Cooking quickly - soups of tinned pink salmon. Tested popular recipes for soups of canned pink salmon

Cooking quickly - soups of tinned pink salmon. Tested popular recipes for soups of canned pink salmon

Pink salmon is a delicious fish, canned food is cheap, but the taste of dishes made from them is worth it.

Large pieces do not break up when cooking and retain the taste, “sharing” them with the broth.

Canned soups from natural fish or in oil is not only easy to cook, but also very fast.

Canned pink salmon soup - general principles of cooking

• In soups of canned pink salmon, selected in this article, water is used as a liquid base, which must be purified, filtered or purchased, bottled. Tap water is usually not soft enough, with various impurities, and it is practically impossible to cook delicious and attractive canned fish soup on it. Vegetables in such water are cooked and boiled for a long time very poorly, and when you add canned fish, the broth instantly becomes cloudy.

• Canned fish for soups is best to take natural with added oil, but without preservatives, it is from such fish that tasty, rich, almost transparent fish soup is obtained. If desired, such canned food can be replaced by tomato. In this case, you get tomato soup from canned pink salmon.

• Preparing soups from canned food is quite simple, and the time to prepare them will take no more than half an hour.

• In boiling water in the sequence, depending on the cooking time, the necessary ingredients are laid, cooked until ready, then roasted, if required by the recipe, and fish for 8-10 minutes before the end of the fish, usually with the canned sauce.

• They serve soups of tinned pink salmon after a slight soak under the lid, sprinkling finely chopped greens on top of their choice. Usually recommended very tender green onions.

“Fish Student Soup” of Canned Pink Salmon


• 200 gr. tin can of natural salmon with added oil;

• small carrot;

• large head of salad onions;

• fresh vegetable greens;

• one bay leaf.

Cooking Method:

1. Cut the potatoes into small thin pieces and put it in boiling water (one and a half liters). Bring to a boil and, removing the foam, continue to boil, reducing the heat, to half-cooked.

2. On unrefined vegetable oil to rudderiness, fry onion cut into medium-sized slices with a large straw of carrot.

3. Separate the pink salmon meat from the seed and ridge, divide it into small pieces and, together with the liquid from the jar, dip into the soup.

4. Season with bay leaf, add fine salt to your taste and cook the soup with a light boil on a low heat for about seven minutes.

5. In the ready-made soup, drop medium-sized shredded greens.

Creamy fish soup from canned pink salmon


• bitter white onion - 1 pc .;

• three potatoes;

• peeled pine nuts - a small handful;

• one big sweet carrot;

• four processed cheese, natural;

• 200 grams of pink salmon, natural;

• three small sprigs of fresh dill.

Cooking Method:

1. In a thick-walled pan in vegetable oil, save the sliced ​​onion with coarsely chopped carrots to a light amber shade, add the roasted pine nuts and stir well.

2. Pour one liter of cold bottled or filtered water into the pan and put it to a boil. Put crushed processed cheese into boiling water and mix well with a spoon, they should be completely dissolved in water.

3. Add sliced ​​potatoes and cook until half cooked.

4. Put the spasserovanye vegetables, pieces of tinned pink salmon, seedless, into the pan. Let the soup boil and cook for about five minutes, until the potatoes are ready.

5. Add chopped dill, remove the heat and let it brew for about a quarter of an hour.

Light soup of canned pink salmon - “Fish day”


• Canned salmon, natural - 400 grams;

• a small piece of celery root;

• average carrot;

• white bitter onion - 1 pc .;

• 1 PC. leek;

• half a teaspoon of curry;

• white soy sauce - 50 ml.

Cooking Method:

1. Onions and carrots, rinse well and do not peel. Cut the roots along, in half, and come up on a dry skillet until brown tan. Put in a saucepan and, pour in one and a half liters of water, boil. Remove the foam from the surface of the vegetable broth, and cook for half an hour. Slightly salt.

