Salad with smoked chicken breast is nourishing, fragrant, beautiful and unreal tasty. A selection of the best salad recipes with smoked chicken breasts

Salad with smoked chicken breast is nourishing, fragrant, beautiful and unreal tasty. A selection of the best salad recipes with smoked chicken breasts

Smoked chicken breast is a great ingredient in a share of salads.

Snacks are not only tasty, but also hearty.

Here are the most interesting recipes of salads with smoked chicken breast, which are sure to please the taste.

Smoked Chicken Breast Salad - General Cooking Principles

Smoked meats have a pronounced taste and aroma. They are well combined with a variety of products, sauces, fresh and boiled vegetables. Unlike boiled fillets, smoked breasts are more tender and juicy. But only if they are high quality and fresh.

Main criteria for a good product:

1. Color. It should be naturally golden, without orange and reddish spots. Unscrupulous manufacturers often use dyes that give the product a more pronounced color.

2. Smell. The product must have its own flavor, without impurities. Unfortunately, for an inexperienced person it is difficult to determine by smell whether smokehouse was used or liquid smoke was used.

3. View. Meat should be quite juicy, without dried crusts, white and slippery raid.

In a salad with smoked chicken breast, the product is usually cut into cubes or julienne. Fiber stratification is not used. The dish looks more beautiful and neater if all the pieces are the same size and shape. If in a salad with smoked chicken breast there are peas, corn or beans, the products are cut into cubes of approximately the same size. If Korean carrots, cabbage, and other fresh vegetables are used, the meat can be cut into strips.

Mayonnaise, sour cream and sauces based on them are usually used as dressings. Less commonly, smoked chicken breast salads are seasoned with vegetable oils. All the ingredients of the salad and sauce before mixing should be the same temperature.

Recipe 1: Korean Smoked Chicken Breast and Carrot Salad

Spicy and unusually fragrant salad with smoked chicken breast, which is also very easy to prepare. If there is a ready-made Korean carrot, then the process will not take more than 10 minutes.

Ingredients Required:

• Korean carrots 0.3 kg;

• Breast 0.4 kg;

• 2 sweet peppers;

• 0.2 kg of mayonnaise.

Method of preparation

Salad turns out more beautiful if you use pepper of different colors: yellow and red. It must be cleaned of seeds and cut into thin strips. Similarly chop smoked chicken breast. Put the pepper, Korean carrot and chicken into the cup. Add mayonnaise and mix gently. Taste, usually salt is not needed, it is enough in chicken and carrots, but you can add if you like.

Recipe 2: Salad with smoked chicken breast and mushrooms

Recipe for a hearty salad with smoked chicken breast, which is made with roasted mushrooms. You can use absolutely any, here is an example with champignons.

Ingredients Required:

• 1 breast;

• 3 eggs;

• onion;

• 3 potatoes;

• 0.2 kg of cheese;

• 50 ml of oil;

• mayonnaise.

Method of preparation

First you need to boil eggs and potatoes. While they are preparing to do mushrooms. Rinse them well, cut into small cubes. Peel and chop the onion. Fry the onions in a pan in the butter for two or three minutes, pour the mushrooms and fry until ready. At the end to salt.

Peel potatoes and eggs, cut into cubes, and chicken breast. But do not combine and decompose into different cups. You can begin to build a salad with smoked chicken breast. To do this, put a layer of potatoes on a round plate, a little salt and grease with mayonnaise. Put the breast on top, grease with sauce, but only slightly, you can just make a fishnet. Put the mushrooms fried with onions on the chicken breast, on top of the eggs and smear well with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with a thick layer of grated cheese. Let it stand for smoked chicken breast salad for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator to soak the layers.

Recipe 3: Smoked Chicken Breast Salad “Sunflower”

The sunflower, popular for its beauty, can be cooked not only with boiled meat. Smoked chicken breast salad is no worse, and it is cooked much faster.

Ingredients Required:

• one breast;

• 4 eggs;

• olives;

• 0.2 kg of cheese;

• 0.3 kg of pickled mushrooms;

• mayonnaise;

• chips for decoration.

Method of preparation

Put the boil eggs. At this time, cut into cubes smoked chicken breast. Put the champignons in a colander so that the marinade stack is good and also cut into cubes. Finished eggs clean, chop. Put a layer of chicken breast on the dish, forming a circle. We grease with mayonnaise. Spread the mushrooms on top, lubricate, then thoroughly lubricate the boiled eggs and salad on all sides. Grate the cheese, gently overlay the top and edges of the sunflower, pressing down and leveling the shape. On the surface, draw a neat grid of mayonnaise, in each cell put half of the olives. Along the edges of the sunflower put the petals of chips.

This salad with smoked chicken breast can also be cooked with roasted mushrooms, with the addition of corn, green peas or canned pineapples.

Recipe 4: Smoked Chicken Breast Salad “Shampuruza”

Interesting salad with smoked chicken breast, canned corn and pickled champignons.

Ingredients Required:

• 0.3 kg smoked breast;

• 2 eggs;

• Corn Bank;

• a jar of mushrooms, pickled;

• 2 carrots;

• salt;

• onion;

• mayonnaise.

