Potato stewed with ribs

Potato stewed with ribs

Pork, beef and lamb ribs do not contain a lot of meat, but have such a pleasant taste that many gourmets, choosing between ribs and flesh, prefer them. This product is the most delicious stew. Then the meat portion softens and lags easily behind the bones, and the remaining ingredients are soaked with meat juice and aroma of spices. The most simple dish to prepare is potatoes stewed with ribs. Despite the simple composition, the food is always juicy and fragrant. It has many variations that allows you to vary the family menu. If you put out the potatoes with ribs correctly, this hot snack can be served even to the holiday table.

Cooking Features

Potatoes stewed with ribs are one of the main dishes, almost every self-respecting mistress can cook. Having spent a minimum of means and forces, she will receive a satisfying and tasty dish that will be enjoyed by all eaters. However, to obtain the expected result, you need to know a few subtleties:

  • For stewing with potatoes, it is advisable to choose ribs on which there is not too little meat. At the same time, it is better to give preference to the meat of young animals, since it is more gentle and cooks faster.
  • Before extinguishing the ribs, rinse well to prevent bone fragments from falling into the finished dish. It is also recommended to remove too sinewy and fatty fragments.
  • Usually, when stewing, the meat is fried to a brown crust and then the rest of the ingredients are added. The ribs are also recommended to fry, but only quite a bit, so that they slightly browned, but did not have time to fry. Otherwise, they will become dry and hard and even prolonged extinguishing them will not save.
  • In order to make the braised ribs softer, many people advise to pre-marinate them. But it is not recommended to use strongly acidic products as marinade - they will slow down the cooking of vegetables. It is best to opt for beer, mayonnaise, sour cream, mineral water.
  • With ribs you can put out both young and old potatoes. If you are cooking a dish of young vegetables, place them on top of the ribs, otherwise they will turn into a shapeless mass during a long cooking process. Old potatoes, on the contrary, are better placed on the bottom or mixed with ribs so that it is better soaked with their juice, it becomes more tender and fragrant.
  • For stewing potatoes with ribs, it is best to choose a cauldron or thick-walled pot. In such dishes, products will languish for a long time, soaking up the aroma of spices and meat juice. A good result will be obtained when using the multicooker.

When cooking potatoes with ribs, it will not hurt to add onions, carrots, other vegetables, as well as sauce. There are several recipes for cooking potato stew with ribs, each of which has its fans. To avoid mistakes and get a really tasty dish, you must carefully follow the recipe.

A simple recipe for potatoes stewed with pork ribs


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • pork ribs - 1 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • tomato paste - 60 g;
  • salt, greens, black pepper - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil, water - how much will leave.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash the potatoes. Cut it in half, if it is young and small in size, or 4-6 parts, if the tubers are large.
  • Wash the pork ribs, dry with a napkin, cut them along the bones so that each piece has 1-2 bones, not more.
  • Free the onions from the husk, cut into cubes of medium size.
  • Scrape carrots, rinse, blot with a kitchen towel. Cut off the tails. Crush carrots on a coarse grater.
  • Finely chop the greens, having washed and dried them beforehand.
  • In a cauldron pour a little oil, heat it over medium heat.
  • Put the ribs in the cauldron. Cook them lightly.
  • Add onions and carrots, sprinkle with spices. Fry foods together for 5-7 minutes.
  • Add tomato paste, mix. Turn down the heat. Stew ribs with vegetables for 5 minutes.
  • Pour in a glass of water. Stew the ribs until they are soft.
  • Place potatoes on ribs. Add some more water. Simmer until the potatoes are tender. 5 minutes before being ready, salt the dish, pepper to taste, add the greens and mix.

After the dish is ready, do not rush to lay it out on plates. After standing under the lid for another 20-30 minutes, the potatoes with ribs will become even tastier.

Potato stewed with lamb ribs in a slow cooker


  • lamb ribs - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • sweet pepper - 150 g;
  • tomatoes - 0, 3 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • green onions - 50 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash the lamb ribs, dry them with a kitchen towel. Chop into small pieces. Rinse and dry again.
  • Peel the carrots, cut them into small bars or semicircles.
  • Pepper seeds are removed, at the same time removing the stem. Cut its pulp into quarters of rings, not too thin.
  • Free the bulbs from the husks and cut them into thin half rings.
  • Pour oil into the multicooker bowl. Turn on the device by selecting the “Frying” program. If your unit does not have a frying function, you can use the Baking program.
  • Put the lamb ribs in the bowl. Cook them for 5 minutes. During this time they need to be turned over several times.
  • Add the onions and carrots, continue cooking the products in the same mode for another 5 minutes.
  • Tomatoes boil, peel. Cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape, together with Bulgarian pepper, send them to lamb ribs, onions and carrots.
  • Change the program from “Frying” (“Baking”) to “Quenching”. Set the timer to 1, 5 hours.
  • 15 minutes after the start of the program, pour warm boiled water into the multicooker bowl.
  • After 45 minutes, put the peeled and coarsely chopped potatoes into it. Add spices and salt.
  • Finely chop the green onion with a knife. After completing the program, pour it into the multicooker bowl, mix the products. Leave the dish for half an hour in heating mode.

If your ribs are not from a young lamb, but from an adult animal, it is advisable to increase the cooking time in the “Stewing” mode by half an hour. Potatoes are added half an hour before the readiness of the dish. The remaining ingredients are put at the same time, which is indicated in the recipe.

Potato stewed with beef ribs


  • calf ribs - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • onions - 0, 2 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • tomato paste - 40 ml;
  • sour cream - 60 ml;
  • salt, spices, herbs - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Prepare the beef ribs by chopping them into small pieces, washing and drying them with a napkin.
  • Cut the onion into semi-rings along the bulbs - so the slices will better retain their shape.
  • Cut the carrots into strips.
  • Crush the garlic with the flat side of the knife. Chop finely.
  • In a thick-walled saucepan, melt the butter, mix it with vegetable, brown the ribs in this mixture.
  • Add onions and carrots, fry with the meat for 5 minutes.
  • Season the meat, pour 0,75 l with water. Stew for about an hour until the meat is tender.
  • Add the peeled and chopped potatoes. Salt, pepper.
  • Mix tomato paste with sour cream and a glass of water, add to saucepan. Continue to simmer the food for another half hour.
  • For 5 minutes until cooked, enter the garlic and chopped greens.

Before serving the finished dish to the table, it will not hurt to hold it for 20-30 minutes under the lid. To tomato sauce and sour cream, you can add a spoonful of mustard, it will add savory notes to the dish.

Potatoes stewed with ribs - a tasty and satisfying dish. Difficult process of cooking this dish can not be called, to cope with it can even inexperienced hostess.

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