Chicken stuffed with pancakes - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook stuffed chicken pancakes.

Chicken stuffed with pancakes - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook stuffed chicken pancakes.

Among the many different recipes for cooking chicken, I would like to tell you about the festive dish - chicken stuffed with pancakes. It will take a little effort from you to make it, but as a result you will have excellent taste, an original look of chicken, both outside and in the section.

Naturally, to cook such a chicken, you first need to bake thin beautiful pancakes with which you will stuff the chicken. The fascinating process of cooking this dish will allow you to truly decorate the menu of your holiday table, to present a somewhat unusual dish to the table, although quite famous.

Many of you may find it impossible to repeat the process of cooking this dish, but it is in vain. You need to improve your culinary skills, truly learn to undermine your skills and delight your loved ones with your talent and culinary creations. Let's try to make out a few recipes.

Recipe 1: Chicken stuffed with pancakes

First, we will carefully prepare all the ingredients so that we have everything on time at hand.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken - 1.5 kg .;

- A bunch of green onions and a bunch of dill;

- champignons - 0.5 kg;

- spices.

To make pancakes:

- milk - 1.5 cups,

- egg,

- flour and butter for cooking pancakes.


First, let's go for pancakes. On the basis of 1.5 milk prepare fresh dough. You should not have it thick, because our pancakes should be thin and tender. Let's give the test a little bit to stand on, and let's get down to the chicken.

Put it on the table with the breast up, and gently remove the skin from it, trying not to damage it. Carefully release the legs from the skin and chop them along the base. Then we release the body of the chicken, but we will not touch the wings. So, we still have skin in our hands with wings. Separate the meat from the bones and make mince from it. Here you can do what you want - mince and chop finely with a knife. Personally, I prefer the second option. Then we cut the champignons into large slices and fry them a little in butter. Add to the meat. Crush the dill and onion, add to the minced meat. Season with spices and mix. We bake pancakes and put prepared mince on each of them. Gently twist into a tube. For chicken, you need about 10 pancakes.

Filled tubes placed in the skin of chicken and fasten it with toothpicks. Carefully fix the stuffed chicken, forming the correct shape of it. Salt the peels on top of the skin and you can also rub it with paprika so that as a result you get a beautiful rosy carcass.

Turn on the oven, set the temperature to 160-180 degrees and wait until it warms up. Place the chicken in a heat-resistant form and send it to bake for 40 minutes. While the chicken is baked in the oven, you can prepare the vegetable salad and sauce at your discretion.

Everything, the chicken stuffed with pancakes is ready and as you can see there is nothing complicated in its preparation!

Recipe 2: Chicken stuffed with pancakes

Ingredients Required:

- chicken - 1.5 kg;

- Mushrooms (forest or champignons) - 200 g;

- Onions - 1 pc .;

- garlic - 1 clove;

- egg - 1 pc .;

- hard cheese - 100 g;

- sour cream or mayonnaise,

- salt pepper,

- oil for frying and 6 pieces of pancakes.


Well wash our chicken, gently dry it and separate the skin from the meat.

To do this, we recommend that you put it on the desktop with your breast up, and carefully remove the skin from the meat with a spoon. Now flip and remove the tail. Free the legs from the skin and trim them along the joint. Do the same with the wings and now you have a peel loosely pulled together with a stocking. Now rub the peel with salt outside and inside, you can slightly pepper and put it in the fridge.

We'll do the meat ourselves. Separate it from the bones and mince it. Crush the onions and cut the mushrooms into cubes. On a skillet, heat the butter, add a onion to it, season with pepper and salt and fry it until soft, over low heat. We remove the onions on a platter, and in its place in the pan send the mushrooms. Also season with pepper and salt, increase the heat a little and start cooking. As soon as all the liquid that will release the mushrooms will evaporate, add a piece of butter to it and fry the mushrooms until a blush appears.

Put the finished mushrooms on a plate and let them cool slightly. When the fried ingredients cool, add them to the minced chicken, pour here the oil that remains in the pan and 1 egg. Stir, if necessary, add salt and pepper. Set aside for 5-10 minutes so that all the ingredients can get to know each other. Unfold the cooked pancakes and lay out a 5 mm thick filling on each of them. Rub the grated cheese and sprinkle a layer of top of the filling. Now tightly roll the pancakes into a tube. Put the finished pancakes into the skin of the chicken and gently form a beautiful shape. With the help of toothpicks, stabbing the abdomen and neck. We will tie the wings and legs with threads, thus giving the chicken a compact look. Chop the garlic and mix it with mayonnaise or sour cream. Lubricate the ready mixture of the skin. I recommend that you put a few wooden sticks or skewers on the bottom of the pan so that the peel does not burn during the baking process. Using a toothpick, puncture the skin several times. This will prevent the skin from breaking during the baking process.

We set the temperature in the oven closet to 180 degrees and send the chicken to it for 1 hour. After baking, select the chicken from the oven and transfer it to a wide dish with the breast up. Cover the top with the same wide dish and put the oppression. Put it in the fridge all night.

The next day, remove the oppression, cut it across and cut into 2 cm thick portions. Before serving, decorate your original and festive dish with greens. Great cold snack!

Chicken stuffed with pancakes - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

- For cooking chicken stuffed with pancakes, we recommend using a young chicken or a broiler chicken.

- To gently remove the skin from the chicken, try not to use a knife. Use a tablespoon or a teaspoon depending on the size of the carcass. Turn the spoon upside down, and slowly moving, carefully detach from the meat.

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