Salad "Venice" - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked salad "Venice".


Among the festive salads, of course, you can include a gentle salad under the beautiful name “Venice”. His very name evokes an association of beauty, lightness, uniqueness and delight. It perfectly combines the taste qualities of all the ingredients, unwittingly taking us to that colorful place in Italy, where proud Italian gondola players ride tourists along the Venetian canals. Although the salad itself has nothing to do with Italy, but still, the name itself speaks of itself.

Imagine for a moment a pleasant combination of tender chicken meat, prunes and champignons, but also, probably, Italian glorious cheese. Like any other salad, the salad “Venice” is no exception, and over the years of its existence, it has acquired several interpretations of its preparation. Which one is called the original recipe, most likely no one will tell you. In many restaurants, the “Venice” salad generally represents the culinary imagination of its chef. In this case, the most common version of the salad is the one in which the chicken, corn and prunes. Let's take a closer look at them.

Recipe 1. Salad “Venice”

Ingredients Required:

- chicken breast - 0.5 kg;

- champignons - 350 g;

- pitted prunes - 250 g;

- potatoes - 3 pcs .;

- cheese - 200 g;

- Fresh cucumber - 1 pc .;

- eggs - 3-4 pcs. and mayonnaise.


Fill the prunes with boiling water and leave it to warm it well. We have enough time, because the next stage of salad preparation is the cooking process. We need to boil the potatoes, chicken breast and eggs. We put on the stove, let them quietly cook, and during this time we will clean the mushrooms, and cut them into half rings. Sprinkle a little lemon juice. Fry the mushrooms until soft, set aside to the side - let them cool. The prunes are already softened and we put it in a colander so that the water is good with glass. Chicken breast diced. I advise you to take a sharp knife to get beautiful cubes. Also cut into cubes potatoes. Prune cut into strips. Eat eggs on a fine grater, and it is better to grate the cheese on a coarse grater, or cut the potato peeler into thin slices. Now is the time to lay out the “Venice” layer.

First, lay out a layer of straws with prunes, neatly grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise. The next layer of our salad will be chicken fillet. It is also greased with mayonnaise. The third layer is potatoes and mayonnaise again. Now lay out a layer of fried mushrooms, which lay out a layer of grated eggs. Eggs lubricate mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. And now you need to lay out cucumbers - they can either be grated or cut into thin ringlets. Everything, a layered Venice salad has already been prepared, but he needs to stand on the shelf of the refrigerator for some time, because all layers must be well soaked.

Recipe 2. Salad “Venice”

Ingredients Required:

- canned corn - a jar;

- smoked chicken breast fillet;

- Fresh cucumber - 1 pc .;

- carrot - 1 pc .;

- Spices, mayonnaise and cheese.


Separate the smoked chicken breast from the bones and cut the meat into thin slices. Separately rub a carrot and cheese on a coarse grater. Carrots are raw. Cut the fresh cucumber into strips, and pickle the marinade from the corn jar. Now we put all the ingredients in one bowl, season it to taste with spices and mix well.

Now attention! This type of salad "Venice" to the table can be served immediately. But, in the event that you prepared it in advance, do not fill it with mayonnaise. The fact is that in the composition of the salad we have a fresh cucumber, which in the process will produce its juice. If the salad is immediately mixed with mayonnaise, then it will “float” with us. Therefore, season the salad with mayonnaise just before you serve it. Top with a sprig of green basil.

Recipe 3. Venice salad with tuna

Ingredients Required:

- canned tuna;

- Fresh tomatoes - 4 pcs.

- 4 eggs - 2 pcs .;

- potatoes - 2 pcs .;

- pitted olives;

- green onion and parsley.


- lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp. l .;

- olive oil - 3 tsp;

- juice from canned tuna.


First we need to boil potatoes and chicken eggs in our uniform. Let cool and clean. Potatoes cut into bars, and eggs can be grated on a coarse grater or chopped with a knife. We knead the tuna with a fork, and pour the liquid from the can into a separate saucer - it will be useful to us when preparing the salad dressing. Cut the tomatoes into slices. We take for the preparation of the sauce. To do this, we mix olive oil with liquid from canned food, and add a little lemon juice. Beat in a blender.

Put the Venice salad in layers, each of which we pour a small amount of sauce.

So, the first layer of salad is potatoes, then a layer of mashed tuna meat, then the eggs, and finally - tomatoes. Layers can be repeated in the same order until all the ingredients have run out. The more layers, the more tender the taste of the salad. Top salad will decorate with sliced ​​olives and greens.

Recipe 4. Salad “Venice” with prunes

Ingredients Required:

- prunes - 100 g;

- Pineapple - 100 g;

- fresh cabbage - 100 g;

- smoked breast - 200 g;

- Fresh cucumbers - 200 g;

- salt and mayonnaise tender.


If you do not have smoked breast at home, then you can use boiled chicken meat. Only in this case, do not pick it out of the broth until it cools. Meat should be well soaked. Prune in advance pour boiling water to soften it. We shred fresh cabbage with thin straws. Cut fresh pineapple, chicken and fresh cucumbers into cubes. Soft prunes finely chopped. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, fill it with mayonnaise and salt and put on a beautiful plate. Now put the salad in the fridge, because it is served only cold. We will decorate the top with a sprig of fragrant greenery and the “Venice” salad can already adequately decorate any decorative table. Fabulous and gorgeous beauty is skillfully combined with his taste.

Salad “Venice” - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

- Salad "Venice" laid out in layers, cut into a cake, and decorate each portion separately, including your imagination.

- All the ingredients in the salad should be cut into small pieces that should just melt in your mouth.

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