Dried mushroom soup - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook soup of dried mushrooms.

Dried mushroom soup - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook soup of dried mushrooms.

Dried mushroom soup - general principles and methods of cooking

The easiest way to preserve mushrooms from summer or autumn is simply to dry them. In dried form, they retain all the trace elements, nutrients, and most importantly aroma. It is because of the flavor that soups are best cooked from dried, rather than fresh fruits. It is desirable that each housewife in the kitchen had at least a couple of bundles of dried mushrooms. Store them in a paper bag or carton in a dry place. You can keep the dried fruits whole or make mushroom powder - grind blender. Mushroom powder soup richer reveals aroma and is easier to digest.

Many types of edible mushrooms are suitable for soup - aspen, chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, but white are the undisputed favorites. Soups from dried mushrooms can be cooked with the addition of fresh or pickled, very often sour cream is added to the finished dish. Of the spices, they mostly put only pepper, sometimes bay leaves, so as not to interrupt the strong mushroom flavor.

Dried mushroom soup - food preparation

Before cooking, dried mushrooms are pre-soaked in boiling water for twenty to thirty minutes or in cold water for an hour and a half. After that, they are cut into slices or slices and added to the soup. The water in which the mushrooms were soaked is usually also used for soup. It is carefully poured into another dish, so as not to get sediment or filter through a fine sieve or gauze.

Dried mushroom soup - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Dried Mushroom Soup

When there is slush or frost outside the window, and oh, you don’t want to go to the store for food, a bunch of dried mushrooms, saved up from the fall, will help you out. You can cook in the most ordinary, but very tasty mushroom soup. Serve it must be with sour cream, so it turns out even tastier. There are, however, lovers who prefer mayonnaise to the mushroom soup. Ingredients: 50g dried mushrooms, 1.5 liters of water, 4 potatoes, one carrot each with an onion, bay leaf, peppercorns, butter for frying, steamed table. spoons of wheat flour, salt, herbs, sour cream.

Method of preparation

Rinse the mushrooms and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20-25 minutes. At this time, you can boil water and fry.

Melt the butter, fry the shredded onion and coarsely chopped carrots on it, add flour at the end and fry for a couple of minutes.

Swollen mushrooms cut, toss in boiling water, there add some water, in which they were soaked, put the cook. After 20 minutes add diced potatoes. After ten minutes, sprinkle with salt, sprinkle with pepper, add a stir-fry, bay leaf and cook until potatoes are ready. Let the soup stand, serve with sour cream, sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 2: Mushroom Kingdom Soup

A nourishing, with a rich taste, the soup is prepared from several types of mushrooms - necessarily dried and a set of fresh, pickled, salted, frozen. It turns out a friendly, team mushroom family.

Ingredients: 2 liters of water, 30g of dried mushrooms (preferably white), 300g of different types of mushrooms, one carrot and a bulb, 5 potatoes, a couple of bay leaves, greens, salt, pepper, sour cream - 250ml, vegetable and butter.

Method of preparation

Pour boiling water over dried mushrooms and leave for 20 minutes. Grind the onions, grate the carrots and fry them together in a mixture of creamy vegetable oil, put sour cream in the end and stew for a couple of minutes.

Put boiling water as soon as it boils, put chopped potatoes and soaked mushrooms into it, add water in which the mushrooms were soaked, and let them boil for 15 minutes. At this time, slice the mushrooms that are in the house - pickled, salted, fresh and put in the soup, add the same side with the fried sour cream, pepper, bay leaf, salt, add the greens and let boil for three to four minutes.

Recipe 3: Dried Mushroom Cream Soup

The combination of dried and fresh mushrooms with cream adds a stunning natural creamy mushroom flavor to the soup, without any flavorings or additives. To the soup, you can apply dried or fried in butter croutons, smeared with garlic.

Ingredients: 1.5 liters of milk (2.5%), a glass of cream (10-11%), 300g of fresh mushrooms (champignons), 200g of dried (white), 100g of butter, salt, 3 onions , 3 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour, ground pepper: black - 1/2 tsp. and 1 tsp. red (not burning).

Method of preparation

Wash dried mushrooms and pour a glass of boiling water. Fresh mushrooms cut into thin slices.

Shred onion, fry in half servings of butter until golden brown. Put the second half of the butter, fresh and soaked mushrooms, cut into pieces and fry this mass for about 10-15 minutes. It is better to fry right in the pan, because there will then be pouring liquid.

Then pour the flour, fry it in the oil for a couple of minutes and alternately pour the water first, in which the mushrooms were soaked, then the milk and cream. The mass must be stirred in order to avoid the appearance of lumps. You can even take a whisk as an assistant. Cover the container with a lid. When the mass boils, make a very small fire and then soup for 20 minutes.

Recipe 4: Mushroom Soup from Dried Shredded Mushrooms

What could be simpler than steamed turnip? That's right, our mushroom powder soup. For this, dried mushrooms must be ground in a blender to the desired state. It is brewed in a matter of minutes, and the pleasant mushroom flavor from the kitchen, evenly distributed throughout the apartment, signals to the household that a tasty dinner will be ready soon. Ingredients: 2 liters of water, 200g of dried mushrooms, 1 bulb and celery root, 2 carrots, vegetable oil, to taste: salt, dill seeds, dill and parsley, pepper, boiled eggs - 3 pcs. , one lemon.

Method of preparation

Mushrooms grind into flour or powder.

Chop onion and celery root, grate carrots and fry everything in oil. Add vegetables to boiled water, add mushroom flour (powder), put all spices and salt, cook for 15 minutes. Pour the soup into plates, add half a chopped boiled egg, finely chopped greens and a slice of lemon.

Dried mushroom soup - useful tips from experienced chefs

To soften the taste of the soup, giving it a delicate touch, at the end of cooking, you can add crushed processed cheese - cream or with the taste of mushrooms.

If the dish is prepared with the addition of noodles or pasta, they must be calcined before laying in the soup. Then they will not boil down and give the dish a specific taste. Pour a thin layer of noodles on a dry frying pan and hold on, making a small fire until the color of the noodles turns light brown.

For soup, it is better to pick and dry mushrooms of medium maturity - not young, but not overripe. Then the aroma will be very rich, and the soup will get the pleasant tart taste of real forest mushrooms.

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