Raspberry juice for the winter

Raspberry juice for the winter

Malina has a unique composition. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid and other vitamins that strengthen the immune system, and acetylsalicylic acid, which is a febrifuge. As a result, raspberry desserts help to cope with a cold, and zealous hostesses tend to keep a jar of raspberry jam or other blanks from this berry in stock. One of the most useful products is raspberry juice. The technology of its preparation allows you to save a significant part of the nutrients contained in fresh fruit, as well as their characteristic taste and aroma.

Cooking Features

Preparation of raspberry juice is not a difficult process, even an aspiring cook will cope with this task, and he can even do without using kitchen appliances. You just need to know the features of the technology of making raspberry drink.

  • In raspberries, you can often find bugs that spoil its taste. It is unpleasant if they are in the juice. To get rid of insects, prepare a saline solution, using a tablespoon of salt per liter of water, and soak the berry in this solution. In 20-30 minutes all insects will be on the surface of the water, they will remain to be removed, and the raspberries - washed.
  • Raspberry is a brittle berry. If it is collected in bulk containers, the lower berries will suffer under the weight of the upper, and some of the valuable juice will be lost. When washing raspberries, too, care must be taken not to damage the berries. The best way is to put the berries in a colander and dip them several times in a container filled with clean water.
  • After washing the raspberries, it is desirable to dry. The berry dries faster if it is scattered on a towel that absorbs moisture well.
  • It is not recommended to use aluminum cookware when cooking raspberry juice. This material reacts with acids to form harmful substances.
  • It is necessary to spill squeezed raspberry juice on previously sterilized jars. Cover them with metal lids, ensuring tightness. Lids must be boiled before use.
  • Raspberry juice can be made in different ways, with or without added sugar. In some cases, sterilization of juice in cans is required.
  • If raspberry juice is made concentrated, it is advisable to pour it into small banks, since after opening it, the drink can be stored only in the refrigerator and not longer than 2-3 days.

Raspberry juice storage conditions depend on the recipe used. Usually this drink is well worth it in a cool room.

Concentrated raspberry juice with sugar

Composition (1 l):

  • raspberry - 1, 5 kg;
  • water - 0, 2 l;
  • sugar - 0, 2 kg.

Preparation Method:

  • Enumerate the raspberries, soak them in brine, rinse. Remove the stalk.
  • Fill the berry with water, put on a slow fire. Hold on the stove for 5 minutes after the water boils.
  • In a sieve, lay gauze, wipe raspberries, squeeze cake.
  • Add sugar to raspberry juice. Put on a slow fire, bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Fill sterilized jars with raspberry juice. If you plan to store it at room temperature, cover the jars with juice with lids, put them in a saucepan, on the bottom of which a towel was previously placed, pour water into the saucepan (up to the hanger hangers), sterilize the jars for 10-20 minutes depending on their volume.
  • Remove the jars from the pan, roll them up, turn them over and wrap them up. Leave to cool in a steam bath for additional preservation.

If the juice has not been sterilized, it can only be stored in a cool room, at a temperature not higher than 16 degrees. After sterilization, the juice can stand at room temperature.

Raspberry juice without sugar (in the juice maker)

Composition (1 l):

  • raspberry - 1, 8 kg;
  • mint (optional) - 1-2 branches.

Preparation Method:

  • Prepare the raspberries: soak it in brine, wash and dry.
  • Fold the berry into the top of the juice cooker. You can put mint on top to give the juice fresh aroma. For a better separation of the juice, sprinkle some sugar (1-2 tablespoons), but you can do without it.
  • Pour water into the lower compartment of the juice cooker, in the amount recommended by the device manufacturer.
  • Check that the receiver receiver is blocked or directed to a pre-sterilized jar.
  • Turn on the machine or place it on the stove if it is not running on electricity. Leave for 45-60 minutes.
  • Collect the juice in sterilized jars, roll them with boiled lids.
  • Put the jars on the lids, cover with a blanket, leave to cool in this form.

Cooled jars of sugar-free juice should be placed in the refrigerator. His shelf life is small - 6 months, try to have time to use it on time.

Raspberry juice with added water

Composition (1 l):

  • raspberry - 1 kg;
  • water - 0, 4 l;
  • sugar - 100 g.

Preparation Method:

  • Grind prepared raspberries with a blender, strain through gauze folded in several layers.
  • Pour the cake with water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, squeeze.
  • Add sugar to the hot liquid. Stir until dissolved.
  • Combine raspberry decoction with previously squeezed raspberry juice, mix.
  • Fill sterilized jars with juice, cover them with prepared lids.
  • Sterilize the jars of juice. Half-liter jars sterilize 20 minutes, liter - 40 minutes.
  • Remove the jars of juice from the pan, tightly tighten them. Leave to cool upside down under a blanket.

Raspberry juice prepared according to this recipe can be stored in a cool place or in a refrigerator. If storage conditions are observed, it will not deteriorate within a year.

Raspberry juice is aromatic and tasty. In the winter it can be cooked even without adding sugar or with a small amount of it.

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