Quince jam - excellent taste! Recipes of different jams of quince: natural, with citrus, apples, nuts, honey

Quince jam - excellent taste! Recipes of different jams of quince: natural, with citrus, apples, nuts, honey

Quince is the perfect jam product. Fresh fruit knits, heavy for the stomach, and not everyone likes. After heat treatment, the product becomes softer in taste, much softer and more pleasant, while retaining its unmatched aroma. It's time to make a quince jam!

Quince jam - the general principles of preparation

For quince jam fruits can be crushed before cooking or after heat treatment. The result is always different. You can not remove the skin from the quince, but if you want to get a more gentle and light delicacy, the fruits are cleaned or rubbed through a sieve after steaming.

What is cooked quince jam:

• with sugar, honey;

• with apples, pears;

• with citruses;

• with nuts.

Virtually all recipes contain water. It helps to soften the flesh of the fruit, to make the mass more tender. Quince itself is quite fragrant, but with zest, cinnamon, nutmeg, the billet is even more appetizing. Spices are usually added in the second part of the preparation. Quince jam, like any other, you can cook just like that or close the jars for the winter.

Jam from quince through the meat grinder

The simplest recipe for jam from a quince with a natural flavor. In addition to sugar and water, nothing is added to the treat. The technology is remarkable for its simplicity and unpretentiousness.


• 1 kg of quince;

• 0.5 kg of sugar;

• 120 g of water.


1. Wash the quince, cut the pulp into pieces. In the course we cut the wormholes, remove the stubs, dents and damage. They are not needed in the workpiece.

2. We twist the cut quince. As an option - grinding in a food processor.

3. Add water to the quince. Extra liquid will make the taste of jam more tender.

4. Put on the stove, cook for 35 minutes on low heat. We do not allow jam to actively seethe. Do not forget to stir the mass, so that it does not stick to the bottom and walls of dishes.

5. Add sugar to the twisted fruit, stir it. 6. Cooking jam for another 20 minutes. It will get a pinkish tint. If the consistency is not thick enough, time can be increased.

7. Spread quince delicacy in jars, close.

Jam from Quince “Tender”

It will take more time and effort to prepare this quince jam, but the result will be impressive. The delicacy is very delicate, with a light and homogeneous consistency.


• 2 glasses of sugar;

• 2 kg of quince;

• 2 glasses of water;

• 1 tsp. citric acid.


1. We clean the washed quince from the peel, cut off the stubs with the seed lobes, put the pieces in the pan.

2. Fill two glasses of water at once.

3. Put the saucepan with quince on the stove, boil the fruit under the lid until the slices soften. Remove the dish from the fire, cool the contents a little.

4. Wipe the quince pieces through a sieve, veins and throw away the remaining fibers.

5. If the broth remains in the pan, then add it to the resulting mashed potatoes.

6. Add sugar to the mashed mass, boil on the stove for twenty minutes after boiling.

7. Add citric acid in tender jam, boil over medium heat to the desired consistency. We form in jars, close.

Jam from quince with lemon.

In this jam quince is used and lemon zest and juice. If you wish, you can simply grind the flesh of citrus. In this case, it is important not to allow the seed and white crusts to get in, which can give the treat bitterness.


• 1.2 kg quince;

• 1 lemon;

• 3 glasses of sugar;

• 1 glass of water.


1. Clear the quince is not necessary. Just cut the fruit into small cubes, put in a saucepan.

2. Add water with sugar, stir. Let us brew a couple of hours to highlight the juice.

3. Remove washed zest from washed lemon. You can just grate citrus on a very fine grater around the circle. Pour zest to quince immediately.

4. From the peeled lemon squeeze out all the juice. Or grind the pulp, as mentioned above.

5. Put the future quince jam on the stove, bring to a boil, cook until the fruits soften. 6. Remove from heat, let the mass cool down a bit.

7. Now you need to mash the potato mash pieces or use a blender. In the second variant, the jam will turn out more homogeneous, without pieces.

8. We put the dented mass on the stove again, now add lemon juice to it. Stir.

9. Brewed quince jam for about half an hour, we look at the consistency. As soon as the mass becomes thick enough, you can decompose it into banks. Remember that after cooling down the treat will be even thicker.

Jam from quince and apples

From this amount of products it turns out a lot of jam. If you cook only for the sample, you can proportionally reduce the amount of fruit and sand. You can also adjust the number of quinces and apples, something to take less, and something more.


