Salad with chicken and beans - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to prepare a salad of chicken and beans.

Salad with chicken and beans - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to prepare a salad of chicken and beans.

General principles of cooking salad with chicken and beans

We all hurry somewhere, at work you need to have time to hand over a report, a child has a matinee in the kindergarten, and guests may even descend in the evening, and to meet them with an empty refrigerator is somehow completely indecent. It is these thoughts that live in the head of a woman, and in such situations in service, each housewife should have a couple of recipes that will allow her to quickly prepare tasty and satisfying dishes.

Salads are a sphere of use and a combination of the most unexpected products, which allows to achieve rather unusual tastes. In spring and summer, it is important to prepare salads from fresh vegetables. They give ease, and at the same time cleanse the body. What to do in the winter, when even natural products can not boast a natural taste - meat salads. In the winter, the preparation of salads with the inclusion of meat in the recipe is the most relevant. In cold times, the body requires more energy, this reserve allows meat and additional ingredients - potatoes, mayonnaise, and, of course, beans. The use of beans in cooking allows you to delight guests with a rather extraordinary combination of products, but salads and dishes will amaze with the richness of taste.

Preparing Products

For preparing a salad with chicken and beans, the poultry breast is useful, as for beans, the variety of varieties allows us to enrich the taste of the same recipe every day. A great combination with meat gives red beans. It is not only rich in healthy ingredients, but also allows you to beautifully decorate the salad.

In addition to the two main ingredients - chicken and beans, the recipe may include other products - cabbage, walnuts, mayonnaise, eggs, crackers, corn, and even fruit. There is no limit to perfection - invent your own unique recipes!

Chicken and Bean Salad Recipes

Recipe 1. Salad with chicken, crackers and beans.

When you want to quickly prepare a hearty and healthy salad for loved ones, we recommend you to pay attention to the presented recipe. Availability of products will allow, without prejudice to the budget to organize a good table Ingredients Required:

• Chicken - better to stay on the breast, 300 g;

• green salad - 1 small bunch;

• Tomato - 3 pcs .;

• sour cream - 2 tbsp. l .;

• mustard - 1 tsp;

• red canned beans - 150 g;

• crackers - 50 g.

Cooking process:

1. Boil the meat in salted water. Here you can add bay leaf and black pepper.

2. After cooling, cooked meat can be cut into cubes.

3. Tomatoes are also finely chopped.

4. Wash the lettuce leaves and chop - at the discretion of hostesses.

5. Now, when the main ingredients are prepared, you can prepare a dressing - it is quite simple, you should mix the sour cream with mustard well, add the salt here.

6. In a deep bowl, combine the ingredients - tomato, chicken, salad, beans. All this mix dressing.

Crackers add to the salad just before serving!

Recipe 2. Chicken salad with canned beans.

The recipe includes a fairly extensive list of ingredients. You can prepare a salad for the holidays. The salad has a sharp taste.

Ingredients Required:

• boiled chicken - 1 kg;

• brown rice - 200 g;

• a bunch of green onions;

• canned beans - 400 g;

• hot pepper - 1 pc .;

• wine vinegar - 60 ml;

• plum tomatoes - 6 pcs .;

• olive oil.

Cooking Method:

1. Boil rice. Cool To do this, lay out the rice on a tray.

2. Boil the chicken, then clean the meat from the bones. It is better to ruffle the meat, not cutting into small pieces, and divided into fibers.

3. Chop the tomato pulp.

4. Cut fresh onions.

5. Drain the water from the beans, wash.

It's time to combine all the ingredients. Meat, beans, tomatoes, onions, greens, hot peppers, sliced ​​with straws. Salad is seasoned with wine vinegar, preferably white, and olive oil. Do not forget to salt.

Recipe 3. Salad with beans and smoked chicken

Salad with beans and chicken can be prepared in the morning for children. A growing body needs vital ingredients. Such a substantial breakfast will ensure the well-being of the child until the next meal.

Ingredient list:

• jar of canned beans; • eggs - 3 pcs .;

• bow;

• smoked chicken breast;

• 5 spoons of sour cream or mayonnaise - at the discretion.

Cooking Method:

We start cooking tasty and healthy salad. First you need to separate the smoked meat from the stone and cut into cubes.

With the beans, drain the liquid. Cut eggs into cubes. Onions can be taken purple, it will enrich the taste of the salad more.

Mix the ingredients and fill with sour cream or mayonnaise. We salt, we add greens.

Recipe 4. Salad with Chicken, Beans and Mushrooms

For this salad is better to buy a jar of small pickled mushrooms. Moreover, they can not grind, and leave whole.

Ingredients Required:

• chicken breast - 400 g;

• canned beans - 1 b .;

• black bread - 3 slices;

• canned corn - 1 b .;

• hard cheese - 100 g;

• marinated mushrooms - 300 g;

• mayonnaise;

• garlic - 2 tooth .;

• green onions;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

While chicken breast is boiled in salted water, you can proceed to the preparation of pickled products. To do this, drain the liquid from them; Hard cheese and poultry meat cut into cubes.

In a deep bowl, mix corn, mushrooms, beans, cheese, meat.

We take black bread, cut into cubes and dry in the oven. Cooking crackers. Add the minimum amount of vegetable oil to the pan and fry the bread. Garlic is pushed here and mixed thoroughly. Bread croutons should be cool before adding to the salad.

Mix the ingredients of the salad, dressing with mayonnaise, salt, decorate with green onions.

Recipe 5. Salad with chicken and green beans

The salad of green beans is not only appetizing, but also beautiful. In the summer season, this salad can be replaced with lunch or dinner. The recipe does not include mayonnaise, which allows the body to quickly digest foods.

Ingredient list:

• fillet - 200 g;

• green beans - 50 g;

• cherry tomatoes - 100 g;

• lemon;

• lettuce leaves - 50 g;

• mustard - 1 tsp;

• vinegar;

• ginger;

• garlic - 2 tooth .;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

1. Cut the meat into small pieces.

2. Grind the green beans.

3. Rub garlic and ginger, after cleaning the ginger. 4. In a small bowl, mix the olive oil, grated ginger and garlic, and mustard and lemon pulp. All ingredients are well mixed.

5. It's time for meat and beans. Fry the meat in a hot skillet.

6. After 5 minutes, add the string beans.

7. Crushed lettuce leaves in a plate, where they go and cherry tomatoes, cut in half. Stir. In the same bowl add fried beans with meat.

8. Salad dressing sauce, prepared earlier.

9. In the end we salt, we fill with vinegar, to taste.

Colorful and appetizing salad.

Recipe 6. Chicken and red bean salad.

Red beans give the dish a colorful and bright appearance, and the combination of cabbage and apples allows you to enjoy a juicy dish.

Ingredients Required:

• boiled fillet - 300 g;

• red beans - 1 b .;

• red apple - 1 pc .;

• Chinese cabbage;

• pepper and salt.

Cooking Method:

The cooking process is striking simplicity.

• Chop the boiled fillet into small pieces.

• Cut an apple into straws.

• Drain the liquid from the red bean.

• Cut the cabbage.

Mix the ingredients. We salt. You can add green onion and parsley.

Secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

Beans are an excellent product that can be used not only for the preparation of hot dishes. The use of this ingredient in the preparation of salads allows you to cook hearty and bright salads, as is the case with red beans. In addition, the beans perfectly in contact with many products. Even if it is not present in the recipe of your favorite salad, you can safely add it there. For example, during fasting, beans are added to the vinaigrette, in combination with potatoes and beets, a useful cocktail of vitamins is obtained.

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