can remove the pieces from the bowl, punch through a blender or grind through a sieve.

6. Add a decoction of apple peel, pour all the sugar at once. Here we also add juice from half citrus.

7. Turning on the baking again, this time we cook jam for 40 to 60 minutes, we look at the density we need. The lid can be closed, the mass is thick and will not run away anywhere.

Twisted apple jam in the slow cooker

Very simple, one might even say lazy technology of cooking apple jam in a slow cooker. To grind fruit, you can use a meat grinder or combine.


• kilogram of apples;

• half a glass of water;

• 0.5 tsp. lemon;

• 600 g of sugar.


1. We twist apples through the meat grinder. You can interrupt the ingredients to the state of gruel blender.

2. We shift to the multi-cooker saucepan, set the extinguishing mode, add water and cook for 30 minutes.

3. Add sugar, stir with a wooden spatula. Immediately pour citric acid. Without it, the jam will turn out cloying.

4. Remove the extinguishing program, set baking.

5. Prepare jam for another 50-60 minutes, but look at the color and consistency. If the mass quickly thickens, then you can cook less delicacy. Do not forget to regularly check and stir.

6. Pour the sweetness into jars and close while it is hot, or just cool and use immediately. In the fridge, this jam is also well stored.

Jam of apples in a multicooker with slices

For this jam technology is used single cooking. That is, the mass does not need to remove, shift, wipe or something to cook separately. Everything is very easy and simple; skins are not even removed from apples.


• 1.4 kg apples;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. Wash the fruit. You can not dry. Cut into slices or cubes, the size and shape of the pieces do not matter. Fold in a multi-cooker saucepan.

2. Add granulated sugar, stir, leave for a few hours to highlight the juices.

3. Turn on the baking program, cook for 15 minutes.

4. Mix thoroughly, set the extinguishing mode to 2.5 hours. Stir periodically, look for the jam thickness.

5. If the acid in the fruit is small, then to improve the brightness and taste, you can pour a little lemon.

6. After 2 hours you need to prepare the jars, rinse, warm, be sure to dry.

7. Put the treat in jars, roll the key, cool apple jam upside down.

Jam from apples and plums in a slow cooker

Variant of mixed apple jam with plums. An interesting technology of combining mashed potatoes and pieces. We do not remove the skin from apples, so that our delicacy is thick and rich.


• 600 g plums;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 600 g apples.


1. Remove plums from plums. Grind the pulp with a blender or twist the plum through a meat grinder.

2. Cut apples into cubes or slices, combine with plums.

3. Add sugar at once, we do all this in an ordinary saucepan.

4. Put on the stove. We make a small fire and warm it up for a quarter of an hour to dissolve all the sugar. You do not need to add water, gradually juice will be released from the fruit, all the sand will melt.

5. Now the mass can be poured into a multi-cooker saucepan. Cooking on baking for another quarter of an hour.

6. Switch to the program “Quenching”. Expose exactly two hours.

7. Cooking jam for the winning signal. Periodically check the density. If necessary, adjust the taste with lemon juice, add spices for a brighter flavor. 8. Fold in sterile containers or just cool.

Apple jam in a slow cooker with oranges

The option is very appetizing and sunny apple jam in a slow cooker with oranges and lemon, clockwork aroma and unusual taste.


• 3 oranges;

• 7 large apples;

• 500 g of sugar;

• 0.5 large lemon or one small citrus.


1. Peeled apple flesh cut into pieces, put in a container from a multi-cooker.

2. Clear the oranges, cut the flesh into cubes, throw away the bones. Add to apples.

3. Also grind lemon pulp, add to the slow cooker.

4. Fill all the top with sugar, no need to stir.

5. Cooking on fire for 45 minutes.

6. Remove the fruit from the bowl, twist the blender.

7. Return mashed potatoes to the slow cooker, cook for 15-30 minutes in baking mode, achieve the consistency we need.

8. This jam can be used as a billet, but it is better to cool it and use it immediately, as over time the vitamins from the delicacy evaporate.

Apple jam in a slow cooker with pumpkin

Another simple recipe bright jam. This time the apple is mixed with pumpkin. The advantage of the recipe is that cooking can be stopped at any stage in the second cycle. Even if the jam thickens enough, you get a wonderful mashed potatoes.


• 1 kg of pumpkin;

• 1.2 kg of sugar;

• 1 multi-glass of water;

• 1 kg of apples;


1. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, put in a slow cooker, add water, cook for 20 minutes in the fire.

2. During this time, cut apples into arbitrary pieces immediately along with the skins.

3. Add fruit to the steamed vegetable, cook together for another 15-20 minutes.

4. Take out all of the multicooker. We interrupt the blender.

5. Add sugar to the warm mass according to the recipe. Stir, leave to dissolve.

6. Turn on the slow cooker to the baking mode. Now jam is prepared from 25 minutes to an hour. We look at the density, try, be sure to stir, so that the mass is prepared evenly.

Jam from apples in the “Daily” multicooker

Recipe for amber jam, which is prepared in a slow cooker in several stages. Grind apples better through a meat grinder.


• 1.5 kg of apples;

• 0.8 kg of sugar;

• 0.5 tsp. cinnamon


1. Apples with skins, but without stubs, are twisted to a slurry, mixed with sugar directly in a slow cooker.

2. Leave the mass for a couple of hours.

3. We stir, we prepare on the baking program about fifteen minutes. Stir, leave for 4-5 hours.

4. Cook the apples again in baking mode for 15 minutes. Leave for another five hours.

5. We turn on the stewing program, fill jam with cinnamon or other spices, cook for 30 minutes. If the density does not suit, then time can be added.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• Lemon juice in the jam is added not only for taste, but also to preserve the color of apples. Without it, the treat becomes dark, brown.

• You can add more sugar to the jam than indicated in the recipe, but you shouldn't pour less sand. It's not at all in taste. With a lack of sugar, the billet will quickly sour.

• In the started jar of jam there will be no mold, if you sprinkle delicacy on top with powdered sugar.

• It is not necessary to add cinnamon, clove and other spices to the total mass. To give the blank a delicate aroma and a pleasant taste, you can put all the aromatic substances in a linen bag and boil it.

• If rind is added to the jam, then it must be ground well. You can use dried and ground product.

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