Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

Solyanka is, along with borsch, one of the most popular Russian first courses. This soup can be cooked on a rich meat or fish basis. Lenten solyanka boiled on the basis of mushrooms.

In the hodgepodge various smoked meats and sausages are used. To make the soup sweet and sour, they add lemon, olives, pickled cucumbers, capers, sauerkraut.

This spicy soup with greens and sour cream is served.

In traditional Russian cuisine this dish has been used for a very long time. At various times it was popular as a lunch dish. Mention of it can be found in the “Domostroi”. Not lost relevance solyanka and in our days.

Hodgepodge - a dish that is prepared using different technologies and with a different composition of ingredients. To choose the option that corresponds to individual preferences, you need to try to prepare different types of saltworts or experiment on your own with the main ingredients.

The most common option for preparing a hodgepodge is offered to your attention on this page of the site.

In order to get a delicious, nourishing and healthy soup, the recipe with photos and step by step comments will tell you about the main stages of its preparation.

In the photo: ingredients for the soup-soup of the national team:

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description
  • Beef or pork meat - 300 gr.
  • Chicken meat - 300 gr.
  • Smoked pork ribs - 300 gr.
  • Smoked sausage - 200 gr.
  • Ham - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Potato tubers - 3 pcs.
  • Medium-sized carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Pickles - 4 pcs.
  • Tomato sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Olives - 100 gr.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Noble laurel leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • Allspice - 3 peas
  • Ground black pepper
  • Salt
  • Parsley Green

Recipe for soup-hodgepodge of the national team (with photo):

First you need to cook meat broth.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

We lay beef or pork, as these types of meat are cooked longer. After about half an hour, you can send the chicken into the broth, removing the skin from it. Given the fact that smoked ribs are ready to eat, we send them to the broth as a last resort.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

We remove the finished meat from the broth, remove the bones, divide the pulp into small pieces and return it to the broth, which is not filtered for the hodgepodge.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

Potatoes are an optional ingredient in the hodgepodge; whether to put it or not is a matter of taste.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

Cucumbers for the hodgepodge use only salted. Marinated for this dish is undesirable. We cut them with oblong stones.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

Fry in vegetable oil, then dip in meat broth.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

We cook the frying as well as for the borsch: fry the onions until golden. Add grated carrot to it and fry until softened. If you wish, you can add Bulgarian pepper.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

Put the tomato sauce to the onions and carrots, add a few spoons of broth and stew.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

Then we refill the ready soup.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

Grind ham into cubes.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

Cut the sausage into cubes.

Meat components and olives are laid in the boiling soup at the final stage of its preparation, boiling and letting the soup infuse under the closed lid.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description

You need to serve the solyanka with parsley. Dressed with sour cream soup. For spice and piquancy we put a lemon ring.

Solyanka soup team - a recipe with photos and step-by-step description
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