Pie with strawberries in a multi-cooked liquid and shortbread dough. Recipe for a strawberry pie in a slow cooker: jellied or gelatinous

Pie with strawberries in a multi-cooked liquid and shortbread dough. Recipe for a strawberry pie in a slow cooker: jellied or gelatinous

Summer is the time of berry pies. Strawberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries - this is the filling for a fragrant delicacy. They are usually cooked in the oven or oven, but if there is a slow cooker in the kitchen, why not try cooking the cake in it? For example, from strawberries.

Do not be afraid that the cake with strawberries in a slow cooker will be raw, not baked. If you do everything correctly, choose the right temperature, then the baking will be gentle, melting in your mouth and very lush.

Pie with strawberries in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

To bake strawberry pie in a slow cooker, you need a few ingredients. Be sure to need flour, eggs, butter, sour cream. As a rule, the dough is needed liquid or shortbread, very soft.

As for juicy strawberries, it should be quickly and gently washed with cold water, put on a paper napkin and thoroughly dried. Watery berry excess moisture to anything. It is important that the berries are not too soft: they can ruin the dish with excessive moisture. Ripe and strong - just right.

The power of the multicooker matters: in powerful devices, dessert will be baked better. Depending on the thickness of the layer, baking may take from an hour to as little as one and a half hours. The thicket will definitely need to be smeared with oil so that nothing sticks.

Strawberry Pie in the Tenderness Multicooker

The simple ingredients and extreme simplicity of cooking this variant of strawberry pie in a slow cooker make the dish suitable for learning the basics of culinary art. Even a novice can easily handle cooking.


• four hundred grams of strawberries;

• two glasses of flour;

• two hundred grams of sugar;

• two eggs;

• one hundred grams of butter;

• five tablespoons of sour cream;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• five tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• bag of vanilla;

• some sugar powder for sweet “breading” and for decoration (3-4 tablespoons).

Cooking Method:

Butter measure and leave in a room to soften.

Beat eggs into a container for mixing the dough and beat with a mixer until a dense mass is obtained. Whipping time - from 5 to 7 minutes. Put in eggs soft butter, sour cream, pour in vegetable oil.

All mix gently to maintain the density of the beaten eggs, but to achieve uniformity.

Sift flour and pour it into the mixture.

Add baking powder and vanillin over the flour.

Knead the batter.

Carefully pour it into the form.

Pour the prepared whole strawberries with powdered sugar, put them in a sieve and then shake it several times. You can simply “breaded” the berries, dipping each into icing sugar.

Put the berries in the dough. Normally, if they drown.

Bake on the appropriate program for 40-50 minutes. Check the readiness of the match.

Remove the cake from the multicooker, turn the red-faced bottom up when serving.

Dust the top with powdered sugar, spread out the strawberry slices for beauty, if desired.

Pie with strawberries in the “Creamy-strawberry” multicooker

This recipe uses milk. There is less flour, so the taste of the treat will be different. If the strawberry pie in the slow cooker succeeds, it will be very tender.


• a glass of flour (180 grams);

• a glass of sugar;

• one egg;

• four hundred grams of strawberries;

• 100 ml of milk;

• vanillin and salt on the tip of a knife;

• one and a half teaspoons of baking powder;

• one hundred grams of butter;

• some vegetable oil to lubricate the bowl.

Cooking Method:

Sift flour.

Mix with salt and baking powder.

Beat soft butter with sugar using a mixer.

Put the egg, milk and vanilla in the bowl. Beat it all up again.

Without turning off the mixer, add flour parts.

The dough should be thin.

Well miss the walls of the bowl with oil.

Patted berries cut into swimwear.

Pour there dough.

Spread the berries evenly down.

Cook in baking mode for 50 minutes.

The cake will turn pale on top. This is normal. When serving, you can turn it with the pale side down.

Strawberry pie in the “Strawberry Lake” multicooker

Fans of “reverse” baking will love this unusual and very tasty strawberry pie in a slow cooker. Fragrant, beautiful, airy - well, just a real delicacy!


• two hundred grams of sugar;

• three eggs;

• spoon of butter; • 250 grams of flour;

• kilogram of strawberries;

• a teaspoon of baking powder.

Cooking Method:

A lot of oil to grease the bowl multivarki and sprinkle with flour.

Dried whole berries lay as a layer along the bottom of the bowl.

Sift flour.

Separate the proteins, add a pinch of salt to them and beat until you get steep peaks.

When the proteins become strong and elastic, they need to gradually, in small portions add sugar, then yolks. You need to mix the ingredients at low speed.

Also, in portions, add flour until the dough is smooth.

Pour batter over the berries.

Cook in baking mode for 50 minutes.

After shutting down the program, leave the device on warm-up mode (maintain temperature) for another 15 minutes.