Method of preparation

The bulb must be cleaned, cut into cubes and marinated in water acidified with vinegar. Boil eggs and carrots. Cool cut into cubes. Add to them finely chopped mushrooms and chicken breast. Pour the corn, pre-drain the marinade. Squeeze the onion from the vinegar solution and add to the smoked chicken breast salad. Season with mayonnaise, mix. Salt to taste.

Recipe 5: Salad with smoked chicken breast and peas

This salad with smoked chicken breast resembles a classic Olivier, but thanks to its greens and lemon juice it is fresh and very fragrant.

Ingredients Required:

• smoked breast;

• 3 potatoes;

• bunch of green onions;

• a bunch of dill;

• pot of peas;

• 3 pickled cucumbers;

• half a lemon;

• mayonnaise;

• salt.

Method of preparation

Boil the potatoes, cut into cubes. Add chopped breast, pickled cucumbers, green peas. Finely chop greens and onions with a knife, add lemon juice and mix. Posting to the rest of the ingredients. Add mayonnaise, mix, salt to taste.

Recipe 6: Smoked Chicken Breast “Hot” Salad

Spicy and spicy salad with smoked chicken breasts, which differs from the others in that it does not use mayonnaise. For pouring is sauce based on olive oil and lemon juice.

Ingredients Required:

• one breast;

• 4 pickled cucumbers;

• large onion;

• 2 red sweet peppers.

For refueling:

• mustard spoon;

• 3 tablespoons of olive oil;

• juice of half a lemon.

Method of preparation

Onion cut into half rings and pour over boiling water to leave bitterness. Chop julienne chicken breasts, pickles and fresh bell peppers. Mix everything together, add the cooled onion. For dressing, grind mustard with lemon juice, add olive oil. Pour into the salad and mix.

Recipe 7: Smoked Chicken Breast Salad “Greek”

Walnuts and prunes give the salad with smoked chicken breast a zest, and cucumber adds freshness. If desired, you can replace the young white cabbage.

Ingredients Required:

• smoked breast;

• 100 gr. prunes;

• 4 eggs;

• 50 gr. walnuts;

• mayonnaise;

• 2 cucumbers.

Method of preparation Boil eggs hard-boiled, clean, chop. Cut the breast and cucumbers into cubes. If there are large seeds, they should be removed. Prune and chop the nuts finely. Put the breast on the bottom of the salad bowl, sandwich with mayonnaise, a layer of prunes on it, then a fresh cucumber, and sandwich again with mayonnaise. Put the eggs, smear with mayonnaise and sprinkle the salad with walnuts.

Recipe 8: Salad with smoked chicken breast, beans and crackers

Another recipe for an incredibly tasty and quick salad with smoked chicken breast. For its preparation it is better to use homemade croutons, fried in a pan with garlic butter. But if there is no time or desire to do them, then purchased croutons will do.

Ingredients Required:

• Breast 0.4 kg;

• can of beans in their juice;

• 100 gr. crackers;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• mayonnaise.

Method of preparation

Cut chicken breast into cubes. Drain the water from the beans, rinse them and add to the meat. Squeeze garlic, add crackers, mayonnaise and mix. Salad ready. If you do not plan to use it immediately, add the croutons just before serving.

Recipe 9: Salad with smoked chicken breast and pineapples

This interesting salad with smoked chicken breast and pineapples will culturally move traditional snacks into the background. For its preparation canned pineapples are used.

Ingredients Required:

• bank of pineapples 0.4 kg;

• breast 0.5 kg;

• 0.2 kg of mayonnaise;

• walnuts 0.1 kg;

• 2 eggs.

Method of preparation

Drain water from pineapples and cut into small pieces. Also grind smoked breast and eggs. All mixed with mayonnaise and put in a salad bowl. Smooth and sprinkle thickly with walnuts. This salad can be made in layers: chicken, pineapple, eggs, nuts. But in the first embodiment, it turns out tastier, soaked better.

Smoked Chicken Breast Salad - Tips and Tricks

• Puffed salads with smoked chicken breast is difficult to lubricate with mayonnaise, the pieces are glued to the spoon, the layers are scattered. Therefore, you can simply draw a thin mesh, puncturing a bag of mayonnaise or put the sauce in a pastry bag.

• Often in the ingredients you can find canned foods: mushrooms, corn, pineapples, etc. It is important to thoroughly pour the marinades from them, it is better to recline in a colander. They spoil the taste of the salad, the appetizer turns watery.

• In a flaky salad, all the ingredients are well soaked, you can season them with sauce in a separate bowl and only then form the dish.

• If the salad includes juicy fresh vegetables, for example, cucumbers, tomatoes, then it is better to salt and pepper with pepper before serving. Otherwise there will be a lot of juice, the appetizer will lose its attractive appearance.

• To make the onions not bitter in salads with smoked chicken breast, it can be scalded with boiling water or marinated in water acidified with vinegar.

• Not all people can eat fatty salads with an abundance of mayonnaise. In this case, you can serve a snack without dressing, and mayonnaise, sour cream, and butter separately in sauceboats.

Salads with smoked chicken breasts represent a huge scope for imagination. They always turn out tasty and fragrant, at any moment they can help the hostess out.

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