Apple mousse - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook apple mousse.

Apple mousse - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook apple mousse.

Apple mousse - general principles of preparation

What is “mousse”? If you have an image of hair styling in your head, this is not accidental - this word is translated from French as “foam”. But besides the “foam” for hair, there is also a mousse dessert. This is a delicate delicacy, which can be both dessert and main course.

In order to make apple mousse, you will need apples, as well as gelatin, egg or cream, depending on what you want to use as a basis for the dish.

Apple mousse - preparing food and dishes

Having prepared apple mousse for the first time, many housewives, after entering it in the list of the most favorite dishes. This is not accidental, because the French dessert of a restaurant class can be easily prepared at home without spending a lot of time and money on food. The only drawback of this delicacy is that you need to beat the foam for the mousse long enough, at least ten minutes. If you have a special combine, this of course makes the process easier, but if not, then you cannot do without a mixer or blender. Of course, the usual whisk beat the mass into a mousse will not succeed.

Apple Mousse Recipes:

Recipe 1: Apple Mousse

Apple mousse - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook apple mousse.

Mousse can be made in several ways, and the most popular recipe is based on jelly.

Ingredients Required:

  • Sweet apples 2 pieces
  • Sugar powder 1 cup
  • Water 200 ml
  • Gelatin 1 pack (15 grams)

Preparation Method:

  1. My apples, peel them off, scrub out the middle part, and then blend with a blender.
  2. Gelatin pour warm water and leave to swell.
  3. Puree pour water and put on the stove, bring to a boil. Add half the icing sugar and cook for ten to twelve minutes. Add gelatin to puree, mix and remove from heat.
  4. In the resulting mass, pour the remaining icing sugar in a thin stream and beat with a mixer until the mixture becomes foamy. Pour into mashed potatoes and put in the fridge.

Recipe 2: Semolina-based Apple Mousse

Apple mousse - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook apple mousse.

For this recipe, take not semidip apples. Semolina will make the dessert the most correct consistency. However, how to turn porridge (even apple), into a mousse? The secret is simple - you just need to beat the mixer with a mixer until it becomes a light, almost white color. Well, for the cause!

Ingredients Required:

  • Manka 4 tablespoons.
  • Apple 2 pieces of large size
  • Mineral water 300 ml
  • Sugar powder 260 grams

Preparation Method:

  1. Apples need to be washed, peels are removed from them, and then cut into slices, cutting out the core. Apples with a blender turn into a puree, add water to them and put on fire.
  2. Add sugar to apples, bring to a boil and make fire less.
  3. Four to six minutes after the apple mixture has boiled, add a semolina in a thin stream. Boil the cereal with applesauce, stirring the mass continuously for at least eight minutes.
  4. Remove the semolina from the stove, and put it in the cold, immediately start beating with a mixer. Beat at least nine to twelve minutes. Spread the apple mass over the ice-cream bowls and place in a cold place for several hours.

Recipe 3: Egg-based Apple Mousse

Do you like baked apples? Juicy, with an unforgettable aroma, soft and tasty? Try to make from these apples dessert - apple mousse.

Ingredients Required:

  • Egg whites 3 pieces
  • Sugar powder 100 grams
  • Sugar 100 grams
  • Water 200 ml
  • Apples 2-3 pieces

Preparation Method:

  1. Cut the peeled apples into slices, and then with a blender, chop them into mush. Fill with water and put on fire. As soon as the mixture boils, pour in the sugar and make the fire smaller. After three or four minutes, remove the puree from the stove, cool.
  2. Put the proteins in the refrigerator for seven to ten minutes. Beat them until frothy with a pinch of salt for about seven minutes.
  3. Continuing to whip protein, add chilled mashed potatoes and caster sugar to it.
  4. Pour the apple mousse into forms, and bake it for about ten minutes in a preheated oven, but no more. Mousse will turn out with a thin crisp, soft middle.

Recipe 4: Apple Mousse with Berries

Prepare apple mousse with currants. It will have an attractive lilac color and a fresh sweet-sour taste.

Ingredients Required:

  • Apples 3 pieces sweet
  • Currants 100 grams
  • Sugar powder 230 grams
  • Cranberries 3 glasses
  • Water 200 ml
  • Cream 15% 300 ml
  • Vanilla

Preparation Method:

  1. Fill the gelatin with water, stir it and leave it to swell.
  2. Mash currants, squeeze juice. We clean the apples and cut them into pieces, we season with a blender.
  3. Pour the swollen gelatin with cream, add currant squeezes and applesauce, powdered sugar, vanilla, and mix.

Apple mousse - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

  1. Apples must be necessarily sweet varieties, because the acidic "semyrenko" just will not work. But you can use “Granny Smith” if you want to get a sour mousse. Another option is to add some lemon juice.
  2. Gelatin-based apple mousse is best shaken in the cold. Ready dessert, thus, get the most desired consistency.
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