Carefully remove the cake, turning it over with the steamer tab.

You can decorate baking with powdered sugar.

Pie with strawberries in the “Smetann jellied” multicooker

Sour cream taste is exactly what you need strawberry pie in a slow cooker. Delicate creamy sourness is wonderfully combined with the sweetness and aroma of strawberries.


• a pound of strawberries;

• one hundred grams of butter;

• four eggs (one per dough, three per stuffing);

• one and a half glasses of sugar;

• 300 grams of sour cream (low-fat, store-bought);

• 250 grams of flour (200 per dough, the rest in the filling).

Cooking Method:

Remove butter from the refrigerator and cut into pieces.

Sift the flour and pour it on the butter.

Knead and then mash the butter and flour to make a crumb.

Beat one egg into the butter crumb and add half a cup of sugar.

Knead a nice, soft dough.

Send it to rest in the fridge, wrapped in cling film or pouch.

Cook sour cream Bay. To do this, put in sour cream sugar, sifted flour and vanilla.

Mix until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Separately, beat the eggs and add them to the cooked pot. To mix everything.

Chopped berries cut into plates.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll out a little more than the diameter of the bowl so that the sides are low.

Put the dough layer in the bowl, make punctures with a knife or fork in several places.

Posting strawberries, not particularly caring about beauty. In pouring strawberry pieces independently mix. Pour the cake with sour pouring.

Cook in baking mode for 50 minutes.

Pie with strawberries in a “Curd-yogurt” multicooker ”on gelatin

An excellent variant of the traditional cake can be prepared without baking, but using a slow cooker. Its beauty is that you will not have to worry if it is baked. But cottage cheese and yogurt combined with strawberries are just a holiday! Not too budget, but very tasty.


• 150 grams of regular shortbread;

• a glass of strawberry;

• 60 grams of butter;

• 200 ml of cream (from 30 percent of fat content);

• 50 ml of milk;

• 200 grams of cottage cheese;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 300 grams of natural yogurt;

• a tablespoon of cocoa powder;

• two tablespoons of gelatin.

Cooking Method:

Bowl multicookers close baking paper.

Cookies break into a crumb.

Add cocoa and mix.

Put the soft butter in the crumb and mix it with your hands so that you get a soft mass.

Put it in the multicooker bowl, form the base of the cake and put the bowl in the fridge.

Heat the milk, add gelatin and leave to swell.

Separately mix cottage cheese, sugar and yogurt.

Beat the mixture with a mixer.

Add strawberries to capacity, continuing to beat.

Then pour the gelatin dissolved in the milk and mix.

Remove the mixture in the refrigerator so that it cools, but the gelatin does not start to harden. It will take about 20 minutes.

Whip cream until foam appears.

Mix whipped cream and gelatin fill.

Remove the sandy-based bowl from the fridge and pour curd-yogurt mousse into it.

Send a thicket in the cold for 8-12 hours.

When the gelatin hardens, remove the cake from the tips of the baking paper and put it on the platter.

Pie with strawberries in the “Sandy” multicooker

Another simple and effective variant of the pie with strawberries in the slow cooker, requiring the preparation of shortbread dough. It turns out crumbly, and in combination with a delicate strawberry filling is very tasty.


• two hundred grams of butter;

• four eggs (one per dough, three per stuffing);

• six hundred grams of granulated sugar (one hundred per dough, one pound per filling);

• 350 grams of flour;

• a teaspoon of baking powder; • four hundred grams of sour cream;

• two tablespoons of starch;

• four hundred grams of strawberries.

Cooking Method:

Soften butter and mix with a portion of sugar.

Mix sifted flour with baking powder.

Gradually add flour to the creamy sugar mixture.

Add the egg and knead the stiff dough.

Mix sour cream, sugar and starch in a separate bowl.

Throw a thicker multivarki with butter.

Put the dough, evenly distribute it along the bottom, make small sides.

Dried strawberries spread out on the test.

Pour the swept mixture.

Cook on the baking program for an hour.

After baking, leave the device in heating mode for 10-15 minutes.

Take out the bowl, put it in the fridge for an hour, so that the sour cream will grab even more.

Carefully remove the pie, slice and serve.

Strawberry Pie - Tricks and Tips

  • If there are cracks in the bowl cover, the cake may stick. To avoid this, you can lay the bottom of the paper for baking. You can remove the cake simply and without loss.
  • There is an interesting way to take out the cake. Baking paper should be cut into two strips and put them on the bottom of the mold before decorating the cake. When it is ready, you need to pull the strip.
  • In order to bake a cake with strawberries in a slow cooker, you need to bake it for an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees. Check the readiness can be traditionally - a match. If it stays dry, the cake is ready.
  • To make the dough more interesting, you can add to taste citrus peel, a spoonful of strong alcohol, chopped nuts.
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