• 3 kg of quince;

• 4 kg of apples;

• 3 kg of sugar;

• 1 tsp. with a hill of cinnamon;

• 6 glasses of water.


1. Cut the quince into small cubes, the skin can not be removed, cut the bits at once.

2. Add water to quince, cook in a saucepan until soft.

3. Add the sliced ​​apples, boil for another 5-7 minutes so that they also become soft. Usually this time is enough.

4. Drain all fruits into a colander to separate the broth. Put the pieces of apples and quince, or rather what was left of them, to the side.

5. Add sugar to the juice, put it on the stove, until the fire is small, let the grains slowly dissolve.

6. As soon as the fruit has cooled slightly, they need to be chopped. Either interrupt the blender, or wipe through a sieve, or twist through a meat grinder. The consistency of jam in each case will be different. Choose the most accessible and convenient way.

7. Add chopped fruit in syrup, stir.

8. Cook jam for 35-50 minutes, bring to the desired thickness. Be sure to over low heat. Otherwise, the mass will become dark, may burn.

9. Spread quince sweetness in jars, remove.

Quince jam with walnuts

The recipe for a chic quince jam that you definitely need to try. Only walnuts are used, others will not fit here. Meat grinder recipe. Ingredients

• 1.5 kg quince;

• 300 ml of water;

• 600 g of sugar;

• 1 glass of nuts;

• 2 spoons of lemon juice.


1. Cut the washed quince into pieces under the meat grinder. The skin can be left or gently cleaned, it does not really matter.

2. Connect the twisted quince with water and sugar, stir. Leave at least two hours.

3. Re-stir, set to boil.

4. We chop nuts in small pieces, but do not turn them into flour. Lightly dried in a skillet. We do this carefully. If the cores are burned, the taste of the jam will spoil.

5. After 20 minutes of boiling the jam, you can add nuts to it, immediately pour in lemon juice.

6. It remains to cook a delicacy to normal density. The time depends on the juiciness of the quince and the intensity of boiling, on average the process will take another 30-40 minutes.

Quince jam with cinnamon and orange

A variant of a very fragrant jam, for which it is best to use cinnamon sticks, personally crushed. In this case, the delicacy will smell just amazing.


• 1 large orange;

• 2 kg of quince;

• 1.3 kg of sugar;

• 1 sticks of cinnamon;

• 1.5 glasses of water.


1. An orange before cooking the jam must be washed and doused with boiling water. It will kill all germs from the surface of citrus.

2. Take a vegetable knife or grater, remove the zest. We clean the fruit, disassemble into slices, remove all the bones.

3. Cut the washed quince into pieces.

4. We twist the quince and citrus slices, zest can also be skipped to make it even smaller.

5. Add water to the fruit puree, stir and cook for half an hour under the lid so that the mass becomes more homogeneous and resembles puree more.

6. Add sugar.

7. Grind cinnamon

8. Boil the workpiece from quince now without the cover to the desired thickness.

Quince jam with honey and nutmeg

Chic recipe for quince jam, which differs not only in ingredients. Delicacy is cooked in the oven, it turns out incredibly fragrant and useful. The amount of honey is determined by the volume of cooked mashed potatoes. Ingredients

• 8 pcs. quince;

• 0.2 cup almonds;

• fresh honey;

• 1 pinch of nutmeg;


1. Quince should be washed, dried, put on a baking sheet in the oven and baked until soft at 180 degrees.

2. Cool the fruit, remove the skin and bits, baked pulp should be chopped into puree in any way. The mass should be homogeneous.

3. Add the same amount of natural honey to the puree, add nutmeg.

4. Mix everything well, put on a cooker. Use a stewpan with a thick bottom. Make the fire small.

5. Cut the peeled almonds into several pieces, you can dry them in another pan.

6. As soon as the jam gets red, it can be poured into a silicone mold. Top with almonds.

7. After cooling, remove for a while in the refrigerator.

8. Dessert is very thick, cut into squares or any other figures, served to the table.

Quince jam - tips and tricks

• If quince is quite acidic, then the amount of citric acid can be reduced or not added at all. The same goes for juice. For the flavor of a single peel.

• After cooling, the jam becomes much thicker than it is when cooking. Therefore, it is not necessary to diligently weigh the mass in order not to spoil the taste and color.

• If the jam is actively boiling, it will turn out dark, there may be a burning smell from small droplets from the walls of the dish.

• If the jam quickly thickens, does not boil, burns, you need to remove it from the heat, cool, add some water or any juice, put to boil again.

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