2. Leek longitudinally cut into two halves, chop very thin half rings. In celery, peel and cut into small slices, a width of not more than one centimeter, fry in oil. It is necessary to fry for five to seven minutes constantly stirring, so that the celery does not burn, but only slightly spassered.

3. Add shredded leek, fry for another five minutes.

4. Pour in the light soy sauce, put the curry and cook for another six minutes.

5. Remove the carrot and onion from the pan and dip the fried vegetables into it. Add pieces of tinned pink salmon without bones, add salt to your taste and massage the soup for ten minutes with minimal heating, not boiling.

Vegetable soup from canned pink salmon with cabbage and white wine


• three large potatoes;

• tin canned without oil, natural pink salmon;

• 300 grams of autumn white cabbage;

• one fresh tomato;

• medium-sized lettuce;

• two small cloves of garlic;

• 40 grams of natural, 72%, butter;

• white wine, dry - 150 ml;

• 0.5 tsp. fresh ginger root;

• a tablespoon of tomato puree;

• black pepper (pea);

• hot red pepper;

• Lavrushka - 1 sheet.

Cooking Method: 1. In a pan filled with purified water (2 liters), pour the liquid from a can of fish, a little salt, add 3-4 peas black pepper, pour in the wine and put in boil.

2. In boiling broth, lower the white cabbage shredded with thin not too long straws and leave to cook over low heat.

3. Add to the cabbage peeled and cut into medium-sized slices of potatoes, you can optionally add your favorite spices.

4. On butter until soft, fry the finely chopped onion, add diced tomato and tomato paste, squeeze with a press or finely rub garlic on a grater. Fry.

5. Put the roast to the vegetables (cabbage and potatoes) cooked until half-cooked, and five minutes before readiness, lower the pink salmon, harvested red pepper and hot peppers.

6. After turning off the plate, if desired, you can put fresh chopped greens. Let the tinned salmon soup brew for at least a quarter of an hour.

Rich soup of canned pink salmon with millet


• two liters of filtered cold water;

• four small potato tubers;

• one can of natural salmon;

• carrot and white onions 1 pc .;

• half glass of millet, ground;

• greens and spices to your taste.

Cooking Method:

1. Millet should be carefully selected from undrained and damaged grains and rinsed to clean water.

2. Chop the onion with a knife as small as possible, finely rub the carrot, and cut the potatoes into small square pieces.

3. Bring water to a boil, add dried millet, add potatoes, boil again and leave to boil with a weak boil for exactly ten minutes.

4. Lower the canned fish, divided into small slices along with the gravy from the jar, season with your favorite spices at your discretion and boil for three minutes.

5. Add the carrots and onions toasted in butter and boil all together for another five minutes. 6. Serve, sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

Canned Pink Salmon Soup - Tricks and Tips

• Before adding fish, be sure to separate the bones, they are soft, directly from the jar, but they become coarser and taste unpleasant after cooking. The kids especially dislike them, they can completely refuse the soup.

• The soup will be more satisfying if you add cereal to it when cooking it. If you for some reason do not like millet, put rice. Rice grain for soup should be unpolished, brown in color.

• When the soup is almost ready, add a little butter. The dish will get excellent taste and delicate golden color. The oil must be natural, the spread will not spread evenly, unappetizing circles will remain on the surface of the broth.

• Spices and spices can be added, given their preferences, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the wonderful taste of fish.

• Well, for fans of extreme kitchen there is such a recipe: in a two-liter pot of boiling unsalted water, lower half a can of canned cereal peas, let it boil for 10 minutes, remove from heat and rub with pea pulp in mashed potatoes. Add half a can of boiled pink salmon in a tomato and slowly bring to a boil. Salt more, but within reasonable limits, add black and red (hot) pepper. When you leave, pour soup in a plate, put 2-3 tablespoons of whole peas and a large piece of pink salmon, for this you will need the second half of a can of peas and one more can of fish. Served with slightly dried "gray" bread, or sharp toasts.

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