Candied Blackberries

Candied Blackberries

Sweet and sour blackberry candies can be added to the pastry dough, wrapped in pancakes, served instead of sweets for tea. A hand-cooked delicacy keeps the heat of the sun rays, the aroma of fresh berries and rich taste. Despite the seeming fragility, the blackberry has a fairly solid structure. Therefore, after a brief heat treatment, which she undergoes during the preparation process, the berries keep their shape well. The main thing is to choose a healthy, not overripe blackberry and strictly follow the recipe.


Candied Blackberries
  • blackberry - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.


Candied Blackberries

1. For the preparation of candied blackberries it is necessary to take berries and sugar in the ratio of one to one. If the berries are grown personally, then they can not wash. Buy blackberries should be rinsed under cold water. In this case, the jet should not be directed, but scattered, so as not to damage the berries.

Candied Blackberries

2. When the water is drained, carefully pour the blackberry into a spacious basin, which usually cooks jam. It is necessary to shift the berries in parts, sprinkling each layer of sugar.

Candied Blackberries

3. Leave the blackberry at room temperature for 3-4 hours or even overnight. During this time, she must put the juice.

Candied Blackberries

4. Carefully, trying not to mash the berries, pour the juice into a separate container and bring to a boil. Then pour the blackberry with this syrup and bring to the boil again. To the berries do not boil soft and do not become a porridge, they can not be mixed. Instead, you should twist and slightly shake the cooking vessel itself.

Candied Blackberries

5. Five minutes boiling is enough. After the blackberry has been removed from the fire, the foam should be removed from the surface of the syrup.

Candied Blackberries

6. In order for the berries to absorb the dissolved sugar, they should be left in the syrup until it cools completely. Then the blackberry must be caught in small portions with a skimmer and put in a colander or strainer, allowing the liquid to drain.

Candied Blackberries

7. When the syrup is drained, you need to put the berries one by one on a tray covered with parchment.

Candied Blackberries

8. The remaining syrup can be boiled and rolled up or diluted with water, turning it into a refreshing drink. A tray with blackberries will need to leave under the sun for 3-4 days. During this time, the berries will evaporate excess moisture, and they will become dense and dry.

Candied Blackberries

9. Pour the finished candied fruit from the blackberry with powdered sugar and place in a hermetically sealed container. This aromatic delicacy can be stored at a temperature of 5-20 degrees.

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